Tuesday, January 29, 2008
Who's the fellow owns this shithole?
He's like that shit'n diseases that comes out of Michael Clarke Duncan's mouth in The Green Mile.
This economy is very volatile. Scale back the 401K's for a couple of months. Take the cash.
Shit is taking hits. Unless you guys play the the short side of this whole mortgage crisis.
I'd buy Euro funds or metal funds if avaialble. A nice stable fund or a Dodge and Cox Income fund is solid too.
To my Philly readers, a big how ya doin! Mets sign Santana. Enjoy that for the next 7 years!
I'd tease the Braves fans too but they don't exist.
The Backyardigans are awesome.
Friday, January 25, 2008
Women weaken legs!

Wednesday, January 23, 2008
Starting tonight... people will die. I'm a man of my word.
Monday, January 21, 2008
85 throwing attempts, 0 interceptions...only playoff QB without a INT. That's Super.
10 straight road games, 3 of them in hostile playoff conditions. The Giants are rolling, rolling, rolling. Problem is the team that is rolling just a bit more is the mighty Patriots. They must go down.
THE GIANTS ARE IN THE SUPER BOWL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
GO BLUE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Today's mission is to convice my wife to fly down to Arizona and take in this game live at a downtown Pheonix bar.
What an awesome run. I couldn't be prouder to be a Giants fan today. I'm downright giddy.

Friday, January 18, 2008
Well, I'll be damned.
Stay with me, i'll update the blog shortly.
This has been a public service announcement brought to you by one eye-talian, angry motherfucker looking to exact revenge on the gook that coughed on my neck last thursday evening on the N train. You've been warned.
Monday, January 14, 2008
Pay that man his money
1. You know the roulette "dealer" or the one who spins the tiny white ball of misery? You think they work or personalize there "wave"? You know the wave I'm talking about. The one where they imply no more bets as the ball finishes it's last lap or two. I thought that if I were in that position I would most certaintly have a wave that would be a crowd pleaser. I was thinking it would resemble a Nazi quick strike karate chop in the air. Or maybe a soft hand over hand double wave. Or maybe something with some spunk like a wave with spirit fingers.
2. White trash is everywhere. You can't run, you can't hide. White trash people with money is a dangerous concoction. Playing $25 a hand on blackjack while wearing a backwards trucking hat, drunk, and missing a couple of teeth doesnt exactly scream class. Oh and the fat wife hangin on your shoulder smelling like $2 blackberry brandy rooting you on is a nice touch.
3. Lot's of hoes. Something about AC that makes women dress like streetwalkers. Explains why some of the rooms (espeacially the complimentary ones) reek of BDUSSY (translation: Booty, Dick & Pussy).
4. Still think table games are the way to go. Slots, I just don't think will ever consistently pay out to keep you going. Neither will tables but if you get some cards or hit a number or two you can manage.
I play Texas Hold Em', Three Card Poker, Blackjack, and Roulette.
Stayed at the Tropicana, with a jaunt over to Ceasars which is my personal favorite place.
AC for me is always good times. I'm a terrible degenerate gambler. I just like the thrill of possibly winning money that I don't have. Something about having the balance of money on the line for something that you think you might have control over. It's a weird pshycology.
Anyway Giants beat the Cowboys so all is right with the world. If they win at Green Bay I'm so going to Arizona for the game. Believe.
T.O crying like a bitch was a spectacular sight. I will remember that for a long time.
For those of you living outside the northeast and don't know what AC is:
And they are building alot more casinos........
Wednesday, January 09, 2008
Every man dies, not every man really lives
- George Washington
What a man. What a great, great man.
Guys ever wander off on Wikipedia and just re-learn all the shit we are supposed to know from our schooling? It's quite refreshing. Try it.
Gold might hit $900 an ounce, that's sick.
Guys that wear dress shirts with thier initials on them are superdouches.
Alternative energy companies are all the rage in 2008. If you want to make money off them track these companies.
Zoltek makes carbon filter used in wind turbines. GE is always solid. The wind turbine business is growing by the billions. Verasun (VSE) and Pacific Ethanol (PEIX) are dirt cheap and could see some legislature backing. Keep your eye on them. Orion (OESX) manages power demand and Itron (ITRI) makes these smart readers that are similar to electric meters on houses. Cosan (CZZ) is up 10% since the NYSE debut of it's ehtanol producing company.
Tomorrow is my birthday. Yippee.
Atlantic City this weekend. Pumped.
This Cloverfield movie is garnering a ton of buzz. Blowing up NYC must be fuun for these Hollywood producers. Christ be more creative, I understand visually it's a tremendous picture but it just gets tired.
I'm sleepy.
Yesterday's movie quote was Al Pacino in A Scent of A Woman.
Monday, January 07, 2008
When in doubt... fuck
I make some good ribs. I don't know if they are as good as Memphis ribs but I try.
I dont know what makes them so speacial but I'd like too.
Texas makes good brisket I hear. I can dig that.
A superflu sounds bad.
"How was your weekend"
"Too short"
no. not funny. die.
I may or may not write a book on office talk.
No serious.
I heard Hillary's is bigger than Bill's.
She really makes me sick. Call me sexist but yesterday she proved why no women can be elected president. Fucking crying cuz running a campaign is TOO HARD. STFU.
Hollywood is more concerned about the Golden Globes and the Oscars than they are about the writers themselves. Oh no I won't be able to wear $5,000 worth of shit and pose for pictures if they don't strike a deal!!!! Humps.
The Holland Tunnel blows.
I wish.... you had..... more time
See despite what some of you might think I am busy at work most of the day.
But I found a way to blog and not miss out on too much TPS (Office Space ref).
Open the blogger, click NEW POST.
Any thoughts throughout the day get jotted down on the blank new post canvas and voila!
A POST is born.
So whatever shit that I think of throughout the day that pops in my head, you'll know about it.
Long winded and compounded posts that require more thought, research and spell check are no longer welcome. Unless one day I feel like a Hemmingway.
Also I never use spell check so if it's wrong I dont care.
Also I usually dont re-read the posts so that goes for grammatical errors as well.
Paint me a rebel I just love free-form writing.
Til tomorrow!
P.S. - every title this entire year will be a movie reference, if you know it feel free to guess so in the comments if you dont give a fuck ce' la ve.
P.S.S i dont know what ce' la ve means, just felt right.