El Padrino's 100 favorite movies of all time. People, you may or may not agree with some of these entries but I assure you of one thing. You will respect my movie viewing skills.
1. The Godfather
Tragic but yet romantic tale of a New York City mob boss and the rise of his successor, Michael. This film captured the Mafia like no other film did or will. Marked by the suspense and rich period detail it was an instant classic in everyone's DVD library.
2. One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest
Nicholson at his absolute best. Driving story of a mental patient who inspires new life into hapless inmates by giving them purpose and self-worth. If you've never seen this, you've never seen a Nicholson film.
3. The Gladiator
Epic. Simply put. Story of revenge and courage. Set in a time in which we are all interested in.
4. Goodfellas
Life through the eyes of a man who lived it. Dreamt it and became it. Then, ruined it. All in a powerful New York City Mafia.
5. Scarface
Al Pacino's greatest role? Some say yes. Story of a gangsta and his rise to the top --- and fall to the bottom. So many memorable scenes and lines.
6. Raiders of The Lost Ark
Adventurous tales of Indiana Jones and his quest through the Amazon and Egypt to find the Ark of Covenant. A true popcorn movie that I watched over and over again as a kid.
7. The Godfather II
Ties in with the original seamlessly while keeping it's taut suspense and exact detail. The rise of one Vito Corleone.
8. Schindlers List
Um, wow. Talk about a powerful movie.
9. Taxi Driver
Just crazy man, De Niro was just crazy in this. Righteous violence are two words that had no meaning before this film.
10. Jaws
My first real horror movie. Suspenseful adventure about a killer shark wreaking havoc on a tony New England town. I love this movie.
11. Apocalypse Now
Vietnam war drama that takes Sheen up to Cambodia to find Brando's character who has lost his damn mind. Brando as Kurtz was about as nutty as a performance you'll see.
12. Silence of The Lambs
The hunt for a serial killer leads a FBI agent (Jodie Foster) to Hannibal Lector and that's when we meet the sickest villian ever.
13. Saving Private Ryan
Exceptional detail into WWII including a brutal, brutal D-Day depiction of Normandy Beach.
The story of this young soilder who loses both brothers and the crew that must overcome great odds to find him is just riveting. It gets me everytime.
14. Usual Suspects
Twisted, convoluted thriller that evolves from a simple police line-up. Brillant movie.
15. Forest Gump
Poignant drama through the eyes of a mentally challenged but kind man who tells his life story to anyone that will listen. The flashbacks take us through every bit of important American history with scenes that actually show footage of JFK and Lyndon B. Johnson.
16. Swingers
Mikey left his girl in NY to blow up in LA but is a wreck over it, until Trent schools him to the scene. "You're so money and you don't even know it!"
17. Rounders
Just love it, everytime it's on I watch until the end. This is real poker before the poker explosion in America. Who can't recite Malkovich's lines? And, for what it's worth, I like narrated movies.
18. 40 Year Old Virgin
Just took comedy to all new heights. Seriously this is a hysterical movie. I laugh at over 80% of the dialouge.
19. Anchorman
Before 40 Year Old, there is this. Ron Burgundy. Proabably the most quoted movie in my library.
20. The Deer Hunter
Intense drama about friendship and the effects of the Vietnam War. Of course the Russian Roulette scenes steal the show. Walken was fantastic as was DeNiro.
21. New Jack City
Gritty tale of the rise and fall of a powerful drug lord. Neno Brown man, don't fuck with that dude.
22. Old School
The arrival of the Will Ferrel era in movies. Not to mention Vince Vaughn but he had already arrived. Anyone else notice that Jeremy Piven and his semi-hot wife in Entourage are in this movie?
23. Rocky
True underdog story that I feel gets "everyone involved". You cheer because you care.
24. Shawshank Redemption
Simply an excellent film. Morgan Freeman gives a hell of a performance.
25. Bronx Tale
Kid learns life lessons from a mafia boss and his hard-working pops. Great movie. I love the detail in this one too.
26. Raging Bull
Sometimes the only person who can stop you is you.
27. Carlito's Way
Felt like he owed him, then it got hairy. And Carlito never made it to that island. We rooted for him, we rooted for the bad guy. I feel like this movie is underated.
28. E.T
Hey man, childhood memories. I am not an old guy. E.T was the shit when I was a kid. It was all about a friendship.
29. Braveheart
This was a great film based on William Wallace and his army. Very real.
30. Blow
The reason my picture is Padrino Escobar. We all love rise and fall stories of druglords, don't we?
31. Donnie Brasco
Rat. Mole. Based on the true story this never disappoints. From Depp's performance all the way down.
32. Friday
Comedy classic. Big Worm, Deebo, Smokey and Craig. Alot of shit goes down between Thursday and Saturday
33. Pulp Fiction
Intertwined lives of all these characters, I swear Tarantino's mind is warped.
34. Fight Club
Unlike any movie I've seen. Well paced, plot great, acting phenominal...I could go on.
35. Alien
Scared the shit out of me the first time I saw it. Still kind of does.
36. Platoon
Seemed so real to me. I felt entraped in the situation when I watch this movie.
37. Rain Man
I never saw the Graduate so I can't say that this was Hoffman's best performance but it has to be up there.
38. Casino
I love the greed, I feel it. Same deal with Wall Street (no.40). You just feel the greed. And greed is good. Not to mention Pesci who I thought should have gotten some award for this role.
39. Full Metal Jacket
Boot camp in Parrot Bay looks like one hell of a nightmare huh? Gomer Pyle steals the show on the toilet bowl.
40. Wall Street
Like I said, greed is good.
41. Reservoir Dogs
Another Tarantino mind warp. It was supposed to be the perfect crime and no one knows who it was. That gives this movie the legs it needs to go on with the same story.
42. Ace Ventura
I'll go out on a limb here and say this is Carrey's best character ever.
43. Major League
Just a load of fun in this movie. Of course two or even three sequels were made but this was the best.
44. A Few Good Men
"You can't handle the truth". I mean c'mon, who's better than Nicholson on the stand?
45. Predator
Arnie battling a extra-terrestial soilder. What's not to love?
46. Sin City
Really enjoyed this and can't wait for the sequel. Just real grimey stories that kind of intertwine.
47. The Matrix
Visually stimulating. We all wacthed this the first time like a baby staring at cartoons. Just fixated on the screen.
48. Trading Places
Simply put. Real funny.
49. King Kong (either one, 1933 was great but the update from Jackson was as visually stimulating as any movie I've ever seen.)
No I'm not gay, this is a beautiful story.
50. Wedding Crashers
Rule No.1 : Never leave a fellow crasher behind.
51. Red Dragon
Pshychopath killers make great characters. Fiennes shines. Loving the Hannibal connections as well.
52. Se7en
Great murder mystery. Following the belief in the seven deadly sins.
53. Leon: The Professional
Young Natalie Portman getting befriended by a professional hitman. You would think that her life would be in danger but they form a bond that he is willing to die for. Oldman is a nut.
54. The Crow
A dark superhero. Love the idea, the story and thought Lee was great (tragically).
55. 25th Hour
The speech into the mirror by Norton is hilarious. So true man. If only everyone was a New Yorker, you'd all understand. I liked Spike's take on this film. He's a borderline great director. Real good but not great.
56. Batman Begins
Thought is was excellent. My favorite superhero and DC guy was brought to life by Nolan. I watch it every time it runs on cable.
57. Black Hawk Down
Raw. Intense. Real.
58. Boiler Room
Schoonk got took. The whiteboy version of slinging crack rock....stock market. I can recite all the lines.
59. Boogie Nights
One of my favorite industries. They're 3 things that make some movies work automatically.
Sex, Drugs, and Blood. This film falls under sex. And by the way, every Halloween I tell people I'm going dressed as Dirk Diggler, no prostethic necessary.
60. Jerry Maguire
Sure it's really a romantic story between Cruise's character and Renee but the sports scenes and the acting performance from Cuba Gooding overwhelm this picture. I can't believe he failed at just about everything else. Between Boyz N the Hood and this one he should have been a bonafide star.
61. Bad Boys
Whatcha gonna do when they come for you!! Joey Pants is good in both of these as well.
62. Bad Boys II
Just as good if not better than the first. Hilarity throughout.
63. Caddyshack
Roll call: Bill Murray, John Candy, Chevy Chase, Rodney Dangerfield. Need I say more.
64. Bram Stroker's Dracula
Best Drac out there, no other one comes close.
65. Die Hard
The whole fucking franchise I love. Willis is the most sarcastic piece of waste on the screen but he's the hero. I love it.
66. Falling Down
Just fuck bitches up. Don't take no shit from no one.
67. Natural Born Killers
Fast, hectic story of pshychopath serial murderes who happen to be crazy in love. I like to call this "Cultural Violence".
68. Heat
Pacino and Deniro on the same screen again. Yup. Again.
69. Scent Of A Woman
Outside of Godfather and Scarface, Pacino's best performance (in my eyes). The screaming, the wild sadness that his charcter exudes. Magnificent film.
70. Judgement Night
Sick cat and mouse game. Leary is a nut.
71. Kill Bill
Revenge is a motherfucker.
72. Kill Bill 2
Clever, didn't miss a beat.
73. He Got Game
Denzel nails the role of "alchololic tough guy, I'll whip yo ass type" Dad. And the Coney Island detail is so real I felt like I knew Jesus Shuttlesworth personally.
