that food site was great.... you need to crank that up again
great pics
august 25 seats from shea go on sale (you probably knew this already)...i'm putting my order in first thing that morning.... it's like $850 for a pair and they'll ship them out 8-12 weeks after the season is over... well worth the investment
giraffe man is creepy, kill it
what's up, ep?
that food site was great.... you need to crank that up again
great pics
august 25 seats from shea go on sale (you probably knew this already)...i'm putting my order in first thing that morning.... it's like $850 for a pair and they'll ship them out 8-12 weeks after the season is over... well worth the investment
Knitting is one thing. But is that a dude knitting? If it is... so wrong!
And what's the chick next to the knitter trying to hide? It's like she's smuggling something.
Who was that guy that played on the 49'ers back in the day with the big neck? He used to do the Bert "Doing the Pigeon" dance all the time ... damb!
NFW that neck is real. Holy shit
merton hanks LOS
TP, i also will be doing that
first will try to steal them (NS)
giraffe man was horrifying
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