Friday, July 30, 2010

Citifield is not a piece of Shea-t

Remember when I reminicsed about Shea Stadium and all it's former glory? Yeah scratch that. Was at Citifield, Shea's replacement, on Wednesday night. Holy fuck what an awesome stadium. HUGE and open filled with better food, beer, concession options. Great sight lines, awesome scoreboards/video boards and wide open concourses. My father would not understand this marvel. He'd wonder what bar tables were doing out in centerfield or how come the seats were so comfortable. I miss Shea but I miss it alot less now.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010


3 years ago my life changed forever....

Happy Birthday to my little girl.

Combining ridiculous cuteness and off the charts hilarity you are awesome. (picture forthcoming)

Tuesday, July 27, 2010


Am I gay because I love to cook? That doesn't make me gay right. I always associate anything artsy to be gay and cooking is kind of artsy. Don't know why I think that as most of the celebrated chefs are not gay. But there are a few. And some of the critics are gay as well. Not like it matters, your gay your gay whatever.

This was a silly post.

Friday, July 23, 2010

State of Cell Phones

Still haven't gotten a phone yet. The only thing I miss is not wasting time. Really that's what phones are for. Wasting time. If you think of it, the phone makers all advertise this way. No one says "Buy my phone because being in touch is important". They say, "Over 225,000 apps".

Not only is Facebook all the rage but Facebook is on every mobile phone coming out. It's like the phone is pretty much the internet on the go. And the companies that service, make, and build these phones ARE MAKING A FORTUNE. Remember the Motorola STAR 5000? Or the Nokia 5700? Yeah, well those are like Datsun cars right about now. If I'm a investor I buy a basket of phone company stocks right now. From the builders to the service providers. This is just the beginning.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Got jokes?

You know what's funny? Sterotype jokes. I love them. I think they are all hilarious. You know what's sad? People that choose to think it's racist. Grow up. Get a sense of humor. The best comics still use politically incorrect jokes. Well some of the best, most are afraid and just do jokes they know their audience would like. Since it's a specific audience. White people are the butt of many black comedians routine. And they (white people) take it in stride. Shit I laugh at most of those jokes. When they are done right and delivered perfectly a sterotype joke is the best there is. You hear black comics all the time make white jokes. Yet you rarely see a white comic making black jokes. I'm pretty sure it's because black people are too sensitive so they get offended when a white person makes a joke about black people. They are much more emotional. It's like white people are not allowed to joke about black people because they never went through the struggle. It's a double standard. Like alot of other things. I guess I'm a racist right now for writing that. Sometimes this country sucks and theres nothing you can do about it. You can't move to another country because the other countries suck even more. The grass is not greener people.

This post was not meant to drift into a white/black thing. I just love sterotype jokes and hate when people get offended by them. Cmon people. Laugh a little. Your going to die very soon.

Friday, July 16, 2010

Changing the oil

Is there one thing you wish one of your parents would have passed down something to you. Whether it was a skill or a language or a heirloom? When I was like 11 my dad used to have me change the oil on his Plymouth and this continued until I was like 14. Only thing that changed was the car (Buick). But my dad knew a great deal about cars and while I showed no interest in knowing anymore about them other than oil filters and changing the oil I sometimes wish he passed down more of that knowledge to me. And by knowledge I mean intimate knowledge like engine re-builds, carburetors, radiators, steering columns, etc. Not basic stuff like changing a flat or installing new wipers. That I know.

His father was a master mechanic (and butcher). He could diagnose a problem with a car just by me describing a sound. Obviously with the way cars are built now some of those skills seem obsolete. Like VCR repairmen. But it's still a cool little back pocket card to pull out every once in awhile. At the very least I can change my own oil. Not like I would, shit only cost $20 but still.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Masturbate and get ripped

This is gay. Also I can just masturbate and get the same result no? What the fuck is this? HAHAHAHHAH this is so absurd.

Monday, July 12, 2010

I'm back

Missing work for a week then coming back is like getting kicked in the nuts by a four legged animal. It sucks. Then you get in and there is a shitshow going on that apparentely you are responsible for the clean up, you know since you were here last week and all. Then god forbid you mention you are tired. How can you be tired you were on vacation last week? Ok, so what bitch what am I a fucking bear. You think I slept for 7 straight days moron. Just cuz I didn't come in to work doesnt mean I can't be tired. I wanna slap these people with a shit diaper.

Friday, July 02, 2010


On LOV today I welcome Lebron James to the Knicks.

In other news I'm away for a week. Going up to the mountains then maybe an Atlantic City trip.

See ya when I see ya.