74. Meet The Parents
Deniro showing the comedic skills and Stiller being Stiller. Came out of nowhere and was funny as shit when it did.
75. Boyz N the Hood
Crime saga with the ever-gangsta South Central LA scene. Fuckin' doughboy. Sad.
76. Office Space
If you've never worked in an office you can't understand this movie. If you have, you love it.
77. Road To Perdition
Detail of the 1930's Irish mob is surreal. The story was good too. Makes me rent Paul Newman movies everytime I see it. And can Hanks play any role?
78. Prates of the Caribbean
Fun. Simple. Sometimes you go to the movies to have fun and not concentrate. And what a quirky fuck that Depp is huh?
79. Snatch
Fun crime caper. I like the mix of "groups".
80. Cable Guy
Carrey in his most demented but funny role. Didn't really do well in the box office but I always catch it when it's on. And of course I own it.
81. The Aviator
Howard Hughes, the DiCaprio performance was dead on. Hughes was a crazy fuck. Brilliant though, as most crazy people are.
82. The Fugitive
"I didn't kill my wife"! I joke around all the time with this line, when I deny something, that's what I say. Mad love and respect to Richard Kimball who refused to be dragged down by a one-armed man.
83. The Man With Two Brains
Stupid I know but I couldn't stop watching it. And it will forever be one of my favorite Steve Martin movies.
84. Tombstone
Good Wyatt Earp and better Doc Holliday. Not a western fan but watched this consistently and enjoyed it.
85. Any Given Sunday
Miami Sharks! It's like the Blitz video game but with drama behind it.
86. The Green Mile
Stephen King can do more than just horror. Great story and tremendous performance out of that knuckle head Duncan.
87. Traffic
Movie making. Some people don't like the documentary style that this film is shot in but I think it gives it it's realism.
88. Lord of War
Behind the scenes of a real trade. Guns. Cage is excellent, Leto plays a great crack head and the African trips are very detailed and raw.
89. Christmas Vacation
Never fails, I watch it every year around Xmas. Laughs all around.
90. Memento
Crazy. Filmaking at it's peak. Totally outside the box.
91. T2
Best Terminator of them all. At the time it was a speacial effect masterpiece.
92. Three Kings
Bowls of a war-torn country or steal gold? Pick one.
93. Bourne Identity
Cool flick man, waiting for the thrid installment.
94. Bourne Supremacy
Like Paul Rudd in 40 Year Old says: "I don't know, looks like Damon rocks the shit in this one".
95. Hannibal
Decent ending to a nice trilogy. Makes the top 100 because I liked when the boars ate that cripple's face.
96. Napolean Dynamite
Caught alot of people by surprise. Pedro is funny.
97. A Perfect World
Criminals have feelings too.
98. Rambo
Lesson here: "Disgruntled Vietnam vets will kill you"
99. Jackie Brown
Bad-ass movie.
100. Showgirls
Of course this makes the list. It is a comedy right?
Tuesday, September 26, 2006
Monday, September 25, 2006
Just To Keep You Busy
Shut Up, I'm Lazy
For the record the El Pad went 5-3-1 in this past weekends bets. Although I deserved better, I won't complain. I'm sportin a 16-10-1 record. Nice.
Tonight on Monday Night Football the Atlanta Falcons (2-0) travel to New Orleans to square up against the surprising undefeated Saints. First game back in NO since that bitch Katrina.
That's all I feel like writing, I'm resting my fingers to hold beer later tonight.
Tonight on Monday Night Football the Atlanta Falcons (2-0) travel to New Orleans to square up against the surprising undefeated Saints. First game back in NO since that bitch Katrina.
That's all I feel like writing, I'm resting my fingers to hold beer later tonight.
Friday, September 22, 2006
Mango Salsa (Friday Edition)
If your looking for El Padrino's Weekly Betting Column click here:
I will be writing various sports pieces here along with 5 other gentlemen on this blog.
The betting column will be posted there every Friday but I will continue to talk sports on this blog as well.
As for today I figured the world was due for a little Mango Salsa.....
Did Hugo Chavez leave town yet? Cuz if he didn't I'm going to round up some hoods and find this crazy sumbitch. Knock him to the floor and stomp his testicles. Does he think that because we have problems with our president that he can talk crap about him? No. you can't do that.
Even if we hate our Prez, which some people do, we won't allow you to talk shit about him to us.
Homey don't play that.
This just opened up on the corner of 7th and 49th street. A block up from my building.
Needless to say, I am happy.
Everyone eat spinach tonight.
Is Grey's Anatomy a chick show? Cuz It certainly looks like one.
Feeling sick, down on your luck, or just plain sorry for yourself. Check this out:
Thank me later.
Quick thanks to Fair Maiden (linked to right) who purchased two custom made
shirts from tjokes.com. I hear she's happy about them.... here they are.
I get more ass than a toilet seat or I get more butt than ashtrays.
I like those, they make me grin.
I will be writing various sports pieces here along with 5 other gentlemen on this blog.
The betting column will be posted there every Friday but I will continue to talk sports on this blog as well.
As for today I figured the world was due for a little Mango Salsa.....
Did Hugo Chavez leave town yet? Cuz if he didn't I'm going to round up some hoods and find this crazy sumbitch. Knock him to the floor and stomp his testicles. Does he think that because we have problems with our president that he can talk crap about him? No. you can't do that.
Even if we hate our Prez, which some people do, we won't allow you to talk shit about him to us.
Homey don't play that.
This just opened up on the corner of 7th and 49th street. A block up from my building.
Needless to say, I am happy.
Everyone eat spinach tonight.
Is Grey's Anatomy a chick show? Cuz It certainly looks like one.
Feeling sick, down on your luck, or just plain sorry for yourself. Check this out:
Thank me later.
Quick thanks to Fair Maiden (linked to right) who purchased two custom made
shirts from tjokes.com. I hear she's happy about them.... here they are.
I get more ass than a toilet seat or I get more butt than ashtrays.
I like those, they make me grin.
Thursday, September 21, 2006
Would I Do It Again....Does A Bear Shit In The Woods?
As I said yesterday working from home was a phenomenal experience. I wanted to go into detail of how phenomenal it actually was.
First, there's no commute. Unless you count the steps you and your morning wood take to the bathroom to relieve yourself, there's no N Train.
Or as I sometime call it, The Third World Express. That's right, there's no sneezing, coughing, disgusting aliens to deal with at 8am.
There's no "delay of service" or "there's a red signal ahead, we will be moving momentarily" to worry about.
Second, the attire is totally up to you. I chose casual. Real casual.
Good old-fashioned boxers. American made in Taiwan, comfortable as a mutha and very fashionable indoors.
I also went nude for an extended period of time because well, I can do that.
Third, food. If you've never been to El Padrino's Cafe your missing out. The food is excellent.
Even the leftover's are a king's meal.
Canned soup? Non-sense. Pot-Pie? Don't get slapped.
I'm talking leftover chicken parm, a Boboli pizza prepared by the chef himself, prosciutto balls from Pastosa and some Italian olives. Bueno!
No to mention the snacks...and they are all FREE!!!!!
I also have to mention that I snuck a beer in there too. I had to. As I'm approving payments of over a half a billion dollars I'm swigging on a Sam Adams. Life is good.
Fourth, co-workers. No more gollum. Who if I haven't mentioned in the past, I sit next to a guy who looks like the Gollum from Lord Of The Rings. You know, the little creepy gnome that snatches shit from everyone. Identical. And he's fairly annoying. And he's Polish. So that's like a tri-fecta of characteristics that makes me not want to sit next to you for 50 hours a week.
Fifth, downtime. I'm no smoker so I don't get to go outside my building 47 times a day to inject poisons in my lungs like some lucky folks. So my downtime includes perusing the net or walking outside for 20 minutes or so. But when your home who wants to peruse the net when you can just watch the Price is Right (Barker is still alive!). Like I mentioned in yesterday's comment thread during the course of two days while "working" at home I fell upon some movies that happen to be on cable. Good one's too. Cape Fear, Friday Night Lights, Austin Powers, Die Hard, Batman Begins, and Lucky Number Slevin.
And of course Madden 2006 was played. Over and over agian.
Today I'm back at my miserable office. Confined to this silly thing called a "cubicle".
Sitting next to a real life gollum, getting harassed by anyone and everyone expecting me to "work". It's like the first day back from vacation, cept I ain't got no tan. It's sad. Really.
I tell everyone to consider themselves lucky that I'm wearing pants today.
First, there's no commute. Unless you count the steps you and your morning wood take to the bathroom to relieve yourself, there's no N Train.
Or as I sometime call it, The Third World Express. That's right, there's no sneezing, coughing, disgusting aliens to deal with at 8am.
There's no "delay of service" or "there's a red signal ahead, we will be moving momentarily" to worry about.
Second, the attire is totally up to you. I chose casual. Real casual.
Good old-fashioned boxers. American made in Taiwan, comfortable as a mutha and very fashionable indoors.
I also went nude for an extended period of time because well, I can do that.
Third, food. If you've never been to El Padrino's Cafe your missing out. The food is excellent.
Even the leftover's are a king's meal.
Canned soup? Non-sense. Pot-Pie? Don't get slapped.
I'm talking leftover chicken parm, a Boboli pizza prepared by the chef himself, prosciutto balls from Pastosa and some Italian olives. Bueno!
