Doc said the blurrrrrrrry-ness should subside in about a week or so. Depends.
But, I do have 20/20 vision now thanks to that purple "laser" that penetrated my eyeball late wed night. I have to admit I thought the blurrry-ness would be gone by now but I'll have to be more patient.
Being on the computer and at work isn't helping. But I got skillz that pay the billz and I gotta be here, you know, I don't want anyone thinking I'm replaceable. Smell me?
I got eyedropz for days and this is just an update.......................
Have a shittastic monday.
Monday, April 30, 2007
Wednesday, April 25, 2007
Monday, April 23, 2007
One Nocturnal Son of a Gun
Vaca recap:

I got to go behind this too so that was exciting, yay!
Anyway thank god on the way back we hit up AC (atlantic city). Stayed overnight at the Tropicana which they really spruced up. It's not just for crackhead degenerates anymore. The gambling went good til I ran into a Mandarin speaking devil woman named Tran. This was on the Texas Bonus Hold Em table. Bitch made my pile disappear quicker than a fat man eats a rib. Did I stay too long, yes I think I did. It was my error and I've been kicking myself over it for awhile now. I'm a specific gambler who for the most part is very cerebral. I always think I can beat the house and honestly ususally do when it comes to table games. I ended up getting some cash back in Roulette and then from a slot machine in Ceasars that was paying me out almost every pull. It was sweet.
Franklin, North Carolina:
Why my dear mother decided to live hear I'll never know. It's so boring. To go there for a week to camp out is just about all that shit is useful for. There is absolutely nothing going on in Franklin. The nearest mall is in Asheville which is a an hour and a half away, the other mall is two hours away in another state (Atlanta, GA). There is one supermarket, a Kmart, a Wal-Mart, a couple of chinese restaurants (of course those fuckers are eeeeverywhere) and a bowling alley. It really sucks if you live there. Really.
Nothing but a bunch of mountains. I felt like I needed to walk around with a stick and a goat.
The nicest part was that I went up in the Highlands mountains and got a sweet tea and saw this landmark :

I got to go behind this too so that was exciting, yay!
Atlantic City, NJ :
Anyway thank god on the way back we hit up AC (atlantic city). Stayed overnight at the Tropicana which they really spruced up. It's not just for crackhead degenerates anymore. The gambling went good til I ran into a Mandarin speaking devil woman named Tran. This was on the Texas Bonus Hold Em table. Bitch made my pile disappear quicker than a fat man eats a rib. Did I stay too long, yes I think I did. It was my error and I've been kicking myself over it for awhile now. I'm a specific gambler who for the most part is very cerebral. I always think I can beat the house and honestly ususally do when it comes to table games. I ended up getting some cash back in Roulette and then from a slot machine in Ceasars that was paying me out almost every pull. It was sweet.
All in all time away from work is always a good time, no matter where you are.
Some vaca sidenotes:
I saw a lady wearing a fuckin moo moo in Wal-Mart whilst in NC.
Sweet tea is the way to go.
14 hours driving is not the way to go.
Mountains and waterfalls and trees.
Everyone says hi to each other, that is so annoying.
They really lowered the standard of hiring in Hooters.
Waffle House's = ROCK!
Friday, April 13, 2007
Peace, for now
Oh well. A step back but I'm done with it. Fuck Al Sharpton.
Going to Cabana tonight, a lovely cuban place at the South Street Seaport.
I'm going to drink Mojito's and eat black rice and beans until I am full.
Sunday I have a wedding to attend. Russo's on the Bay, solid choice.
Looking forward to cocktail hour. Best part of the show.
I am on vacation next week.
Driving down to North Carolina to visit some my crazy ass family.
On the back end I'm hitting up Atlantic city for 2 days. For some reason I feel like losing my money.
See ya then.
Want this ladder?
Going to Cabana tonight, a lovely cuban place at the South Street Seaport.
I'm going to drink Mojito's and eat black rice and beans until I am full.
