Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Madden ---Oh Man.

Check out the EvOlUtIoN.
I heard a few crazy people say they haven't bought it in awhile cuz it's pretty much remained the same. I'll let the pics serve justice.

few things i noticed last night:

Reggie Bush is fast.
Leinart looks very good as well.
Mario Williams is an 86, Bush an 87. Hear that Texans.
Art Shell looks like a black Sumo wrestler.
Audibles are alot better.
Too much going on with the R button (XBOX), I like to use the triggers to juke and the R stick for running over people or those little jukes. I'm old school.
Shaun Alexander is un-tackle-able

Now if you'll excuse me I gotta get home and sign some divorce papers. After that I'll play til the rooster rears it's head. Peace.


Mama en Fuego said...

Don't get divorced yet, I'm sure you wife can appreciate that woody you've got...

Anonymous said...

hey, i wrote that article! thanks for the publicity, keep it coming!!

Los said...

Ah the X-Box 360 - that's a different story. I only have the PS2. Don't know when I'll upgrade yet.

El Padrino said...

dirty- OTAY!

uf- if it was you, your welcome-- it was excellent and i'll check back in!

los- xmas time is near papi

iamunstoppable said...

i dont know that the 360 is worth it yet. when halo 3 comes out.. then we're talking a different story. but for now, there's nothing "must have" on the Box.

The Rev said...

I'm sure I will play it at a friend's house at some point.

I'm such a freeloader.