No to mention the snacks...and they are all FREE!!!!!
I also have to mention that I snuck a beer in there too. I had to. As I'm approving payments of over a half a billion dollars I'm swigging on a Sam Adams. Life is good.
Fourth, co-workers. No more gollum. Who if I haven't mentioned in the past, I sit next to a guy who looks like the Gollum from Lord Of The Rings. You know, the little creepy gnome that snatches shit from everyone. Identical. And he's fairly annoying. And he's Polish. So that's like a tri-fecta of characteristics that makes me not want to sit next to you for 50 hours a week.
Fifth, downtime. I'm no smoker so I don't get to go outside my building 47 times a day to inject poisons in my lungs like some lucky folks. So my downtime includes perusing the net or walking outside for 20 minutes or so. But when your home who wants to peruse the net when you can just watch the Price is Right (Barker is still alive!). Like I mentioned in yesterday's comment thread during the course of two days while "working" at home I fell upon some movies that happen to be on cable. Good one's too. Cape Fear, Friday Night Lights, Austin Powers, Die Hard, Batman Begins, and Lucky Number Slevin.
And of course Madden 2006 was played. Over and over agian.
Today I'm back at my miserable office. Confined to this silly thing called a "cubicle".
Sitting next to a real life gollum, getting harassed by anyone and everyone expecting me to "work". It's like the first day back from vacation, cept I ain't got no tan. It's sad. Really.
I tell everyone to consider themselves lucky that I'm wearing pants today.
Wednesday, September 20, 2006
Home School
This ain't going to be much of a post, more like a message.
I'm working from home today, as I did yesterday and let me tell you. It's fantastic.
Bossman told me with all the action in the city this week with the UN crap and the prez here that I would work from home two days this week. That way he'll know if I can do all my work remotely in case of an emergency. Sweet.
No, that's not me.
Monday, September 18, 2006
Monday Morning Quarterback
Kind of a wacky weekend in the NFL huh? Out of the 5 teams that were 10 point or more favorites all but one covered, easily. El Pad had a rough betting experience going a gnarly 0-3 in college (although I hit the USC bet, the line dropped to 17) and a respectable 4-2 in the pros. After going 7-2 last week that brings the overall stand at 11-7. Not bad. Let's get into some of the events that was a great football weekend.
GIANTS! Unbelievable comeback win on the road. Just gutted out a rough 3 quarters and took it to Philly in the fourth to tie the game and force overtime. Eli was unspectacular for 3 quarters mostly due to "protection problems" but really turned it on when it mattered. Driving down the field to set-up a tying FG he then went unconscious in the OT period and went 8-8, 82 yards and a TD. Now they head to Seattle to face the Hawks who sit at 2-0 but it's a different 2-0 as yesterday they had a under-whelming victory over the Cards. That's two under-whelming performances against two mediocre teams. The Giants are not a mediocre team.
Gamble is his name and gamble he did. A lateral pass that went bad the Panthers blew thier game in Minny and now sit 2 behind the flying Falcons. Vick and Co. set a record by rushing for over 300 yards with him and Dunn doing most of the work. Needless to say the Falcons look good, the Bucs and the Panthers don't.
Speaking of the Bucs, Simms needs to sit. I guess he ain't ready. And the cover is still on the Cadillac, cuz we haven't seen that fool yet.
Pats still own Jets. Ravens squash Raiders has predicted.
Are the Saints for real? Well you know what....with Brees you have to respect them now.
This Colston kid is becoming a threat in an offense that can score.
Niners with a big home win against a pretty good Ram team still finding themselves. I called Frank Gore a year ago and now he's emerging as a top back. Did anyone see the throw Alex Smith made to Bryant for the go-ahead TD? Wow.
Colts did what they do against bad teams and Manning passes Unitas on the all-time Colts list.
Broncos struggled again and the Chargers look like the team to beat out west.
Redskins offense makes me want to puke when I watch it. It's awful. I though Al Saunders was a genius? Brunell has to go. I'm surprised that situation doesn't get more press. What do fans in DC want?
T.O busted his finger and is out 2-4 weeks. Culpepper layed a home-opening egg.
Bills looked pretty good again, should we watch out?
Bengals took care of business over the Browns but did anyone see the lick Chad Johnson took?
Let's see him do the chicken dance after that?
Da Bears.
GIANTS! Unbelievable comeback win on the road. Just gutted out a rough 3 quarters and took it to Philly in the fourth to tie the game and force overtime. Eli was unspectacular for 3 quarters mostly due to "protection problems" but really turned it on when it mattered. Driving down the field to set-up a tying FG he then went unconscious in the OT period and went 8-8, 82 yards and a TD. Now they head to Seattle to face the Hawks who sit at 2-0 but it's a different 2-0 as yesterday they had a under-whelming victory over the Cards. That's two under-whelming performances against two mediocre teams. The Giants are not a mediocre team.
Gamble is his name and gamble he did. A lateral pass that went bad the Panthers blew thier game in Minny and now sit 2 behind the flying Falcons. Vick and Co. set a record by rushing for over 300 yards with him and Dunn doing most of the work. Needless to say the Falcons look good, the Bucs and the Panthers don't.
Speaking of the Bucs, Simms needs to sit. I guess he ain't ready. And the cover is still on the Cadillac, cuz we haven't seen that fool yet.
Pats still own Jets. Ravens squash Raiders has predicted.
Are the Saints for real? Well you know what....with Brees you have to respect them now.
This Colston kid is becoming a threat in an offense that can score.
Niners with a big home win against a pretty good Ram team still finding themselves. I called Frank Gore a year ago and now he's emerging as a top back. Did anyone see the throw Alex Smith made to Bryant for the go-ahead TD? Wow.
Colts did what they do against bad teams and Manning passes Unitas on the all-time Colts list.
Broncos struggled again and the Chargers look like the team to beat out west.
Redskins offense makes me want to puke when I watch it. It's awful. I though Al Saunders was a genius? Brunell has to go. I'm surprised that situation doesn't get more press. What do fans in DC want?
T.O busted his finger and is out 2-4 weeks. Culpepper layed a home-opening egg.
Bills looked pretty good again, should we watch out?
Bengals took care of business over the Browns but did anyone see the lick Chad Johnson took?
Let's see him do the chicken dance after that?
Da Bears.
Thursday, September 14, 2006
I'm A Degenrate
El Padrino's Weekly Football Betting Column
Florida -3.5 over TENNESSEE
Vols squeaked one out last week against Air Force after an impressive beating of Cal a week prior. Which Vol team will show up? I'm guessing somewhere in between which tells me they ain't ready to beat a talented team like Florida. Too many weapons for Chris Leak who finally looks comfortable behind center. ($50)
USC -19 over Nebraska
No doubt Bill Callahan has done a great job in rebuilding that Nebraska program but Pete Carrol with two weeks to work with Booty and that offense will overwhelm him this week. And it's SoCal's first home game of the 2006 year so that merits a few td's alone. ($50)
FLORIDA STATE -3.5 over Clemson
Clemson comes in limping after that brutal loss to BC on Chestnut Hill last Saturday. Overtime thriller in which the Clemson kicker missed an extra point in OT to pretty much lose the game.
Father Bowden will have no mercy on his son after this week's practices made him look like the coach of Hoover High on that Two-A-Days show. FSU needs to send a message here. ($75)
Disclaimer: Because IAM requested and because I am (no pun intended) a nice guy I put in parenthesis how much I anticiapate putting on each game. Also tonight I mentioned WVU-17 over Maryland, that's worth ($100). Good Luck.
Lot's of big spreads this week.. Beware of the Back door covers!
Bucs +5.5 over HOTLANTA
King got one thing right in his picks for this week, nobody rallies a team to scrape a win out better than Jon "Chucky" Gruden. Plus Abraham is hobbled and last year I was at this game and the Bucs pulled it out in OT. That was a great game, Cadillac ran for like 130 and Vick fumbles in OT to set-up the game-winning FG. ($50)
SEAHAWKS -7 over Cards
Hawks rebound nicely at home and trounce the Cards. Niners put up points against these Cards so that tells me the Hawks will put up some points. Either that or the Madden curse will rear it's ugly head and Alexander will snap his fibula in the first quarter. ($100)
RAVENS -11 over Raiders
I can't help myself, this is too easy. Ray Lewis might actually eat Aaron Brooks. ($150)
Titans +12 over CHARGERS
Surprised? Smells like a back-door cover to me. I ain't sayin the Titans are going to win but the Chargers played the equivalent of a college team on Monday night. Titans came back and played good defense when it mattered on Sunday. They lost but they are a young team who can learn from that second half. Plus the Chargers ran the ball like 48 times or something like that. That smells like the O.Coordinator doesn't trust young Rivers yet. Look for Fisher to blitz his ass off Sunday. ($25)
Over/Under bet: Dolphins/Bills under 37
Saban has had since last Thursday night to prepare for the Bills. I don't expect them to score more than 10 in this AFC east match-up. ($25)
Exotic Bet: 4 game teaser
This allows me to add/subtract 13 points to each spread.
COLTS (Pk'em) over Texans
BEARS +5 over Detroit
BENGALS +2.5 over Browns
RAVENS +2 over Raiders
Easy enough, I'd say that warrants ($150).
Good Luck.
