This ain't going to be much of a post, more like a message.
I'm working from home today, as I did yesterday and let me tell you. It's fantastic.
Bossman told me with all the action in the city this week with the UN crap and the prez here that I would work from home two days this week. That way he'll know if I can do all my work remotely in case of an emergency. Sweet.
No, that's not me.
Dude - working from home 2-3 days a week would be incredible ... I think.
Some people who have their own businesses from home say it sucks because it no longer feels like home ... but I'm willing to try.
I would so totally love to work from home.
I'm burnt out in the office I'm in.
Nice tits.
Awesome shirts. I'll have my friends put in orders. Skanks,
You sir are living the dream. I bet there's nothing like 4pm rolling around and still only wearing boxers.
I feel like Archie Manning today and you're Peyton. I am vicariously living through you.
i'll be Eli and try to follow in big bro's footsteps then..
i am in favor of anything that allows you to increase your laziness level to a maximum.
i haven't showered in two days, i have an anchorman beard, i've watched cape fear, lucky # slevin, austin powers, friday night lights, and die hard.
it's the single greatest idea ever.
El P - Think Dave Chappelle in undercover brother when he found out Eddie Griffin slept with a white woman. That is my reaction to your comment right now.
Tell me about it! Was it everything I've ever dreamed of?
martin, everything and more
beyond my wildest dreams
whatever you feel like making or
Madden 2006 on xbox and movies
oh and porn
Nice rack you sexy bitch
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