you know you want it, say Aaaahhhhhhhhh
Ok so I'm glad Bush vetoes that gay bill on withdrawing Iraq troops based on a timeline
now let's see them (dems) squirm to come up with some other retarted plan on being pussies and letting terror reign
fuck i hate hillary clinton
if i were president i'd fucking charge her with treason
she's undermining our commander in cheif, united as one bitch, back off
forward march
they hired some new temp and put her ass right in front of me.
lord help me but she's ugly and talks to me as if we have been tight for decades
i dont like it one bit
whoever collects coins are dumbasses
and stamps
get a life
I got the best tan in Aruba. Take notes.
Spiderman comes out this Friday, yay. Venom looks type sic with it....i'll probably see it in like 3 weeks because i hate crowds and fat moms.
Sports fans good times right now. MLB in full swing, NBA playoffs every night, Hockey if that's your thing and for the playoffs it should be and NFL offseason is still hot after that draft....
I think Keyshawn goes to San Diego which means "A Whale's Vagina"
I dont know what foie gras is and I refuse to look it up.
Texas loves Giuliani
Beer, Wine, Iced Tea, Scotch
that's all i'm drinking for the rest of my life, in no paticular order
Wednesday, May 02, 2007
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new temp... tell her to shut up and put a bag over her head to hide the ugly
spidey... not a fan of the spidey movies. no one likes fat moms
nhl playoffs... i hate the rangers
foie gras is duck liver (i think)
drink list looks good, i'd have to soda to that list
soda causes cancer
New temp - sounds like the Indian chick on Office.
Spidey - can not wait to see the movie although I've heard some rumblings that they screwed the pooch on the Venom thing.
And that's all I have to say about that.
"whoever collects coins are dumbasses
and stamps"
that's some good preaching
db thanks for stopping by
your my boy blue
Good shit, baby boy! Texas does dig Rudy, and Hillary is a liar.
liar is her best trait
I know, great stuff with the NBA playoffs and the Six ... er, the NHL playoffs with the Fly ... um ... MLB baseball with the Phi.... ok, how 'bout the NFL draft that the Eag... oh, forget it.
So if the new temp was hot, it would be ok for her to hang all over your ass?
steph keepin it real!
los i forgot to add the "Philly Disclaimer"
I love mango salsa (the post) and am not afraid to admit it.
The Dems will ALWAYS pander to what "the polls" say - especially around election time.
What's the point in drawing an artificial "line in the sand" timeline for withdrawal?
Hillary needs a scrot laid on her forehead - daily.
maybe hillary can divorce bill and go find a way to get married to Reagan's rotting corpse. I'm sure someone in power still owes Ron some favors. She's seems to have used all of Bill's up.
zeke i appreciate your candor
candor is a good word
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