Florida -3.5 over TENNESSEE
Vols squeaked one out last week against Air Force after an impressive beating of Cal a week prior. Which Vol team will show up? I'm guessing somewhere in between which tells me they ain't ready to beat a talented team like Florida. Too many weapons for Chris Leak who finally looks comfortable behind center. ($50)
USC -19 over Nebraska
No doubt Bill Callahan has done a great job in rebuilding that Nebraska program but Pete Carrol with two weeks to work with Booty and that offense will overwhelm him this week. And it's SoCal's first home game of the 2006 year so that merits a few td's alone. ($50)
FLORIDA STATE -3.5 over Clemson
Clemson comes in limping after that brutal loss to BC on Chestnut Hill last Saturday. Overtime thriller in which the Clemson kicker missed an extra point in OT to pretty much lose the game.
Father Bowden will have no mercy on his son after this week's practices made him look like the coach of Hoover High on that Two-A-Days show. FSU needs to send a message here. ($75)
Disclaimer: Because IAM requested and because I am (no pun intended) a nice guy I put in parenthesis how much I anticiapate putting on each game. Also tonight I mentioned WVU-17 over Maryland, that's worth ($100). Good Luck.
Lot's of big spreads this week.. Beware of the Back door covers!
Bucs +5.5 over HOTLANTA
King got one thing right in his picks for this week, nobody rallies a team to scrape a win out better than Jon "Chucky" Gruden. Plus Abraham is hobbled and last year I was at this game and the Bucs pulled it out in OT. That was a great game, Cadillac ran for like 130 and Vick fumbles in OT to set-up the game-winning FG. ($50)
SEAHAWKS -7 over Cards
Hawks rebound nicely at home and trounce the Cards. Niners put up points against these Cards so that tells me the Hawks will put up some points. Either that or the Madden curse will rear it's ugly head and Alexander will snap his fibula in the first quarter. ($100)
RAVENS -11 over Raiders
I can't help myself, this is too easy. Ray Lewis might actually eat Aaron Brooks. ($150)
Titans +12 over CHARGERS
Surprised? Smells like a back-door cover to me. I ain't sayin the Titans are going to win but the Chargers played the equivalent of a college team on Monday night. Titans came back and played good defense when it mattered on Sunday. They lost but they are a young team who can learn from that second half. Plus the Chargers ran the ball like 48 times or something like that. That smells like the O.Coordinator doesn't trust young Rivers yet. Look for Fisher to blitz his ass off Sunday. ($25)
Over/Under bet: Dolphins/Bills under 37
Saban has had since last Thursday night to prepare for the Bills. I don't expect them to score more than 10 in this AFC east match-up. ($25)
Exotic Bet: 4 game teaser
This allows me to add/subtract 13 points to each spread.
COLTS (Pk'em) over Texans
BEARS +5 over Detroit
BENGALS +2.5 over Browns
RAVENS +2 over Raiders
Easy enough, I'd say that warrants ($150).
Good Luck.
Mango Salsa (Deluxe Edition)
Wanted to do a non-football (especially before tomorrow's betting piece) post so here is an extended version of Mango Salsa. No particular idea came into my head so you get it all.
-With everyone from the Rev run with the big head to the hatastical IAM everyone seems to be doing music posts and I just wanted to say that I bet Al Green got alot of poontang. Cuz he was one smooth mofo. His music just relaxes me like few others can. When I listen to it, it's like I'm in this Feng Shui trance. I wanna hug people. I better stop listening to it in the morning though cuz it gets big willie and the twins a little riled up which means I'll have to wait all day to calm them down. I'll listen on the way home, that way I can attack my wife.
-I love NY bagels and pizza. Just two staples that will never go away no matter what happens in the world. Everytime I go on vacation the first thing I eat when I get back is a slice of pizza. Ususally L&B pizza :http://www.spumonigardens.com/ which is a Brooklyn hotspot for the best sicilian slice in the world. I defy you to try their sicilian and say there is one better. DEFY YOU!
-Speaking of NY and shit you don't see everyday I saw a homeless guy doing push-ups in the train station this am. That was different. He had a sign that said: "Betcha a dollar I can do 50"
I like creative homeless people. I will give them something if they are creative like that guy.
One time we were walking in Times Square and this homeless guy had a sign that said: "Curse me out for a $1". And sure enough people would throw a dollar in his hat and then start blasting him with F-bombs and other foul words. It was funny.
-Of course there is nothing like Christmas in the city and before you know it it's here. Sept is half way over then it's 2 months from December. I know, I know, say what everyone else says:
Where did the time go cliche that I bet your saying right now in your head. Anyway the Rockettes were outside my building yesterday as tickets for the Radio City Spectacular went on sale. I implore any tourist or out of towner who is visiting NYC during the holiday to see that show. It's as Christmas as it gets.
-Anyone see Poiseidon? Worth my two hours? I got it at home through netflix. Which I don't know if I mentioned is fabulous. I've had it for two years now and probably have seen close to or over 100 movies. So yeah I beat them for their 17.95 over and over.
-HOT STOCK TIP ALERT.... http://finance.yahoo.com/q?s=CLME.PK
Could be an alternative for gasoline. They harvest rice straw for energy. Yes it's only a nickel and yes it's highly specualtive but what the fuck do you have to lose? For $100 you can own 2000 shares and if it goes up to a quarter or even more your rollin' in it like Scrooge McDuck.
Check out the news and everything from the link above. It's goverment subsudized so this could be the real thing. Believe me one day we will have fule alternatives.
-The Anna Nicole thing is weird. Now she's claiming memory loss of the whole thing. Bahamas officials have not ruled out foul play. Poor kid. He never had a shot anyway.
-I usualy don't watch any network TV, mostly because I watch sports all the time and/or moveis. But I may tune in to the new Survivor that it premiering tonight. The idea of seperating the tribes by racial ethnicity is intriguing. And I don't have a problem with it. I think the flak they are catching is bit much I mean can anything be done in this country wihtout a damn protest?
- I think Katie Couric's sign off should be "I suck"
That is all.....
Quick pick - WVU tonight -17, I'm in. No this doesn't count for tw's picks.
-With everyone from the Rev run with the big head to the hatastical IAM everyone seems to be doing music posts and I just wanted to say that I bet Al Green got alot of poontang. Cuz he was one smooth mofo. His music just relaxes me like few others can. When I listen to it, it's like I'm in this Feng Shui trance. I wanna hug people. I better stop listening to it in the morning though cuz it gets big willie and the twins a little riled up which means I'll have to wait all day to calm them down. I'll listen on the way home, that way I can attack my wife.
-I love NY bagels and pizza. Just two staples that will never go away no matter what happens in the world. Everytime I go on vacation the first thing I eat when I get back is a slice of pizza. Ususally L&B pizza :http://www.spumonigardens.com/ which is a Brooklyn hotspot for the best sicilian slice in the world. I defy you to try their sicilian and say there is one better. DEFY YOU!
-Speaking of NY and shit you don't see everyday I saw a homeless guy doing push-ups in the train station this am. That was different. He had a sign that said: "Betcha a dollar I can do 50"
I like creative homeless people. I will give them something if they are creative like that guy.
One time we were walking in Times Square and this homeless guy had a sign that said: "Curse me out for a $1". And sure enough people would throw a dollar in his hat and then start blasting him with F-bombs and other foul words. It was funny.
-Of course there is nothing like Christmas in the city and before you know it it's here. Sept is half way over then it's 2 months from December. I know, I know, say what everyone else says:
Where did the time go cliche that I bet your saying right now in your head. Anyway the Rockettes were outside my building yesterday as tickets for the Radio City Spectacular went on sale. I implore any tourist or out of towner who is visiting NYC during the holiday to see that show. It's as Christmas as it gets.
-Anyone see Poiseidon? Worth my two hours? I got it at home through netflix. Which I don't know if I mentioned is fabulous. I've had it for two years now and probably have seen close to or over 100 movies. So yeah I beat them for their 17.95 over and over.
-HOT STOCK TIP ALERT.... http://finance.yahoo.com/q?s=CLME.PK
Could be an alternative for gasoline. They harvest rice straw for energy. Yes it's only a nickel and yes it's highly specualtive but what the fuck do you have to lose? For $100 you can own 2000 shares and if it goes up to a quarter or even more your rollin' in it like Scrooge McDuck.
Check out the news and everything from the link above. It's goverment subsudized so this could be the real thing. Believe me one day we will have fule alternatives.
-The Anna Nicole thing is weird. Now she's claiming memory loss of the whole thing. Bahamas officials have not ruled out foul play. Poor kid. He never had a shot anyway.
-I usualy don't watch any network TV, mostly because I watch sports all the time and/or moveis. But I may tune in to the new Survivor that it premiering tonight. The idea of seperating the tribes by racial ethnicity is intriguing. And I don't have a problem with it. I think the flak they are catching is bit much I mean can anything be done in this country wihtout a damn protest?
- I think Katie Couric's sign off should be "I suck"
That is all.....
Quick pick - WVU tonight -17, I'm in. No this doesn't count for tw's picks.
Tuesday, September 12, 2006
Don't Act Like Your Not Impressed.
The results are in. The El Pad went a hearty 7-2 on last week's play.
2-1 in the college ranks with a near perfecto if Clemson hits the extra point, who knows what happens and a robust 5-1 for the Pro's only marred by a over pick in the Chief/Bengal game.
That is a good start.
Few thoughts on the NFL from the past week.