Sunday I have a wedding to attend. Russo's on the Bay, solid choice.
Looking forward to cocktail hour. Best part of the show.
I am on vacation next week.
Driving down to North Carolina to visit some my crazy ass family.
On the back end I'm hitting up Atlantic city for 2 days. For some reason I feel like losing my money.
See ya then.
Want this ladder?
Thursday, April 12, 2007
Hypocrisy is the issue, not nappy headed ho's
I'll write good stuff when i get back. I'll be in North Carolina next week visiting family.
I hope Imus will still be employed.
This thing is really bothering me and I'm trying to let it go but it the media coverage is so outrageous that I can't ignore it.
Drudge posted most of what Imus said today: Here it is....
Barely 12 hours after being fired from MSNBC...
6:12 AM: On Imus' radio program (no longer simulcast on MSNBC) this morning, Chris Carlin, who covers sports for the program, discussed yesterday's dismissal of charges against the Duke lacrosse players.
(rough transcript)
DON IMUS: When will Al Sharpton be apologizing to them?
CARLIN: I'm unaware of such a press conference.
IMUS: I'll be darned...
UPDATE 6:28 AM: After a station break, Imus came back to discuss MSNBC's decision. He said he was recently chatted with "another big time broadcasting executive" who was "complaining that [MSNBC] had cancelled the simulcast twelve hours before we were getting ready to conduct this radio-thon for these three charities."
Imus: "My position on all of this is not whining about the hideously hypocritical coverage from the newspapers -- from everybody -- or the lack of support, say, from people like Harold Ford, Jr. who I had my life threatened over supporting and all these kind of things. It all began, and it doesn't make any difference -- like [James] Carville said -- stop talking about the context, it doesn't make any difference. If I hadn't have said it I wouldn't be here. So let's stop whining about it...You gotta stop complaining. I said a stupid, idiotic thing that desperately hurt these kids. I'm going to apologize but we gotta move on."
UPDATE 7:37 am. IMUS: "The hypocrisy is absurd...Everybody knows what the deal is. And this is not over. This story does not end here."
Imus also gave a shout-out to Opie & Anthony, who support Imus on this issue.
UPDATE 7:57:
Imus says he spoke with MSNBC Senior VP Phil Griffin and said "some of the stuff that MSNBC has done this morning is frankly unethical and I've asked them to stop doing it."
But also said, "I'm not whining about the coverage. I'm not whining about any aspect of this."
"I've said 100 times: I said it and if I hadn't said it, we wouodn't be sitting here talking about it. And that's the bottom line."
Imus also said that losing television (via MSNBC) isn't as big as losing radio. "The big part of the program is radio. There's millions of people listening to the radio. At best a few hundred thousand are watching television."
On MSNBC's decision: "I understand the pressure they were under. I'm not stupid."
UPDATE 8:15am: Speaking with an African-American woman, whose son had spent time at the Imus Ranch, Imus said, "And I want to say to you as an African-American woman, I'm sorry for what I said...I want to apologize to all African-American women." The woman said, "Okay, I accept that."
UPDATE 8:19AM: Imus said that one of the "sad ironies of my stupidity" is that, at his ranch, "we sent six kids home because they couldn't stop calling girls bitches and hos."
UPDATE 8:21AM: "I want to thank Opie & Anthony...I love them and I love what they do. I know they offend people perhaps more than I do. They're good loyal guys...Even Howard [Stern] hasn't been horrible." (Although if you read this Stern show summary, seems like Stern still has his claws out against his longtime nemesis.) UPDATE 8:28AM: Imus says that he's had "a lot of big people in the media" calling him "whining about the hypocrsity in the coverage. We understand that. You just turn on the cable channels or read the newspaper, trying to portray me as some vicious racist or whatever and there's not one person talking about the other things I've done...There's a difference between premeditated murder and a gun going off...But you've got to take your medicine. I'm not whining about it."
