Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Da Bulls and Da Bears

The Bulls are running away...........

But the Bears are here to stay

Dow Jones lost 3.29% today, down 415.54
Nasdaq lost 3.86%, down 96.65
S&P was downed by 50.17 a full 3.46%


It was a global market plunge, China started it off with a retarded 9.1% drop, Europe quickly followed with thier own plunge and we followed suit.

If you were on the short side today, your eating gulf coast shrimp covered in gold flakes with Johnnie Walker Blue and truffle soup. Enjoy it you rich makret manipulating fucks.


Los said...

I couldn't "bear" to look at the stock market reports today.

BLUE said...

Not only did the stock market bend me over today, but I couldn't get into LOV to bitch about it.

El Padrino said...

it was "bull" shit

Fairmaiden327 said...

Hey EP. I have no idea what the market talk is, just getting back into reading others' blogs and hope you're well.

Mama en Fuego said...

That bear looked an aweful lot like me at 3 O'Clock this morning....