Eagles are back. Fuck!
Nice output from the re-vamped Lions offense.
Mike Williams, where have you gone?
Reggie Bush, looked very good. Houston hello!
208 times. David Carr got sacked since he started for the Texans. Add 5 more.
Machine Bell in Denver is a go.
John Hall looks like Plummer with that mustasche.
Sterling Sharpe still can't move his neck.
Fantasy disapointment: Jake Delhomme & Kevin Jones
Mangini is really fat. What the fuck does Belichik feed these guys?
Crennel, Weiss, Mangini! They are all really fat and Mangini is only 35!!
Eli will be fine. I realized becasue of Peyton alot of people hate the Mannings.
Unfortunately Eli included. So he gets the hate too. I have to admit out of all 32 teams in the league I realize he's not the first guy you take if your building a team but he's in the top 10 at the very least (top 5 for me).
2-1 in the college ranks with a near perfecto if Clemson hits the extra point, who knows what happens and a robust 5-1 for the Pro's only marred by a over pick in the Chief/Bengal game.
That is a good start.
Few thoughts on the NFL from the past week.
Eagles are back. Fuck!
Nice output from the re-vamped Lions offense.
Mike Williams, where have you gone?
Reggie Bush, looked very good. Houston hello!
208 times. David Carr got sacked since he started for the Texans. Add 5 more.
Machine Bell in Denver is a go.
John Hall looks like Plummer with that mustasche.
Sterling Sharpe still can't move his neck.
Fantasy disapointment: Jake Delhomme & Kevin Jones
Mangini is really fat. What the fuck does Belichik feed these guys?
Crennel, Weiss, Mangini! They are all really fat and Mangini is only 35!!
Eli will be fine. I realized becasue of Peyton alot of people hate the Mannings.
Unfortunately Eli included. So he gets the hate too. I have to admit out of all 32 teams in the league I realize he's not the first guy you take if your building a team but he's in the top 10 at the very least (top 5 for me).
Friday, September 08, 2006
5 Years.

Finally, something to look forward to. On the anniversary of 9/11 this is what the new downtown area of NYC will look like. Aint she a beaut!
Check out the story from Friday's CNN page.
I can't believe it's been 5 years. Crazy. I'll probably go over to St. Pat's and light a candle for the dead, say a prayer too. It's a painful day for people who lost someone. That's the least I can do.
I hope everything goes smooth today, hope I make it home to my wife......
It's hard not to think like that. And I'm the type of fella who thinks the total opposite of a bad scenario. Just the memory of that day still resonates in my brain and I know it always will but I'm glad the plans are finalized. Break dirt on that sumbitch boys!
I'm A Degenrate
El Padrino's Weekly Football Betting Column
Every week I will post some football picks for entertainment purposes and to show off my knowledge of the game I know and love. Here's how it'll go.
3 College Games, 4 Pro games, 1 Over/Under pick and 1 Exotic Bet
I will keep record of these bets either by myself or with help from readers and or a friend. (York)
Feel free to rip me apart on any and every bet and don't blame me if you lose your house and shoes.
2 quick rules:
I don't bet on teams I root for, mainly because it's equally devastating when your team loses and you lose money. So I will never bet a game that the Giants are involved in.
The other is I will not pick any college games that have a spread of 21 or more. Just too easy.
I pick the hard games, the games that matter. I ain't never scurred.
Quick background, I've been doing this for a while now and if memory serves me correct I have finished above .500 each of the past three years. So, that means I've made money (if I really did go through with the bets, which in some cases I have) which is good.
Anyway without further ado, it's the famous Focker Fondue!!
Onto the picks.
LSU -15 over Arizona
This is too easy. I don't understand why this line is so low. I expect a 49-10 drubbing. Something like that. Pencil me in for 1-0 record.
RUTGERS -10.5 over Illinois
Impressed last week with Rutgers performance, count me in thinking they can win 9 or 10 games. That RB is a helluva a player.
Clemson -2.5 over BOSTON COLLEGE
I wasn't iimpressed by BC last week, I'll just say that.
Bengals +2.5 over CHIEFS
Take advantage of this while you can, Bengals won't be getting points that much this season. Chiefs offense cannot compete with the Bengals offense. And neither team has a defense that can stop either or. Now that I think of it this is my over under bet too.
RAMS +3.5 over Broncos
Home dog, home opener, turf....This will be one of the Broncos 4 or 5 losses. Bulger lights up the secondary and Stephen Jackson runs wild.
Chargers -3.5 over RAIDERS
I can't even believe people are telling me the Raiders are going to win. On what basis do you think that's going to happen? I mean Tomlinson, Monday night? Terrible Raider defense. Aaron Brooks? I'd be more than shocked if the Raiders win. Dumbfounded is the word, I think.
Niners +7.5 over CARDINALS
Ain't sayin they winnin'...jus sayin they'll cover. Always a see-saw battle between this two teams and 49ers have beaten them before. New stadium, big deal. Same team. This is going to be the first game that Alex Smith throws 3 TD's.
Exotic Bet:
It involves two picks above. It's called a tease bet. Take 6points and either add it or subtract it from the spread given. So I will:
Take the Bengals at +8.5 and the Niners at +13.5.
Both have to win and it's usually double vig. Enjoy!
Every week I will post some football picks for entertainment purposes and to show off my knowledge of the game I know and love. Here's how it'll go.
3 College Games, 4 Pro games, 1 Over/Under pick and 1 Exotic Bet
I will keep record of these bets either by myself or with help from readers and or a friend. (York)
Feel free to rip me apart on any and every bet and don't blame me if you lose your house and shoes.
2 quick rules:
I don't bet on teams I root for, mainly because it's equally devastating when your team loses and you lose money. So I will never bet a game that the Giants are involved in.
The other is I will not pick any college games that have a spread of 21 or more. Just too easy.
I pick the hard games, the games that matter. I ain't never scurred.
Quick background, I've been doing this for a while now and if memory serves me correct I have finished above .500 each of the past three years. So, that means I've made money (if I really did go through with the bets, which in some cases I have) which is good.
Anyway without further ado, it's the famous Focker Fondue!!
Onto the picks.
LSU -15 over Arizona
This is too easy. I don't understand why this line is so low. I expect a 49-10 drubbing. Something like that. Pencil me in for 1-0 record.
RUTGERS -10.5 over Illinois
Impressed last week with Rutgers performance, count me in thinking they can win 9 or 10 games. That RB is a helluva a player.
Clemson -2.5 over BOSTON COLLEGE
I wasn't iimpressed by BC last week, I'll just say that.
Bengals +2.5 over CHIEFS
Take advantage of this while you can, Bengals won't be getting points that much this season. Chiefs offense cannot compete with the Bengals offense. And neither team has a defense that can stop either or. Now that I think of it this is my over under bet too.
RAMS +3.5 over Broncos
Home dog, home opener, turf....This will be one of the Broncos 4 or 5 losses. Bulger lights up the secondary and Stephen Jackson runs wild.
Chargers -3.5 over RAIDERS
I can't even believe people are telling me the Raiders are going to win. On what basis do you think that's going to happen? I mean Tomlinson, Monday night? Terrible Raider defense. Aaron Brooks? I'd be more than shocked if the Raiders win. Dumbfounded is the word, I think.
Niners +7.5 over CARDINALS
Ain't sayin they winnin'...jus sayin they'll cover. Always a see-saw battle between this two teams and 49ers have beaten them before. New stadium, big deal. Same team. This is going to be the first game that Alex Smith throws 3 TD's.
Exotic Bet:
It involves two picks above. It's called a tease bet. Take 6points and either add it or subtract it from the spread given. So I will:
Take the Bengals at +8.5 and the Niners at +13.5.
Both have to win and it's usually double vig. Enjoy!
Wednesday, September 06, 2006
AFC Preview
El Pad's annual AFC preview!
Patriots 11-5: I just think Brady is going to have an even better year than last. Without Branch he can still put up numbers. Maroney will step in nicely to compliment Dillion and is a nice insurance policy if he goes down. The D is not great but good although the Seau signing confused me a bit. Belicheck has said this year he is going "back to fundamentals". NE gave up too many big plays last year and he equates that to players "being out of position". I love the two tight-end set for Brady and their schedule is not brutal by any means
Projections: Watson, he-huge year (Francesa talk). They may end up playing in Miami twice this year.
Dolphins 10-6: Saban had dem boys playing like hell the last 9 games of the last season. the key here will be Culpepper who looks phenominal so far. There isn't much depth however for the fins to survive a major injury.
Projections: I don't think I'm going out on a limb here to say that Ronnie Brown is going to blow-up.
Bills 5-11: Well, the speacial teams are good..... That's all I have to say about that.
Projections: McGahee will be the only bright spot.
Jets 4-12: Oy vey! Re-building hurts. There is nothing good going on here. Even NY sportswriters are picking the Jets to finish last. Pennington stinks even when healthy so the QB situation is dire. The RB situation is even worse. Who told them Barlow is good? Defense and speacial teams should keep them competitive but they just don't have the horses to pull anything out.
Projections: How do we know Mangini is going to be good? Belicheck stunk in Cleavland before going on to do what he has.
Denver 11-5: They got some talent in the Rockies. If Plummer plays any where nears to how he played last year they will be right back in the thick of things come January. If the defense holds up.....speacial things.
