Mango Salsa has run it's course. The new jumbo-laya of my random thoughts blog is:
Beer and Meat
Without fruther ado, it's time for Beer and Meat. Which by the way, I don't like to go to the store unless it's for, specifically, Beer and Meat. Carry on.
Yankees 13.5 out, hahahahahahahahahahahaha.
Stella Artois in the building.
Ok so it wasn't camping. Wrong word. It was just hangin out, maxin and relaxin. I've been camping before though, you know, tent, charcoal etc....
That Cindy Sheehan gave up her quest to stop the War in Iraq. Sheehan link
Whatever, I feel bad because her son died but to me he died for the freedoms we enjoy in this country. He didn't die for nothing. You know fucking people think that you can join the army to get an education and learn discipline. But that's not the case. Thier is always a chance you will be needed to go defend our country, our beliefs and help our cause. So don't give me this he died for nothing crap. He died for us, and I thank him. Cindy Sheehan your grief has warped your mind. I feel bad for you.
Kevorkian gets out. I have nothing else to add other than I don't care.
I want Nancy Pelosi to go away. Forever. Bag of bones is a black eye to the Speaker position.
I'll admit it. If Rosie O'Donnell died I wouldnt be sad
I was thinking about going on a diet. But beer is delicious.
Anyone watch or follow the UFC? I kind of do but am thinkin about getting into it hardcore, like I was back in the day with WWF (WWE).
I'm training a new gun at work. Time to give him my dirty work...mmmwwwwaaaahhhhh!!
Tuesday, May 29, 2007
Wednesday, May 23, 2007
I've decided to leave this post up for the remainder of the holiday weekend. Mainly because this is what will be happening again this weekend, only closer to home.
I got some more camping pics
That's me in the middle. Of course.
I got some more camping pics
That's me in the middle. Of course.

Tuesday, May 22, 2007
Poor Kermit
If I knew how to post up a video directly I would. Instead just click this link and watch how Sad Kermit really is.
I can't get enough of this video, someone linked it on the LOV blog I stay at and it's been love ever since. It got me through some rough times.
I can't get enough of this video, someone linked it on the LOV blog I stay at and it's been love ever since. It got me through some rough times.
Monday, May 21, 2007
We are men
Camping was a hit.
and yes we were burnin whole pallets
Basically two days of hangin out, drinking, and eatin.
the best part of it all is the get a ragin fire going like this one and it's on like donkey kong
and yes we were burnin whole pallets
saturday the official count on beers was astronomical
saturday we went threw 2 cases of the henieken keg cans
so divide that by three because my cuz shunned that for Corona
that's about 14 beeeeeers each
throw in 5 or 6 shots of Jagermeister in between and you got drunkardness....
Friday i have no recollection of what i drank or anyone else other than cans of bud light, henieken, ketel one vodka shots and more jagermeister shots. hangover come on down
but it subsided quickly, once i shat my brains out and ate a egg sam-ich i was straight
weather sucked enough during the day so we hung out indoors and watched the Mets shallack the yankees and played xbox 360 and plain xbox to pass the time
i whupped ass in madden and won a couple of 2k7's baseball games, i'm like a white gook on the paddles son, just wait til i hook up live, Asia wont know what hit em
"The Steak"
we went to a local meat market and bought some beautiful shell steaks (NY strips)
$48, yea so a bit up there but hey in a restaurant it's a $40 steak
so i was in charge of grillin that so i didnt wanna fuck it up
but your boy young bobby flay that i am grilled that shit to perfection
complete with the diamond shaped grill marks
that steak was so tender, juicy and perfectly cooked i almost nutted in my draws
as did the boys
let me not forget to mention how good the 3am burger was fri night/sat am
fantastic weekend
and we had a cypher going, of wu tang shit
that's when security showed up but he was scuurred so we toned it down a bit
good times
Thursday, May 17, 2007
Shea hey kid
Shea, I could die there and be happy. some pics:
1. 7 train from the parking lot
2. 7 train subway stop as you walk off the trian
3. Corona's ghetto style, no limes, go lemon
4. View from 7 train right next to stadium
5. View from 7 train comin in
6,7,8. Citi Field construction, opening 2009
9. Behind centerfield, chillin
10. Seats in Loge for the night

1. 7 train from the parking lot
2. 7 train subway stop as you walk off the trian
3. Corona's ghetto style, no limes, go lemon
4. View from 7 train right next to stadium
5. View from 7 train comin in
6,7,8. Citi Field construction, opening 2009
9. Behind centerfield, chillin
10. Seats in Loge for the night

Friday, May 11, 2007
Not really Mango Salsa but still
You know what sucks about Fridays?
