Friday, November 30, 2007

Office Talk

This sign is for you fat guy. You know who you are. Your damn ass hangs over the bowl and shit is everywhere. Your a slob. Just eat yourself into a coma.

People who laugh at thier own jokes while they tell it are lame. And usually the joke is not funny.

The "It's Friday" guy is in full effect today. His boyfriend must be in town.

Blow your nose again Miss McSnot, I can't get enough of that shit.

If I think your taking a peek at my shank while we are at the urinal your getting pissed on. No words. Just piss. Make it rain.

We got this one dude who constantly picks his ass. Dude we know a wedgie sucks but can you be a bit more discreet. Fuck.

This is what keeps me sane. FENG SHUI.
(pay no attention to that spikey haired gorilla in the background)


ToddPacker said...

"Make it rain"


Anonymous said...

Nuthin' like hittin' da crapper and some asshole leaves a huge skidmark onda lid...or fails ta flush his mound of cable all the way down so you can savor all that beauty...


Los said...

Sounds like you had a good Friday ...

We had a guy at Lockheed who would somehow get his crap on the walls of the stall, on the floor, and everywhere else ... it was disgusting ... just thinking about it made me throw up in my mouth a little.

El Padrino said...

los and stevo

wtf with these people?
who raised them? Monkeys?

Anonymous said...

Ya know?...Whenya find feces onda wall uvva crapper...that ain't no accident...I, whoever duz that would hafta put a li'l time and effort into that kinda creativity...scary...ainnit?

The Rev said...

Gimme a break!

I got all my crap in the bowl last time.

The time before that... well, I was drunk.

Anonymous said...

I hate the fuckers that just have to piss in the crapper stall and get piss all over the seat. Yes, we all understand that you're ashamed of your puny schwartz. Now man up and piss in the urinal like a normal human being.

El Padrino said...

good call deke