Thursday, February 14, 2008

Thus with a kiss I die.


Blu-Ray won the war. It was like when the VCR beat out the Betamax machine. Time to wait for the HD DVD's to hit rock bottom prices and scoop them up. For Xmas I just got the HDDVD player by Microsoft so fuck blu-ray (for now).

Fuck Valentine's day. Everyone should just punch each other in the face today.

Stupid secretary wench is running around giggling giving out little candies and dressed in red. This ain't a fucking holiday you piece of trash and no one will ever marry you cuz you are a piece of filth. FILTH!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ugly swine who pretends to be popular.


Spaceman Spiff said...

i usually reserve the word filthy for non-ugly SLUTS

El Padrino said...

she is filth
not filthy

filth like dirt under the fingernail or belly button crud

Anonymous said...

It's obvious this girl will cry herself to sleep tonight. Give her a rope and tell her to end it, Tony.

ToddPacker said...

set-up the filth with gollum

Steph said...

lol. Bitter much?

Keef said...


El Padrino said...

nice keef R&J
york i should
steph a little
tp, filth and filth a match made in heaven