Some fucked up shit. The reason my wife has a bikini line scar from now til death.
But as this pic states, it was worth it.....
I promised myself I wouldnt post a pic but I had to. Couldn't help it.

I don't like to go to the store unless it's for beer or meat.
Awesome work, ELP! HOw does it feel being a dad? Can you believe it?
Welcome to the club, G.
she looks just like you...congrats
Last my ass, you won't be able to help yourself.
She is beautiful (of course)!!!
Trust me, the scare will fade, mine has already.
los, i cant really explain it
lately i'm just nervous because she's so new but once i hold her it goes away, it's awesome really
and no i cant believe it
thanks crass
she does actually blue
hahahs, mama your right
once a week i'll have a pic up
Good-lookin' kid my man..sumpthin' bouta baby girl that makesya feel vulnerable...Life-changing stuff...
I think she's a lucky kid...
that must be the wrong pic, that kid isn't black.
just fucking with you EP.
Congrats again, cute kid.
Don't fuck it up.
Zeke made me bust out laughing in front of a customer.
I had to come back for another look. She is so damn beautiful, truly. A lot of babies look like aliens when they are born but she is gorgeous.
thanks again mama
zeke your funny
thanks steveo, she is
Dude, your daughter is hooootttt
EP, the best advice I can give you after the above comment is to never let "Uncle Deke" babysit. :-)
Congrats, she really is beautiful.
congrats EP, that's awesome.
Awesome El P, she's beautiful. Congratulations again.
Zeke's comment was so good I wish I had thought of it.
yeah zeke nailed it
thanks bet, t
no babysittin for deke
You need to pass out these smokes in honor of your newborn...
ElPadrino cigars
nice find steven
Absolutely adorable! You're very lucky.
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