The people in your office or work area that repeatedly say things like :
"Thank god it's friday"
"Friday is here"
"How's it going", reply "It's FRIDAY!"
In a world with no laws, I imagine the survival rate of those who said this reguarly would be very low.
In other news Larry the Cable guy talked some studio into another movie. I don't get this because this man is about as funny as a coconut tree.
Pregnancy going weel for all who care, or don't. I'm not pregnant but you know whay I'm sayin.
California is burning down, burning down, burning down, burning down
California is burning down, my fair lady!
U.S Divorce rate is at it's lowest since 1970, which means they are not counting Hollywood.
I'm done
The people in your office or work area that repeatedly say things like :
"Thank god it's friday"
"Friday is here"
"How's it going", reply "It's FRIDAY!"
In a world with no laws, I imagine the survival rate of those who said this reguarly would be very low.
In other news Larry the Cable guy talked some studio into another movie. I don't get this because this man is about as funny as a coconut tree.
Pregnancy going weel for all who care, or don't. I'm not pregnant but you know whay I'm sayin.
California is burning down, burning down, burning down, burning down
California is burning down, my fair lady!
U.S Divorce rate is at it's lowest since 1970, which means they are not counting Hollywood.
I'm done
Tuesday, May 08, 2007
Greed is good
5 stocks I want to french kiss.
LOW = Lowe's, better than home depot, the stores are brighter, cleaner and trading right at the midpoint range of thier 52 week high
VLO = Valero Energy, expensive at $72 and change but worth is. Refineries are hard to come by and they aint building anymore, this could be a $100 stock soon
CAT = Caterpillar is an old manufacturing standby with a steady incline in business and strong leadership. 6 billion dolalr cash flow to boot
WYNN = Wynn resorts, you know it well. Vegas, AC it's a monster corporation. If you build it, they will come. It beat eranings by .13, wow!
JDSA = Jones soda, what a great distribution deal they got done with Wal-Mart. the biggest US retailer. Sales should rise 25-50% by the summer alone!!!!!
Disclaimer: Just so you know, I am not a trader but I do make investments from time to time and have been in the financial industry for 6 years now. If you lose money dont come crying to me.
And now a couple of lines from Boiler Room , one of my favorites.
Broker: I know you're not standing on your front porch with a bag of money waiting for me to call you. But I'm not some 18-year-old selling a cure for AIDS. I'm 46 years old, I have 22 years market experience, I know this business. So pick up your skirt, grab your balls, and lets go make some money
Jim Young: There's an important phrase that we use here, and think it's time that you all learned it. Act as if. You understand what that means? Act as if you are the fucking President of this firm. Act as if you got a 9" cock. Okay? Act as if.
Seth Davis: What do you mean, you're gonna pass. Alan, the only people making money passing are NFL quarterbacks and I don't see a number on your back.
LOW = Lowe's, better than home depot, the stores are brighter, cleaner and trading right at the midpoint range of thier 52 week high
VLO = Valero Energy, expensive at $72 and change but worth is. Refineries are hard to come by and they aint building anymore, this could be a $100 stock soon
CAT = Caterpillar is an old manufacturing standby with a steady incline in business and strong leadership. 6 billion dolalr cash flow to boot
WYNN = Wynn resorts, you know it well. Vegas, AC it's a monster corporation. If you build it, they will come. It beat eranings by .13, wow!