Projections: The RB situation, does anyone care other than fantasy owners? I mean it doesn't matter. Mike Bell, Tatum Bell, Bonnie Bell...who cares?
San Diego 10-6: LaDanian Tomlinson get them two wins alone. He's that good. The Steve Foley thing kind of smacked them in the kisser. The D was looking real good but he was an big piece of that. Rivers will be fine. Kid sat for two years and he says he was ready last year.
Projections: Marty is a terrible coach. Just putting it out there.
Cheifs 8-8: It's all about the defense. Can Herm get them to stop letting teams score 25+ every game or will they keep giving up the 25 points? We know LJ will be the O...who's going to be the D?
Projections: I did like the Ty Law thing though. He might pick off Aaron Brooks 8 times alone.
Da Raiderz: Stink aint the word. Brooks, please. Moss is going to go apeshit on TV alot.
Projections: Peter King got something right: "Brooks Throws 5 INT's, Benched by Shell".
C olts 12-4: Well they were a FG away from winning that crazy divisional game vs Pittsburgh so what do they do? Sign the clutchest kicker of them all. Adam Vinateri. The RB platoon is solid, the wideouts are still dope, Manning is Manning and the defense is very solid. Super Bowl or bust.
Projections: I think Peyton is too talented not to win the big one. I know I sound like Peter King but I think this is it. The kicker was the last piece.
Jaguars 9-7: No more sneaking up on people. We know you can coach Del Rio, we know your team plays physical defense. The tough schedule will subtract two wins but no one wants to play this team. Trust me.
Projections: Odds on Fred Taylor's legs disintegrating by week 5? 3-1.
Titans 7-9: The QB situation is a little eh but I like the young defense and I think they will sneak up on a few teams this year.
Projections: How long will they wait to unleash Vincent?
Houston 3-13: The biggest debacle of a draft pick. EVER! I don't want to hear any arguments whatsoever. Terrible choice evidenced by the firing of the GM immediately after.
Projections: I have no projections. Kubiak is a good coach. I feel bad for him.
Steelers 10-6: Alot of bad news lately. But Rothlisberger is so pissed about his performance olast Super Bowl that he is driven to prove he can do it again. Cowher is always driven and last year or not he's a helluva coach. Key players at all skill positions are returning which should put them in the driver's seat in this division.
Bengals 9-7: I can't help but look at that schedule and gasp. Plus the defensive woes and the whole Palmer thing (even though he looked good)...scare me. Pitt twice, New England, at Tampa, Carolina, Atlanta, Ravens twice, San Diego, at Indy and at Denver......like whoa.
Projections: Last year they should have beaten the Steelers, that was unfortunate.
Ravens 8-8: McNair is bound to get nicked up at some point. Then your right back at square one. The D will keep this team in alot of games. I love the under in just about every game they play.
Projections: Musa Smith looked better than Mike Anderson. That confused me a bit.
Browns 7-9: Much improvement in year two of the Crennel experiment. I like the young talent, I like Frye, of course Braylon is for real and getting Fraley (C) was big for them. He can be the anchor of the line.
Projections: Better than some people think
Playoff teams:
1. Colts, 2. Patriots, 3. Broncos, 4. Steelers, 5. Dolphins, 6. Chargers
Wild Card:
Broncos over Chargers, Steelers over Dolphins
Divisional Games
Colts over Steelers, Patriots over Chargers
AFC Championship
Colts over Patriots
Super Bowl
Colts over Bears
Am I crazy or what. I just can't believe the Colts can't win the big one. If I get proved wrong this year then I will never pick them to win it all again. Never.
Patriots 11-5: I just think Brady is going to have an even better year than last. Without Branch he can still put up numbers. Maroney will step in nicely to compliment Dillion and is a nice insurance policy if he goes down. The D is not great but good although the Seau signing confused me a bit. Belicheck has said this year he is going "back to fundamentals". NE gave up too many big plays last year and he equates that to players "being out of position". I love the two tight-end set for Brady and their schedule is not brutal by any means
Projections: Watson, he-huge year (Francesa talk). They may end up playing in Miami twice this year.
Dolphins 10-6: Saban had dem boys playing like hell the last 9 games of the last season. the key here will be Culpepper who looks phenominal so far. There isn't much depth however for the fins to survive a major injury.
Projections: I don't think I'm going out on a limb here to say that Ronnie Brown is going to blow-up.
Bills 5-11: Well, the speacial teams are good..... That's all I have to say about that.
Projections: McGahee will be the only bright spot.
Jets 4-12: Oy vey! Re-building hurts. There is nothing good going on here. Even NY sportswriters are picking the Jets to finish last. Pennington stinks even when healthy so the QB situation is dire. The RB situation is even worse. Who told them Barlow is good? Defense and speacial teams should keep them competitive but they just don't have the horses to pull anything out.
Projections: How do we know Mangini is going to be good? Belicheck stunk in Cleavland before going on to do what he has.
Denver 11-5: They got some talent in the Rockies. If Plummer plays any where nears to how he played last year they will be right back in the thick of things come January. If the defense holds up.....speacial things.
Projections: The RB situation, does anyone care other than fantasy owners? I mean it doesn't matter. Mike Bell, Tatum Bell, Bonnie Bell...who cares?
San Diego 10-6: LaDanian Tomlinson get them two wins alone. He's that good. The Steve Foley thing kind of smacked them in the kisser. The D was looking real good but he was an big piece of that. Rivers will be fine. Kid sat for two years and he says he was ready last year.
Projections: Marty is a terrible coach. Just putting it out there.
Cheifs 8-8: It's all about the defense. Can Herm get them to stop letting teams score 25+ every game or will they keep giving up the 25 points? We know LJ will be the O...who's going to be the D?
Projections: I did like the Ty Law thing though. He might pick off Aaron Brooks 8 times alone.
Da Raiderz: Stink aint the word. Brooks, please. Moss is going to go apeshit on TV alot.
Projections: Peter King got something right: "Brooks Throws 5 INT's, Benched by Shell".
C olts 12-4: Well they were a FG away from winning that crazy divisional game vs Pittsburgh so what do they do? Sign the clutchest kicker of them all. Adam Vinateri. The RB platoon is solid, the wideouts are still dope, Manning is Manning and the defense is very solid. Super Bowl or bust.
Projections: I think Peyton is too talented not to win the big one. I know I sound like Peter King but I think this is it. The kicker was the last piece.
Jaguars 9-7: No more sneaking up on people. We know you can coach Del Rio, we know your team plays physical defense. The tough schedule will subtract two wins but no one wants to play this team. Trust me.
Projections: Odds on Fred Taylor's legs disintegrating by week 5? 3-1.
Titans 7-9: The QB situation is a little eh but I like the young defense and I think they will sneak up on a few teams this year.
Projections: How long will they wait to unleash Vincent?
Houston 3-13: The biggest debacle of a draft pick. EVER! I don't want to hear any arguments whatsoever. Terrible choice evidenced by the firing of the GM immediately after.
Projections: I have no projections. Kubiak is a good coach. I feel bad for him.
Steelers 10-6: Alot of bad news lately. But Rothlisberger is so pissed about his performance olast Super Bowl that he is driven to prove he can do it again. Cowher is always driven and last year or not he's a helluva coach. Key players at all skill positions are returning which should put them in the driver's seat in this division.
Bengals 9-7: I can't help but look at that schedule and gasp. Plus the defensive woes and the whole Palmer thing (even though he looked good)...scare me. Pitt twice, New England, at Tampa, Carolina, Atlanta, Ravens twice, San Diego, at Indy and at Denver......like whoa.
Projections: Last year they should have beaten the Steelers, that was unfortunate.
Ravens 8-8: McNair is bound to get nicked up at some point. Then your right back at square one. The D will keep this team in alot of games. I love the under in just about every game they play.
Projections: Musa Smith looked better than Mike Anderson. That confused me a bit.
Browns 7-9: Much improvement in year two of the Crennel experiment. I like the young talent, I like Frye, of course Braylon is for real and getting Fraley (C) was big for them. He can be the anchor of the line.
Projections: Better than some people think
Playoff teams:
1. Colts, 2. Patriots, 3. Broncos, 4. Steelers, 5. Dolphins, 6. Chargers
Wild Card:
Broncos over Chargers, Steelers over Dolphins
Divisional Games
Colts over Steelers, Patriots over Chargers
AFC Championship
Colts over Patriots
Super Bowl
Colts over Bears
Am I crazy or what. I just can't believe the Colts can't win the big one. If I get proved wrong this year then I will never pick them to win it all again. Never.
Tuesday, September 05, 2006
NFC Preview
El Parino's annual NFL preview kicks off now!
Easily the toughest division in all of football there are three teams in this division that can make the playoffs. It'll come down to who is better at those head-to-head matchups. Let's go deeper.
Giants 11-5: The offense will be electric. Might end up being the highest scoring team in the NFC. Eli in year 3, Barber playing like a 4th year back, receiving corp one of the league’s deepest and the O-line is solid. On Defense we’ll see if the addition of LaVar Arrington has any impact on the defense. Corners are all but new except for the back-ups and Webster. Gibril Wilson will try and make this year a “leap” year and catapult his name into the Pro Bowl hat. Osi and Strahan on the corners will be tough to block but if the interior lineman don’t help out it could be double team city.
What if the opener at Giants Stadium vs. Indianapolis is a Super Bowl preview?
