Thursday, June 15, 2006

Hitting the Links

A collection of links to keep everyone busy for awhile. I must be a good citizen tomorrow and serve the Kings County of Brooklyn for jury duty. It's better than work so I ain't complaining.

This is sheer brilliance. Jamming to Beautiful Day while dropping duece is awesome.

Interesting interview with Roger Maris Jr. on steroids.,8599,1204353,00.html

Nobody likes Goldiggers.

I love Ozzie Guillen.

Mets sweep the sorry Phils. On to Baltimore to continue the ass whuppin's!!
Have a good weekend folks.


The Rev said...

I want that iPod roll. It must be mine.

I am sorry about the Philies. It's like they didn't even try.

Los said...

The Mets could take this division by August. Actually, the Phils are playing so poorly right now, that they've already been eliminated from next season's playoff race.