Tuesday, June 20, 2006

The 10 Most Disgusting Things On Earth

I just wanted to inject a bit of disgust into this mundane Tuesday. Of course this is based on my opinion and the list is in not particular order. Although the single most disgusting thing just may be the first one.

Warning: This list is disgusting.

Dirty Sanchez: Does anyone know what this really is? It's so gross that I gagged reading it. I stumbled upon it because I am in the T-Shirt biz and sometimes I scour the internet for funny sayings and pictures. Now I've heard in the past that a Dirty Sanchez was when a woman would give fellatio to a man while he was on the crapper. That itself is pretty gross until this Wikipedia sentence strolled in my life.

Dirty Sanchez is a noun phrase describing the result of one partner having a "moustache" made primarily of fecal matter applied by the finger or penis of the other sexual partner.
It is performed by sticking one's finger (or another object) in one's partner's rectum and then swiping a line of feces under the nose, making a poor quality "moustache" that looks Hispanic, hence "Sanchez".


Hemorrhoids are disgusting and painful. Remember when your mom would say "It's far from your ass you want sit on it" whenever you complained of pain somewhere. Well, that saying does not apply here.

Vomitting is completely disgusting. No one enjoys it. Especially if what you are heaving is spicy food. Easy on the Wild Turkey......

Unshaved armpits of a woman. If that means half of Europe than so be it. Ladies, grab a razor and whack that filthy hair. No man will want you even if your punany was gold.

Cigarettes are nasty, disgusting and will kill you. Sorry smokers but there are 599 additives that go into making cigarettes. Click on the link for the full list. Some major additives that startle me include : Ammonia, Butanol, Carbon Dioxide, Sodium Cholride........

Lice is disgusting. Just imagine a few hundred parasite looking bugs just chomping on your skin. Suckling lice are the one's found on Humans (body lice and pubic lice) but there are other kinds that are found on animals. All in all it's safe to say that Lice is disgusting.

Herpes. And I mean any and all forms. I'm including the giant cold sores on the lips as well. I mean it's fucking disgusting. People look at you like your a walking disease. No one wants a feversore. Then they scab and bleed. Ugh. And for those genital one's (the one's that last forever)--- it must not be fun. Sorry, I feel for you.

Anal sex is disgusting. Period. I don't care what anyone says, God made the asshole has an exit only. Now I've been known to be a bit of a cavalier in the bedroom but I draw the line where the good lord split ya. Word.

The Menstrual Cycle is disgusting. And ladies you know it is. Were sorry you have to go through it and we suffer almost as much as you (well, not really but....). We realize it's because God made you to carry children and it's a fantastic thing but damn it's gross. The uterus sheds the lining. Uggghhh.....Read that line again. That causes blood and other bodily fluids to be passed out through the vagina. Icky.

All white condiments are disgusting. In my personal opinion of course. I do not eat any white condiments whatsoever. Mayo is the devil. Now this list also includes dressings, such as Ranch and Bleu Cheese. This list does not include Redi-Whip (cuz dat's a dessert topping). Condiments only.


Los said...

Ham - disgusting. The only thing you should be doing with pink flesh is fornicating with it.

The WNBA - How can this still be on the air? Makes men rethink the whole man-woman thing.

Seal - God, his face looks like ground beef. He may have good songs, but when you see his face, all you can think about is beef patties.

El Padrino said...

LOS- WNBA is disgusting.
That was #11

Maximums-- Wade is just too good for them to be called the worst but I hear you. Dirk disappeared again.

The Rev said...

I was totally with you until the white condiments issue.

Mayo rules. So does alfredo sauce.

And I agree with one thing... Dirk did disappear. He missed too many shots in the second half.

El Padrino said...

SteveO-- exceptin warranted....

El Padrino said...

Thank you, neighbor.

Mama en Fuego said...

Stevo - she musta been Mormon, those chicks give up the ass all the time according to a friend of mine who went to college in SLC. I guess they think if they take it in the back they are techinically still a virgin...who knew??

iamunstoppable said...

ranch is the new ketchup. discuss.

El Padrino said...

Back atcha Stevo

jali said...

My first husband's name is not on the list, so the list is incomplete.

Great white foods:

Mayo on burgers and cheesesteaks is the ONLY way to go.

Ranch dressing on salads and wings.

Sour cream on fajitas and baked potatoes.

Alfredo sauce on pasta (stole it from Steve)

Cream cheese in onion dip.

White foods that really do suck:

Cottage cheese
Plain yogurt
Vanilla pudding (where's the chocolate?)

El Padrino said...

Jali, I'll add your first husband to the list. Call him 10(b).

Ranch - No

Sour Cream - Yuck--would you drink sour milk?

Alfredo sauce- is slap in the face to any sicilian man.

Cream Cheese- only in a cheescake.

Cottage Cheese- just don't look right

Yogurt and Pudding is aight..

Anonymous said...

leech is disgusting
coz its black, small, weird, and drink blood

Mollz said...

Why isn't 2 girls 1 cup on this list

Anonymous said...

Are you God? Do you know that God made the anus a one way thing? So shit comes out. Does that mean it's one way? because other humans come out the other way... and that's fine. Unless you have proof that you're God, then please don't make claims on his behalf.

Paulzy said...

At least a vag. was made for conception. Thusly penis is meant for it. I just doubt the anus evolved for much of anything to go into it. I will say though that this is a silly side conversation anyway. I would rather just say I think poo is gross and be done with it. (regarding my personal choice of 'no' with anal sex) I like butt. I have no attraction to butthole or anything else beyond it. Personally, I am fine with vagina thank you. Kudos if you like it.

Anonymous said...

lol, i agree, esp. with anal sex, that is so wrong and weird! If your BF wants to have anal sex with you he is probably a batty boy on the DL

Anonymous said...

Hey there!!!! Happy Thanksgiving!!!! :) :)
Thanksgiving is 1 of my favorite holidays, and each year I like to get into the mood-extend the holiday, as it were-by reading "Thanksgiving novels." And in addition, those stories are mostly about family and friends, about coming together to heal old hurts and giving thanks for the gift of love. .. --
You Are Much better Off These days Than You Were 3 Years Ago?

Anonymous said...

Ass to Mouth - WOW. I wish some girls would try it to me.

Unknown said...

Thank You!! god anal sex is digusting and wrong. It just seems like one day the dumbest couple on earth was all like i'm tired of this hole, maybe i'll just put my dick up your ass. That's just soooo nasty, you could get infections, rectal bleeding, and not to mention just how painful that sounds. Things are just meant to come out of your butt, i anal sex probably feels like you pooin' backwards. lol nasty.