Monday's blow.
That's all I have to say about that.
I should have used this excuse to get out of jury duty two weeks ago.
They should build a giant moat along the borders and fill them with starving alligators. This would alleve the immigration issue. I'm saying this in response to an article I read this morning in regards to our national population. It's reached over 300 Million people. But that's the legal count obviously. No word on an illegal count, but it's figured to be about 30 million. It's also rumored that 1/4 of the 300mm ride the N train with me every morning and evening. Close the borders.
Fun with Dick and Jane was terrible. Carey disappointed in this one. Baldwin was funny but that's about it.
Why is it nice all week (while at work) and crappy all weekend?
Why do people sneeze without covering their nose and mouth?
Why oh why, if there is 9 inches of space between me and the next person does another person think they can squeeze into that spot and comfortably sit their for an entire 45 min train ride?
Outsourcing is a travesty. I would be for it if they outsourced to different parts of the country. But shipping jobs overseas is a slap to the face of the average American. My place is crawling with Indians (from Mumbai and Bangalore) who will be replacing jobs in the next few months or so (not mine). All the firms are doing it but why? Is it that much cheaper? Can you really pay some Indian guy or girl 12K a year to do a job that you pay an American 40K a year? Where is the President on this issue? Like aforementioned, there are over 300 million people in this country. What percent of that is working class? Unless our unemployment rate is zero I would think the jobs can stay here. I think it's a joke. And if my company finds that my job can be done by somebody else overseas (so far my job is safe for the foreseeable future) and they want me to train that person they are going to get a swift kick up the ass cuz El Padrino will quit on the spot. You can take that shit to the bank and lock it in the vault.
Went to a Jewish wedding over the weekend. A first for me. It was very nice. Elegant. Some of the customs were very new to me. I think all that stuff is cool, I like seeing other cultures party. Pretty much, we all party the same. There a difference or two in ceremonies and what not but once the music hits the air it's a traditional grab yer date and rip those floorboards. The breaking of bread, the circle dances, the bride and groom up on a chair, the breaking of the glass, etc. All of it. Good times. The only thing I didn't appreciate was getting dinner served at 1:30am. I know that they cannot be married before sundown but damn that's a late fucking dinner. I would maybe get married in the fall or spring when the sun goes down a bit earlier.
That's just me. Besides that can't be me cuz I ain't Jewish. Now I'm rambling.....
Two out of three in Toronto......Bring on those Red Sox
El Padrino out.
Monday, June 26, 2006
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Yeah, I went to a Jewish wedding too, and we got dinner at 12:30. I thought that was too late. But at least the appetizers were good at 9:30.
You know what the problem is? You actually can pay someone in India 12k for a job that it takes 40k to do here. In India, you can live comfortably on that. In America, prices have gone so out of control that you need 40k just to avoid going broke.
The problem is in our system. It broke a long time ago.
But in some parts of the country, can't we pay an American 24K a year for the same job? At least I won't feel so bad about losing my job (if that was the case). And it won't have to go overseas. I get the fact that an Indian can live off of 12K and we can't but they can live of 24K... Is saving an additional 12K really cutting the bottom line so drastically?
Place like Virginia, the Dakota's, New Mexico, etc. There are plenty of American cities that can use some sort of Metropolis. Let's spread it out, let's keep an American made product (for once)
in America.
I hate Mondays as well. My dad said that the company he used to work for has outsourced work (tool and die) to China, and the work the Chinese are doing is better than anything the former employees ever did - I'm not sure if this means the Chinese are very diligent and precise, or my dad's old company hired some real dipshits.
I hate Mondays as well. My dad said that the company he used to work for has outsourced work (tool and die) to China, and the work the Chinese are doing is better than anything the former employees ever did - I'm not sure if this means the Chinese are very diligent and precise, or my dad's old company hired some real dipshits.
I hear ya - companies want loyalty, but they show none in return. Some companies do, and they tend to be the successful ones. Tought to (A) find them, and (B) get into them because so many others want to be a part of them.
I hear ya steveo
it's a word that was apparently used with meaning in the 19th century
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