Thursday, June 01, 2006

Jerkoff Chertoff !

Homeland Security chief Michael Chertoff has cut New york City's federal anti-terror funds by 40%. Well not exactly him himself but he obviously approved it or more importantly didn't stop it. Incompetent bureaucrats actually stated the reason for these cuts was because NY had no "national icons" to protect. WHAT? Are they talking about NY? The same NY I live in? The same NY that millions and millions of tourists come to see? What do you think they come to see? Hot Dog vendors? Meanwhile politicians that voted on this budget plan felt places like Louisville, KY and Omaha, NE deserve monster increases. This is insanely ludicrous. Politics at it's best. Mayor Bloomberg said it best when he was quoted saying "When you stop a terrorist, they have a map of NYC in their pocket. They don't have a map of any of the other 46 or 45 places that get funding". Amen brother. Amen.

Here's a list of all the "national icons" New York doesn't have:

Statue of Liberty : Not only does she stand for freedom in America but it's visited by millions of people every month.

Ellis Island : Across the harbor from Manhattan it was the passage for millions of immigrants setting foot upon American soil. Your parent's parents, my parent's parents. Also visited by millions.

New York Stock Exchange : Um yeah. This is pretty important to the world fuckheads. Today's NYSE volume is 749,515,000.

Empire State Building : Prior to the Twin Towers it was the tallest building in NY. At one point it was the tallest in the world. It's where King Kong met his fate, it has a classy facade, a art deco spire, and an observation deck that invites the best views anywhere. And since NY is the media capital of the world most broadcasts come from the top of the Empire State Building.

United Nations : Headquartered (of course) in New York it houses 191 member states and is divided into different administrative bodies. I don't have to write how important this building is.

Brooklyn Bridge : When the city you live in has a bridge that is featured in a Bugs Bunny cartoon, it's a national icon. Not to mention how many motorists, pedestrians, and bicyclists use the bridge on a daily basis.

Chrysler Building : This gorgeous skyscraper has been gracing the East Side on NYC since 1930. When erected it was the tallest building in the world until the aforementioned Empire State Building. It once was the home of the entire Chrysler Corporation.

Rockefeller Center : It's a complex of 19 commercial buildings between 48th and 51th streets. Located in the heart of Midtown. It's also home to the best Christmas experience one could ever imagine. Even during non-holidays this area is constantly packed with people. I actually work in the area. Right across the street from Radio City Music Hall.

Federal Reserve Bank : It only holds more gold than Ft. Knox. Assholes. Ever see Die Hard With A Vengeance? When they steal the gold from the reserve? Yeah, that's actually a place. And it holds billions and billions of dollars in the form of Gold (and other metals).

Yankee Stadium : I'm not a Yankee fan but it is a nostalgic piece of land here in NY. Located in the Bronx borough it was the House That Ruth Built. Monument park beyond the center field wall is a classic memorial for great Yankees that have passed. They also pack in 40K plus every Yankee game.

Penn Station / MSG : The main hub for Amtrak, Metro-North, LIRR and NJ Transit. I mean I can't even tell you how many people pass thru this place at any given day. It's also home to Madison Square Garden, the most famous arena on earth.

Grand Central Terminal : Another giant transportation hub. Just about every subway train stops here and also house the same trains as Penn Station. Also consists of restaurants and bars.

Federal Hall : It was the first Capitol of the United States. It's now a museum that displays it's history.

Trinity Church : One of the oldest churches in the world.
Ever see National Treasure? Alexander Hamilton is interred there.

Grant's Tomb : Located in Riverside park in Harlem. Ulysses S. Grant is buried there.

And that's not all. What about places like Central Park? The Plaza Hotel? The shops along 5th avenue? The largest Subway system in America? Times Square? The Metlife Building? The Holland and Lincoln tunnels? Trump Tower? The new Ground Zero? South Street Seaport? American Stock Exchange? City Hall? Gracie Mansion?
St. Patricks Cathedral? The Verranzano Bridge? Coney Island?

I can literally go on. There's more. Believe me. A 2000 census review of NYC shows 8,168,388 people inhabit NYC. Second is not Lincoln fucking Nebraska. It's LA. With 3.8 million people.

Now I have nothing against these places, Nebraska I'm sure is a nice place to live. But Mr. Chertoff please don't piss on my leg and tell me it's raining. New Yorkers are not dumb. Don't say there are no "national icons". That makes you, head of Homeland Security look like a fucking imbecile. And since you started it. I'll finish it. Go fuck yourself jerkoff.

Here's the news link:


The Rev said...

I wouldn't have believed it if you hadn't provided the link to the story.

I can't even fathom this line of thinking. It's incredible.

I think you all should never let George W Bush into your city ever again for anything until he gets this right. This is yet another stain on his administration.

I feel for your city. You are indeed the biggest target no matter what anyone says. I mean, the World Trade Center had two different terroristic attempts on it. One succeeded better than the other one obviously. We forget this sometimes. They are definitely out to get you more than any other city.

I'm embarassed once again by the Bush Administration.

Los said...


I guess our government has got to find the funds to finance their wars somehow....gulp.

El Padrino said...

I guess's just that nothing his adminstration does makes any sense. I just got off a train riding into work this am with about 75 people were on ONE cab of the train. ONE cab out of 9 that form the train.

For our population alone we should be earmarked for 100MM then another 100mm for the "national icons" we apparently don't have.

The Rev said...

One other thing... the terrorists do go after icons for sure, but where have they traditionally had the most success with their attacks? Transit systems.

And who has one of the biggest and most used systems in America? New York.

The fact that these incompetent boobs in government can't use this logic is inconceivable.