"Don't tell me that context isn't important. Context is importnat in everything we do in our lives. But it's not an excuse."
UPDATE 8:38AM: Despite the controversy, Imus says contributions for The Tomorrows Children Fund and the Imus Ranch are "way, way up" compared to this time in the show last year, which is significant because "the money's more important this year than ever."
He added: "These bastards went after me. They got me. But they didn't catch me asleep."
UPDATE 8:44AM: MSNBC's Imus webpage is still up, with a statement and link to Imus' charities.
UPDATE 8:45am: "One day you've got a radio and tv show and one day you don't...Ordinarily we need to raise $3 million, this year we need to raise $100 million -- just in case (Laughter)."
UPDATE 8:57AM: Tells his friends, "Don't call me telling me that the coverage is unfair...If I hadn't said it, there'd be no coverage...Shut up about it...I've been dishing it out for a long time, and now it's my turn...I'm not going to whine about it."
Imus also lets readers know that he's doing today's show in the MSNBC studio.
UPDATE 9:01AM: Charlie McCord says that they've raised over $400,000.
UPDATE 9:10AM: On MSNBC:I understand their decision." "I appreciate them letting us use their studio this morning."
To "all of my friends in the media, out of the media: You can't whine about this...We wouldn't have been there if I hadn't said it."
He again called media coverage "outrageously hypocritical."
"Harold Ford, Jr. has been disgraceful in his lack of support. I endured death threats to endorse him...It's unfortunate that he has no courage."
"I'm not surprised by any of this. I'm not surprised at the hypocrisy of Al Sharpton, of Jesse Jackson or any of these people. But you can't whine about it."
"We can talk about all the good work that I've done forever, but I still said that. I'm not making any excuses. Everybody's got to stop whining and quit talking about it."
UPDATE 9:25AM: "I've dished it out for a long time and now it's my time to take it. That's fine. Bring it on."
UPDATE 9:28AM: After one guest said "kick ass," then followed that with "can I say that?" Imus said, "I think today you can say anything."
UPDATE 9:37: "We've never done this well before" (regarding the radiothon)
UPDATE 9:38: On meeting with the Rutgers basketball players: "I can't go through the rest of my life -- nor can they -- without us having this conversation and me telling them how I feel and, more importantly, them telling me how they feel."
I hope Imus will still be employed.
This thing is really bothering me and I'm trying to let it go but it the media coverage is so outrageous that I can't ignore it.
Drudge posted most of what Imus said today: Here it is....
Barely 12 hours after being fired from MSNBC...
6:12 AM: On Imus' radio program (no longer simulcast on MSNBC) this morning, Chris Carlin, who covers sports for the program, discussed yesterday's dismissal of charges against the Duke lacrosse players.
(rough transcript)
DON IMUS: When will Al Sharpton be apologizing to them?
CARLIN: I'm unaware of such a press conference.
IMUS: I'll be darned...
UPDATE 6:28 AM: After a station break, Imus came back to discuss MSNBC's decision. He said he was recently chatted with "another big time broadcasting executive" who was "complaining that [MSNBC] had cancelled the simulcast twelve hours before we were getting ready to conduct this radio-thon for these three charities."
Imus: "My position on all of this is not whining about the hideously hypocritical coverage from the newspapers -- from everybody -- or the lack of support, say, from people like Harold Ford, Jr. who I had my life threatened over supporting and all these kind of things. It all began, and it doesn't make any difference -- like [James] Carville said -- stop talking about the context, it doesn't make any difference. If I hadn't have said it I wouldn't be here. So let's stop whining about it...You gotta stop complaining. I said a stupid, idiotic thing that desperately hurt these kids. I'm going to apologize but we gotta move on."
UPDATE 7:37 am. IMUS: "The hypocrisy is absurd...Everybody knows what the deal is. And this is not over. This story does not end here."
Imus also gave a shout-out to Opie & Anthony, who support Imus on this issue.
