Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Beer and Meat

Mango Salsa has run it's course. The new jumbo-laya of my random thoughts blog is:

Beer and Meat

Without fruther ado, it's time for Beer and Meat. Which by the way, I don't like to go to the store unless it's for, specifically, Beer and Meat. Carry on.

Yankees 13.5 out, hahahahahahahahahahahaha.

Stella Artois in the building.

Ok so it wasn't camping. Wrong word. It was just hangin out, maxin and relaxin. I've been camping before though, you know, tent, charcoal etc....

That Cindy Sheehan gave up her quest to stop the War in Iraq. Sheehan link
Whatever, I feel bad because her son died but to me he died for the freedoms we enjoy in this country. He didn't die for nothing. You know fucking people think that you can join the army to get an education and learn discipline. But that's not the case. Thier is always a chance you will be needed to go defend our country, our beliefs and help our cause. So don't give me this he died for nothing crap. He died for us, and I thank him. Cindy Sheehan your grief has warped your mind. I feel bad for you.

Kevorkian gets out. I have nothing else to add other than I don't care.

I want Nancy Pelosi to go away. Forever. Bag of bones is a black eye to the Speaker position.

I'll admit it. If Rosie O'Donnell died I wouldnt be sad

I was thinking about going on a diet. But beer is delicious.

Anyone watch or follow the UFC? I kind of do but am thinkin about getting into it hardcore, like I was back in the day with WWF (WWE).

I'm training a new gun at work. Time to give him my dirty work...mmmwwwwaaaahhhhh!!


Anonymous said...

I agree on Shehan. I hold all military personnel (especially those on the front lines) in the highest regard.

I'm sure I'd be incosolable if I lost kin to war but damn bitch what about the other 3000 families who lost loved ones. Have some 'spec.

As for UFC, I'm getting into it. I bought this past weekends PPV and it was entertaining.

For 40$ you get like 7 bouts worth of action.

El Padrino said...

did lidell get knocked the fuck out?

Anonymous said...

yeah he did, dood landed a counter right flush to his jaw and it was lights out.

He wasn't completely out of it but he went limp for a second or two which is all it takes in the UFC for them to call the bout.

El Padrino said...

punk, after all that

Los said...

I feel so "bad" for the Yankees right now ... what a crying shame to spend that kind of money and have trouble beating the Devil Rays.

ToddPacker said...

rip mango salsa

El Padrino said...

pour out a 40oz

Spaceman Spiff said...

i watch UFC a lot, the reality show 'the ultimate fighter' on spike tv is entertaining, i laugh a lot, but you missed all the idiotic stuff by now and the fighters are getting serious as it is the quarterfinals.

Spaceman Spiff said...

liddell needs to get rid of that mohawk

Superstar said...

I don't know how to feel about Ms Cindy. I do feel for ALL our troops. I personally feel that this war is a waste of time and money. After the retaliation, which I felt was WAY to lacking on our dear George W's shoulders...America should have just *squashed* out the bastards and blown up the place and sold the glassware.

Now. Rosie. I Used to enjoy heer as a comic. She even made me laugh w/ her bizzario obsession w/ Tom Cruise (even though she was obviously a lesbian)...I do not get her recent fueding w/ the power trippin peeps in NY.

As for Beer ~licks lips~ I miss it. May I recommend the carb Ultra selections? I personally couldn't stand it,and I wasn't up for the extra hour on the treadmill, so I switched to vodka. ;o)
Club soda, lime, vodka. 50 calories. PERRRRRfect. No carbs. ;o)

El Padrino said...

vodka interests me

spiff i watched season one with Forest Griffin

Crassius Maximus said...

Great work my nig. I agree wif all of dat shit, g, especially the Sheehan and Rosie blasts.

Mama en Fuego said...

By "dirty work" do you mean farting in your cubicle?

Shehan - Shut the fuck up bitch and put a marker on your sons grave instead of dry humping Al Sharpton.

UFC - My aunt has a hard on for UFC, she even drops the PPV money to watch the fights.

Beer is delicious. I have discovered the joy of Becks Light.

When Rosie dies, I'm having a parade.

El Padrino said...

mama IS en feugo!