JDSA = Jones soda, what a great distribution deal they got done with Wal-Mart. the biggest US retailer. Sales should rise 25-50% by the summer alone!!!!!
Disclaimer: Just so you know, I am not a trader but I do make investments from time to time and have been in the financial industry for 6 years now. If you lose money dont come crying to me.
And now a couple of lines from Boiler Room , one of my favorites.
Broker: I know you're not standing on your front porch with a bag of money waiting for me to call you. But I'm not some 18-year-old selling a cure for AIDS. I'm 46 years old, I have 22 years market experience, I know this business. So pick up your skirt, grab your balls, and lets go make some money
Jim Young: There's an important phrase that we use here, and think it's time that you all learned it. Act as if. You understand what that means? Act as if you are the fucking President of this firm. Act as if you got a 9" cock. Okay? Act as if.
Seth Davis: What do you mean, you're gonna pass. Alan, the only people making money passing are NFL quarterbacks and I don't see a number on your back.
Monday, May 07, 2007
Mini Mango Salsa
Must suck to live in Kansas
Good article on gas prices.....Gas prices
Paris Hilton in jail is awesome.
It's like I got invited to a BYOB party and I brought nothing.
Maybe I'll be inspired later, for right now I leave you this.

Friday, May 04, 2007
Wednesday, May 02, 2007
It's Mango Salsa Time
you know you want it, say Aaaahhhhhhhhh
Ok so I'm glad Bush vetoes that gay bill on withdrawing Iraq troops based on a timeline
now let's see them (dems) squirm to come up with some other retarted plan on being pussies and letting terror reign
fuck i hate hillary clinton
if i were president i'd fucking charge her with treason
she's undermining our commander in cheif, united as one bitch, back off
forward march
they hired some new temp and put her ass right in front of me.
lord help me but she's ugly and talks to me as if we have been tight for decades
i dont like it one bit
whoever collects coins are dumbasses
and stamps
get a life
I got the best tan in Aruba. Take notes.
Spiderman comes out this Friday, yay. Venom looks type sic with it....i'll probably see it in like 3 weeks because i hate crowds and fat moms.
Sports fans good times right now. MLB in full swing, NBA playoffs every night, Hockey if that's your thing and for the playoffs it should be and NFL offseason is still hot after that draft....
I think Keyshawn goes to San Diego which means "A Whale's Vagina"
I dont know what foie gras is and I refuse to look it up.
Texas loves Giuliani
Beer, Wine, Iced Tea, Scotch
that's all i'm drinking for the rest of my life, in no paticular order
Ok so I'm glad Bush vetoes that gay bill on withdrawing Iraq troops based on a timeline
now let's see them (dems) squirm to come up with some other retarted plan on being pussies and letting terror reign
fuck i hate hillary clinton
if i were president i'd fucking charge her with treason
she's undermining our commander in cheif, united as one bitch, back off
forward march
they hired some new temp and put her ass right in front of me.
lord help me but she's ugly and talks to me as if we have been tight for decades
i dont like it one bit
whoever collects coins are dumbasses
and stamps
get a life
I got the best tan in Aruba. Take notes.
Spiderman comes out this Friday, yay. Venom looks type sic with it....i'll probably see it in like 3 weeks because i hate crowds and fat moms.
Sports fans good times right now. MLB in full swing, NBA playoffs every night, Hockey if that's your thing and for the playoffs it should be and NFL offseason is still hot after that draft....
I think Keyshawn goes to San Diego which means "A Whale's Vagina"
I dont know what foie gras is and I refuse to look it up.
Texas loves Giuliani
Beer, Wine, Iced Tea, Scotch
that's all i'm drinking for the rest of my life, in no paticular order
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