UPDATE 7:57:
Imus says he spoke with MSNBC Senior VP Phil Griffin and said "some of the stuff that MSNBC has done this morning is frankly unethical and I've asked them to stop doing it."
But also said, "I'm not whining about the coverage. I'm not whining about any aspect of this."
"I've said 100 times: I said it and if I hadn't said it, we wouodn't be sitting here talking about it. And that's the bottom line."
Imus also said that losing television (via MSNBC) isn't as big as losing radio. "The big part of the program is radio. There's millions of people listening to the radio. At best a few hundred thousand are watching television."
On MSNBC's decision: "I understand the pressure they were under. I'm not stupid."
UPDATE 8:15am: Speaking with an African-American woman, whose son had spent time at the Imus Ranch, Imus said, "And I want to say to you as an African-American woman, I'm sorry for what I said...I want to apologize to all African-American women." The woman said, "Okay, I accept that."
UPDATE 8:19AM: Imus said that one of the "sad ironies of my stupidity" is that, at his ranch, "we sent six kids home because they couldn't stop calling girls bitches and hos."
UPDATE 8:21AM: "I want to thank Opie & Anthony...I love them and I love what they do. I know they offend people perhaps more than I do. They're good loyal guys...Even Howard [Stern] hasn't been horrible." (Although if you read this Stern show summary, seems like Stern still has his claws out against his longtime nemesis.) UPDATE 8:28AM: Imus says that he's had "a lot of big people in the media" calling him "whining about the hypocrsity in the coverage. We understand that. You just turn on the cable channels or read the newspaper, trying to portray me as some vicious racist or whatever and there's not one person talking about the other things I've done...There's a difference between premeditated murder and a gun going off...But you've got to take your medicine. I'm not whining about it."
"Don't tell me that context isn't important. Context is importnat in everything we do in our lives. But it's not an excuse."
UPDATE 8:38AM: Despite the controversy, Imus says contributions for The Tomorrows Children Fund and the Imus Ranch are "way, way up" compared to this time in the show last year, which is significant because "the money's more important this year than ever."
He added: "These bastards went after me. They got me. But they didn't catch me asleep."
UPDATE 8:44AM: MSNBC's Imus webpage is still up, with a statement and link to Imus' charities.
UPDATE 8:45am: "One day you've got a radio and tv show and one day you don't...Ordinarily we need to raise $3 million, this year we need to raise $100 million -- just in case (Laughter)."
UPDATE 8:57AM: Tells his friends, "Don't call me telling me that the coverage is unfair...If I hadn't said it, there'd be no coverage...Shut up about it...I've been dishing it out for a long time, and now it's my turn...I'm not going to whine about it."
Imus also lets readers know that he's doing today's show in the MSNBC studio.
UPDATE 9:01AM: Charlie McCord says that they've raised over $400,000.
UPDATE 9:10AM: On MSNBC:I understand their decision." "I appreciate them letting us use their studio this morning."
To "all of my friends in the media, out of the media: You can't whine about this...We wouldn't have been there if I hadn't said it."
He again called media coverage "outrageously hypocritical."
"Harold Ford, Jr. has been disgraceful in his lack of support. I endured death threats to endorse him...It's unfortunate that he has no courage."
"I'm not surprised by any of this. I'm not surprised at the hypocrisy of Al Sharpton, of Jesse Jackson or any of these people. But you can't whine about it."
"We can talk about all the good work that I've done forever, but I still said that. I'm not making any excuses. Everybody's got to stop whining and quit talking about it."
UPDATE 9:25AM: "I've dished it out for a long time and now it's my time to take it. That's fine. Bring it on."
UPDATE 9:28AM: After one guest said "kick ass," then followed that with "can I say that?" Imus said, "I think today you can say anything."
UPDATE 9:37: "We've never done this well before" (regarding the radiothon)
UPDATE 9:38: On meeting with the Rutgers basketball players: "I can't go through the rest of my life -- nor can they -- without us having this conversation and me telling them how I feel and, more importantly, them telling me how they feel."