Don’t sleep on the Giants ending up there.
Cowboys 10-6: As the TO saga lives on the Boy’s look primed and ready to take on anyone and everyone this season. The Vanderjagt signing was huge because they lost three games by a FG or less last season. The only concern is the offensive line. If they allow too much pressure on the Bledsoe it will be INT city. And that won’t be good in a conference that boast some really good secondaries. On defense they are scary. And fast. DeMarcus Ware is a fucking animal and has just started to scratch the surface. The 3-4 gives a lot of teams fits especially when just about every backer or lineman is a hybrid. Solid secondary too. Dallas will win a lot of games with their defense.
Projection: They’ll be in it all the way and probably snatch up a WC berth. They may even make some noise in January. Parcells and Owens is going to be interesting. Look forward to week 5 when they are in Philly. How many TO stories do you think will be told leading up to that one?
Eagles 9-7: Can McNabb carry this team all season? That’s the question for me. Westbrook is not a cow-bell running back so it’s not like they can pound the ball and play defense. I give them nine wins on McNabb’s legs and arm. Plus the schedule is favorable….Houston, San Fran, Green Bay, New Orleans, Tennesee…all sub .500 teams. I almost gave them another win based on Stallworth but he's not that good. The defense is pretty good. Real nice defensive line coupled with an good secondary. One thing they do well is knock the snot out of you. Which is good. Michael Lewis and Brian Dawkins can bang.
Projections: Fans don’t be fooled with a early record of 5-1 or 4-1. Last six games down the stretch: @ Indy, Carolina, @ Washington, @ NY, @ Dallas and home against the Falcons.
Skins 8-8: Last year everyone was a bit surprised when they went 10-6 and made some playoff noise. Hope they had their fun. This year will be different. The faster Campbell gets the start the better this team will be. Brunell is done. Now with Al Saunders the offense is not short quick throws but longer crosses and downfield shots. The workhorse is already out with a bum shoulder that could hinder him all year and Duckett is not the answer. Moss is the only bright spot, he is seemingly unstoppable. They’ll continue being good on the defensive side (which will keep them close in most games), partly because Gregg Williams is a great coach and they do have some talent. Sean Taylor is a beast, Archuleta will help and Marcus Washington is underated as a LB.
Projections: Typical skins. Go out, spend cash, struggle to win 8 games. Last year was a mirage, I’m telling you.
Seattle 11-5: They have an opportunity to go 6-0 in thier division. Plus they return all key-defensive players from last year's top rated D. Losing Hutchinson was big yes but Floyd Womack is serviceable at that spot.
Projectons: Boring. They'll lose in the first round of the playoffs. Espeacially if the don't lock up the best record and get a bye.
St. Louis 9-7: A lot of people are down on St. Looey this year but I don't know why. They have a great back in Jackson, still one of the best receivers, very good QB and a re-vamped defense. La'Roi Glover, Wihterspoon, Tye Hill and Corey Chavous are all solid defenders in a scheme that Jim Haslett is now in control of.
Projection: They are gonna put a real scare in some teams again. Jackson will most defintely be over 1500 yards.
Arizona 8-8: Close but no cigar. Does Edge put them over the top? Will they inprove their red zone %'s? Will Rackers score 45% of thier points? Can the O-line give Warner time and block for the Edge? Will Antrel Rolle stay healthy? Can the D firm up in the red zone and hold teams to FG's? Get the drift, too many questions here. I don't like them to win more than 8 games. It'll be an improvement though and maybe next year they'll be a playoff team.
Projections: New stadium, new attitude. Not quite the same as 5-11 or 7-9 but a step in the right direction for sure. Leinart will be very good once he gets his chance.
San Francisco 6-10: A. Smith really needed his rib guard last year as his o-line got him sacked 29 times. An interesting qoute I want to pass along about Smith "If you put him in Pittsburgh when Big Ben came out the same thing happens. They go 15-1. You put Big Ben in San Fran and the same thing happens. They go 4-12". Thought that proved that it's not the QB. When no one gets open and the line doesn't protect you can't move the ball. I like 2nd year guy Frank Gore and I like Nolan. I think he's tryin to rebuild quickly. They lost three games last year by less than 3 points.
Projections: I think Smith and Gore could lead this team back to glory days eventually. This year two more wins is encouraging.
NFC South
Carolina Panthers 12-4: Am I on the Super Bowl wagon? Maybe. The thing I like about them the most is thier depth. It seems that they can survive just about any injury that comes up. The D is straight up gangsta with excellent pass-rushers, backers and corners. Keyshawn puts some punch in the WR spot and Steve Smith is virtually impossible to cover one-on-one. Deangelo Williams backs up an injury prone Deshaun Foster so no Jamal Roertson in an NFC title game this time around.
Projections: May be the NFC representative in the Super Bowl.
Atlanta Falcons 10-6: I like the front office moves of bringing in Grady Jackson who with Rod Coleman should be able to handle the run better. John Abraham from NYJ will also help.
I still don't trust the offense though. Vick is still not a great or even good pocket passer. 10 wins on the schedule of playing the Saints twice, Detroit, Cleveland, and home against the Cards.
Projections: Jerrious Norwood. Jimmy Williams. Two rookies that are going to be stars in the NFL. Write it down.
Tampa Bay 9-7: I like Cadillac in year #2. I like Simms as a QB, he's got all the tools. I just worry about the defense a little. They are a little long in the tooth. Can they survive a big time injury?
Projections: Clayton is going be a big time wide-out.
Saints 4-12: They have a terrible defense. Really bad. It would be a miracle if they won more than four games. I like the Brees pickup though.
Projections: It's going to be hard for Payton to keep Bush off the field this year. He's just too electric.
NFC North
Bears 13-3: The defense is just ridiculous. Urlacher is the best defensive player in the league.
The QB situation is stable because I think Grossman is going to be good. The running back situation is going to be fine. Benson can bang and Thomas can run. And that schedule: Green Bay twice, Detroit twice, Minny twice, Buffalo, Arizona, San Fran, and the JETS!!! That's at least 9 to 10 wins right there!
Projections: This is my NFC Super Bowl pick. January in Chicago, with a healthy team....oh boy.
Green Bay 9-7: Surprising right? I know. But it can happen. Give Farve two wins on will alone and the rest of thier schedule plays into thier hands. They are home to Minny, NY Jets, Detroit (December), Arizona and the Saints. They won't beat Chi-town but they can beat everyone else in the division.
Projections: This is my going out on a limb pick. 9 games is stretch for this team. What if Ahman comes back strong? Not as crazy as it looks right?
Minnesota 8-8: Mediocre. that's the word that comes to mind whe I look at this team. Brad Johnson is stable but mediocre. The back-up is a joke (Bollinger) and it won't matter if Chester Taylor rushes for over 1000 yards because they have no passing game. Defense looks pretty good, it'll be interesting to see if they can put it together.
Projections: Udeze is going to explode this year. Fine DE.
Detroit 6-10: Strides yes but as long as Millen is GM and Ford owns this team it won't be a winner. Kitna is a back-up at best so stop it.
Projections: I really like Kevin Jones this year. Watch out.
Playoff teams:
1. Bears, 2. Giants, 3. Carolina 4. Seattle, 5. Cowboys, 6. Atlanta
Wild Card:
Carolina over Atlanta. Cowboys over Seattle
Bears over Cowboys. Giants over Carolina.
NFC Championship:
Bears over Giants
Easily the toughest division in all of football there are three teams in this division that can make the playoffs. It'll come down to who is better at those head-to-head matchups. Let's go deeper.
Giants 11-5: The offense will be electric. Might end up being the highest scoring team in the NFC. Eli in year 3, Barber playing like a 4th year back, receiving corp one of the league’s deepest and the O-line is solid. On Defense we’ll see if the addition of LaVar Arrington has any impact on the defense. Corners are all but new except for the back-ups and Webster. Gibril Wilson will try and make this year a “leap” year and catapult his name into the Pro Bowl hat. Osi and Strahan on the corners will be tough to block but if the interior lineman don’t help out it could be double team city.
What if the opener at Giants Stadium vs. Indianapolis is a Super Bowl preview?
Don’t sleep on the Giants ending up there.
Cowboys 10-6: As the TO saga lives on the Boy’s look primed and ready to take on anyone and everyone this season. The Vanderjagt signing was huge because they lost three games by a FG or less last season. The only concern is the offensive line. If they allow too much pressure on the Bledsoe it will be INT city. And that won’t be good in a conference that boast some really good secondaries. On defense they are scary. And fast. DeMarcus Ware is a fucking animal and has just started to scratch the surface. The 3-4 gives a lot of teams fits especially when just about every backer or lineman is a hybrid. Solid secondary too. Dallas will win a lot of games with their defense.
Projection: They’ll be in it all the way and probably snatch up a WC berth. They may even make some noise in January. Parcells and Owens is going to be interesting. Look forward to week 5 when they are in Philly. How many TO stories do you think will be told leading up to that one?
Eagles 9-7: Can McNabb carry this team all season? That’s the question for me. Westbrook is not a cow-bell running back so it’s not like they can pound the ball and play defense. I give them nine wins on McNabb’s legs and arm. Plus the schedule is favorable….Houston, San Fran, Green Bay, New Orleans, Tennesee…all sub .500 teams. I almost gave them another win based on Stallworth but he's not that good. The defense is pretty good. Real nice defensive line coupled with an good secondary. One thing they do well is knock the snot out of you. Which is good. Michael Lewis and Brian Dawkins can bang.
