I wanted to keep my sports post up for at least another day but as the title states, I could not resist this debacle. I snapped this from my seat on the lovely N train into work yesterday. It was a moose dressed as a girl. She was wearing those retarded UUUUGGGHHHH's. Tell me that shit looks good and you need a two-piece wif a biscuit.
The real question is if she cuts one of those legs what comes out?
A. Blood
B. Gravy
thats hot. i want mashed potatoes with my gravy train.. yuuum!
she needs some old 80s leg warmers.
dude she had on a miniskirt
it was horrifying
this is my life everyday, two times a day
if it's not this moose it's something else, today was a smelly bum who lounged across 5 seats and snored
and yes i was discreet
now that i know how to post these phone pics, i got the world in my hands, i may run a blog just for pics, be excited
C. Cheese
stockings or leg warmers
who the fuck knows but no that's not her skin, biatch was white
I have to assume I'm not the first with this joke...but those shoes are Ugghly.
that joke will never get hold as far as im concerned freak
I don't know what's worse the uuuggghhh's or the spandex.
The spandex dirty bird: Spandex + Fatties = Gag reflex.
these things are really called Ughs or something? maiden, this officially proves that i am not a hipster.. i had no idea these had a name.
and EP, ive tried to start snapping shots of things more often.. it's quality when you can share the retards with other people. seeing people like this makes me want to live another day. knowing that im better than someone.. anyone.. is comforting.
yeah iam, i gotta get on this
i see retrads shit everyday on the train, it's a terrible ride
I, you are a tard my love. They are UGG's -- yes, I have them.
Isaiah, you are a tard or need spelling lessons.
my bad isaiah, you were making fun of ep werent you?
i hate spelin
so fuck ofg
The bad news is that somebody out there still wants to f*ck this.
Los, ewwww.
bad news is.. *I* want to f*ck this.
time to move to NYC.
FM, youve been missing quite a few obvious jokes lately.. this is getting disappointing.
i didnt miss the joke you retard.
btw, ep the comment :moose dressed as a girl: is killing me!!!!
"Isaiah, you are a tard or need spelling lessons.
4:56 PM
Fairmaiden327 said...
my bad isaiah, you were making fun of ep werent you? "
no, you sure didnt miss it. you are KEEN! to avoid future scorn, delete retraded comments. (<---thats on purpose)
shut it I, I will crack a bottle of wine across your forehead.
dont swing it like a bitch tho..
u better kill me with the hit.
im not sure about killing you. i prefer maiming with the possibility of dismemberment.
besides i normally fight men.
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