Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Wow, I guess I hate people?

I used to be such a nicer person. I just get pissed off so quickly nowadays. You ever look outside yourself for a minute or after something happens and say to yourself, "Self, I think you could have handled that better". And then when the time comes to handle yourself better you fail? That happens to me alot. It must be the train. I just can't stand people. I have urges to fight people who just are standing next to me. But why do they have to stand right next to me when there is at least 4 feet of room to their left or their right? Aggravating. Everyday is just aggravating. Fat people piss me off too (not you rev, your cool). Like I understand your fat and at times I sympathize with your struggle but if you could not breath on me I'd appreciate it. And the slow pace your keeping is really making me late for work so if you could kind of pick a side and not walk in the middle I'd appreciate that too. Oh and immigrants, I understand your coming here to "make it" even though making it nowadays that would mean just being able to buy a carton of milk but you don't have to be all gung ho in the morning trying to get to work. Stop running for fucking trains and fucking jamming yourselves in the trains when CLEARLY there is no more room. If there isn't enough room for a fucking grape there isn't enough room for a fully grown human. If I get pushed in the back again by a overzealous immigrant trying to squeeze into a train that runs EVERY 7 MINUTES I will be part of a national story that includes gross murder and dastardly deeds. I would also recommend you didn't eat on the train for it is as dirty as your neighborhood crackhead's twat. Especially to you gooks out there who think it's cool to consume a steamed pork bun at 7am in the morning when I didn't even realize I was fucking awake yet. Slurping noises should result in a vicious beating with a spiked swinging ball weapon. Please stop force feeding your children as well. They are sick and tired of eating that shit you keep shoving down their throats. Mexicans with the carriages and babies, if your kid cries for more than 10 minutes that normally means something is wrong. Please fix it or I will do it for you and that doesn't mean I won't throw it out the window. Pop your dirty titty in thier mouth for all I care just shut that little burrito motherfucker up. I'm tired and pissed off.



isiah thompson said...

nice post deke

Los said...

"Looks like somebody's got a case of the Mondays ..."