Projections: Fans don’t be fooled with a early record of 5-1 or 4-1. Last six games down the stretch: @ Indy, Carolina, @ Washington, @ NY, @ Dallas and home against the Falcons.
Skins 8-8: Last year everyone was a bit surprised when they went 10-6 and made some playoff noise. Hope they had their fun. This year will be different. The faster Campbell gets the start the better this team will be. Brunell is done. Now with Al Saunders the offense is not short quick throws but longer crosses and downfield shots. The workhorse is already out with a bum shoulder that could hinder him all year and Duckett is not the answer. Moss is the only bright spot, he is seemingly unstoppable. They’ll continue being good on the defensive side (which will keep them close in most games), partly because Gregg Williams is a great coach and they do have some talent. Sean Taylor is a beast, Archuleta will help and Marcus Washington is underated as a LB.
Projections: Typical skins. Go out, spend cash, struggle to win 8 games. Last year was a mirage, I’m telling you.
Seattle 11-5: They have an opportunity to go 6-0 in thier division. Plus they return all key-defensive players from last year's top rated D. Losing Hutchinson was big yes but Floyd Womack is serviceable at that spot.
Projectons: Boring. They'll lose in the first round of the playoffs. Espeacially if the don't lock up the best record and get a bye.
St. Louis 9-7: A lot of people are down on St. Looey this year but I don't know why. They have a great back in Jackson, still one of the best receivers, very good QB and a re-vamped defense. La'Roi Glover, Wihterspoon, Tye Hill and Corey Chavous are all solid defenders in a scheme that Jim Haslett is now in control of.
Projection: They are gonna put a real scare in some teams again. Jackson will most defintely be over 1500 yards.
Arizona 8-8: Close but no cigar. Does Edge put them over the top? Will they inprove their red zone %'s? Will Rackers score 45% of thier points? Can the O-line give Warner time and block for the Edge? Will Antrel Rolle stay healthy? Can the D firm up in the red zone and hold teams to FG's? Get the drift, too many questions here. I don't like them to win more than 8 games. It'll be an improvement though and maybe next year they'll be a playoff team.
Projections: New stadium, new attitude. Not quite the same as 5-11 or 7-9 but a step in the right direction for sure. Leinart will be very good once he gets his chance.
San Francisco 6-10: A. Smith really needed his rib guard last year as his o-line got him sacked 29 times. An interesting qoute I want to pass along about Smith "If you put him in Pittsburgh when Big Ben came out the same thing happens. They go 15-1. You put Big Ben in San Fran and the same thing happens. They go 4-12". Thought that proved that it's not the QB. When no one gets open and the line doesn't protect you can't move the ball. I like 2nd year guy Frank Gore and I like Nolan. I think he's tryin to rebuild quickly. They lost three games last year by less than 3 points.
Projections: I think Smith and Gore could lead this team back to glory days eventually. This year two more wins is encouraging.
NFC South
Carolina Panthers 12-4: Am I on the Super Bowl wagon? Maybe. The thing I like about them the most is thier depth. It seems that they can survive just about any injury that comes up. The D is straight up gangsta with excellent pass-rushers, backers and corners. Keyshawn puts some punch in the WR spot and Steve Smith is virtually impossible to cover one-on-one. Deangelo Williams backs up an injury prone Deshaun Foster so no Jamal Roertson in an NFC title game this time around.
Projections: May be the NFC representative in the Super Bowl.
Atlanta Falcons 10-6: I like the front office moves of bringing in Grady Jackson who with Rod Coleman should be able to handle the run better. John Abraham from NYJ will also help.
I still don't trust the offense though. Vick is still not a great or even good pocket passer. 10 wins on the schedule of playing the Saints twice, Detroit, Cleveland, and home against the Cards.
Projections: Jerrious Norwood. Jimmy Williams. Two rookies that are going to be stars in the NFL. Write it down.
Tampa Bay 9-7: I like Cadillac in year #2. I like Simms as a QB, he's got all the tools. I just worry about the defense a little. They are a little long in the tooth. Can they survive a big time injury?
Projections: Clayton is going be a big time wide-out.
Saints 4-12: They have a terrible defense. Really bad. It would be a miracle if they won more than four games. I like the Brees pickup though.
Projections: It's going to be hard for Payton to keep Bush off the field this year. He's just too electric.
NFC North
Bears 13-3: The defense is just ridiculous. Urlacher is the best defensive player in the league.
The QB situation is stable because I think Grossman is going to be good. The running back situation is going to be fine. Benson can bang and Thomas can run. And that schedule: Green Bay twice, Detroit twice, Minny twice, Buffalo, Arizona, San Fran, and the JETS!!! That's at least 9 to 10 wins right there!
Projections: This is my NFC Super Bowl pick. January in Chicago, with a healthy team....oh boy.
Green Bay 9-7: Surprising right? I know. But it can happen. Give Farve two wins on will alone and the rest of thier schedule plays into thier hands. They are home to Minny, NY Jets, Detroit (December), Arizona and the Saints. They won't beat Chi-town but they can beat everyone else in the division.
Projections: This is my going out on a limb pick. 9 games is stretch for this team. What if Ahman comes back strong? Not as crazy as it looks right?
Minnesota 8-8: Mediocre. that's the word that comes to mind whe I look at this team. Brad Johnson is stable but mediocre. The back-up is a joke (Bollinger) and it won't matter if Chester Taylor rushes for over 1000 yards because they have no passing game. Defense looks pretty good, it'll be interesting to see if they can put it together.
Projections: Udeze is going to explode this year. Fine DE.
Detroit 6-10: Strides yes but as long as Millen is GM and Ford owns this team it won't be a winner. Kitna is a back-up at best so stop it.
Projections: I really like Kevin Jones this year. Watch out.
Playoff teams:
1. Bears, 2. Giants, 3. Carolina 4. Seattle, 5. Cowboys, 6. Atlanta
Wild Card:
Carolina over Atlanta. Cowboys over Seattle
Bears over Cowboys. Giants over Carolina.
NFC Championship:
Bears over Giants
Mango Salsa
As you may have heard the crocidile hunter has passed due to a very freakish stingray accident off the Baff Reek in Australia. Sad but true. I always thought that when I would here of his death it would be something like "Croc eats Croc guy" but stingray? Freakishly bad luck. RIP Steve Irwin. You were a bit crazy but you were a cool bloke.
I did my normal routine this Sat am. I woke up, I made myself a giant hoagie and plopped down on the sofa. Yep College Football is back!
Speaking of football this week I will run an NFL preview, but it's broken up into like 3 or 4 posts.
So this means every day will be an NFL "capsule" for you the reader!
If your not exicted about that then Lo Siento but this is a sports and life blog.
Plus every Friday I will run a betting type post for the weekend games. I do this pretty much every year and a friend of mine keeps my record and bashes me at times over certain picks. It's fun. I'm usually above a .500 record so that's better than Hammerin' Hank.
One more football note, I drafted a great team on Friday night. The run for $3000 starts Thursday....here's my roster (I had the first pick):
QB- Jake Delhomme
RB- Larry Johnson
RB- Kevin Jones
WR- Donald Driver
WR- Marvin Harrison
WR- Rod Smith
TE- Alge Crumpler
K- Jay Feeley
Def- Ravens
My sleeper is RB Jerrious Norwood from ATL, back-ups include:
QB Charlie Frye and Chris Simms
WR David Givens
WR TJ Houshmanzedah
WR Amani Toomer
TE Jermaine Wiggins
Nice, right?
Ok no more football for now.
Does anyone else feel cheated by this summer?
I feel like it just did like a drive by and during this drive by summer was hangin out the window with it's middle finger up.
As you may have heard the crocidile hunter has passed due to a very freakish stingray accident off the Baff Reek in Australia. Sad but true. I always thought that when I would here of his death it would be something like "Croc eats Croc guy" but stingray? Freakishly bad luck. RIP Steve Irwin. You were a bit crazy but you were a cool bloke.
I did my normal routine this Sat am. I woke up, I made myself a giant hoagie and plopped down on the sofa. Yep College Football is back!
Speaking of football this week I will run an NFL preview, but it's broken up into like 3 or 4 posts.
So this means every day will be an NFL "capsule" for you the reader!
If your not exicted about that then Lo Siento but this is a sports and life blog.
Plus every Friday I will run a betting type post for the weekend games. I do this pretty much every year and a friend of mine keeps my record and bashes me at times over certain picks. It's fun. I'm usually above a .500 record so that's better than Hammerin' Hank.
One more football note, I drafted a great team on Friday night. The run for $3000 starts Thursday....here's my roster (I had the first pick):
QB- Jake Delhomme
RB- Larry Johnson
RB- Kevin Jones
WR- Donald Driver
WR- Marvin Harrison
WR- Rod Smith
TE- Alge Crumpler
K- Jay Feeley
Def- Ravens
My sleeper is RB Jerrious Norwood from ATL, back-ups include:
QB Charlie Frye and Chris Simms
WR David Givens
WR TJ Houshmanzedah
WR Amani Toomer
TE Jermaine Wiggins
Nice, right?
Ok no more football for now.
Does anyone else feel cheated by this summer?
I feel like it just did like a drive by and during this drive by summer was hangin out the window with it's middle finger up.
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