Tuesday, April 10, 2007
Nappy Headed Ho's
*Update : Undenaibly one of my favorite sports writers and also the last honset writer in America Jason Whitlock
It was a joke. GET OVER IT!
This national media firestorm is so ridiculous. Don Imus is a national treasure for christ sake.
He's funny, and he's been doing this job for 30 years. All the while giving back to the community in the form of cancer reasearch and SIDS (Sudden Infant Death Syndrome).
America has failed another guy making a joke. PC has gone too far. It's disgusting.
If a black host said "a couple of white stiffs" it wouldnt even catch a smoke let alone fire.
Oh and if we want to talk about calling women "ho's" let's start with the rap industry. Yeah I said it, and I'm a tremndous rap fan. You know why? Because I never take ne thing literal or to heart. It's all entertainment and as far as I'm concerned you can say or do anything you want within the state and local law of the land in the name of entertainment.
Stern's take
NY post story
Roker's take
Rutgers to speak
apologizes and accepts punishment
It was a joke. GET OVER IT!
This national media firestorm is so ridiculous. Don Imus is a national treasure for christ sake.
He's funny, and he's been doing this job for 30 years. All the while giving back to the community in the form of cancer reasearch and SIDS (Sudden Infant Death Syndrome).
America has failed another guy making a joke. PC has gone too far. It's disgusting.
If a black host said "a couple of white stiffs" it wouldnt even catch a smoke let alone fire.
Oh and if we want to talk about calling women "ho's" let's start with the rap industry. Yeah I said it, and I'm a tremndous rap fan. You know why? Because I never take ne thing literal or to heart. It's all entertainment and as far as I'm concerned you can say or do anything you want within the state and local law of the land in the name of entertainment.
Stern's take
NY post story
Roker's take
Rutgers to speak
apologizes and accepts punishment
Monday, April 09, 2007
my first political post
This is part of the reason why we can't get out of this country
Dems, Liberals : wake up
Let me ask you sumtin'
When you throw out your garbage at home, Do you throw half of it out?
Do you throw 3/4 of it out? Or do you throw out the ALL the garbage?
If you find a couple of waterbugs or roaches in your crib do you only kill one or do you kill all that you find?
Taliban at it again
We might be occupying this country soon too
The news gets no better people. We have to defend our country from free-willed, extreme radicals who want nothing better than to kill Americans. Whatever it takes. In this day and age if a young man decides he wants to join the military it should be known that he/she will be put at risk to defend our freedoms. Wake up!
Dems, Liberals : wake up
Let me ask you sumtin'
When you throw out your garbage at home, Do you throw half of it out?
Do you throw 3/4 of it out? Or do you throw out the ALL the garbage?
If you find a couple of waterbugs or roaches in your crib do you only kill one or do you kill all that you find?
Taliban at it again
We might be occupying this country soon too
The news gets no better people. We have to defend our country from free-willed, extreme radicals who want nothing better than to kill Americans. Whatever it takes. In this day and age if a young man decides he wants to join the military it should be known that he/she will be put at risk to defend our freedoms. Wake up!
Thursday, April 05, 2007
Wednesday, April 04, 2007
adult life sucks
Haven't had many chances to post, my work is cockblocking bloggin.
Quick rundown of the last few days look something like this.
Baseball started, yeah. Lets go Mets.
Smith and Wollensky with the boys = stupendous
Weather blows.
Office Ogre gives me agita daily.
Wrestlemania was great.
Gollum has fungus on his lip and still eats garlic.
Babel was like reading chinese.
I need new suits.
Quick rundown of the last few days look something like this.
Baseball started, yeah. Lets go Mets.
Smith and Wollensky with the boys = stupendous
Weather blows.
Office Ogre gives me agita daily.
Wrestlemania was great.
Gollum has fungus on his lip and still eats garlic.
Babel was like reading chinese.
I need new suits.
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