Thursday, July 23, 2009

2's, Terrible

So my daughter turns two on Tuesday and we're having a lil party on Sunday. But that's not what this post is about. We've noticed that my little angel has been behaving a bit different lately. Behavior that is somewhat similar to what they call the "Terrible Two's".

"To help you cope with this normal stage in your child's development, you should always remember that your child isn't trying to be defiant or rebellious on purpose. He is just trying to express his growing independence and doesn't have the language skills to easily express his needs."

Maybe it's my patience wearing thin but damn this chick is trying me. First off she's a terrible sleeper, since she's been born. But now it's worse, she won't go to bed until like 11pm if we don't force her down. Yet she loves 3 hour midday naps and gets pissed if you wake her up. Then there are days she skips nap. Point being a counter attack to tantrums and bad behavior is the use of routines. She always tries to break the routines, probably not on purpose but it happens.

She is not a good eater but I'm not worried. She ain't starved and still gets vitamins from milk. But so far, very picky eater. If it ain't chicken nuggets or fries or pizza she wants no part of it. Yet devours cookies, chocolate, candy, etc. No shit right. Shocker: Kids like candy.

Tantrums suck. I mean I don't want to make her out to seem like a problem child, she's not but she has her fair share of tantrums. And they suck. Because they are loud and long. They are real good at breaking patience. Time outs usually do nothing and we aint slapping the kid around (yet). So really you just let it play out.

All in all her first two years on earth have been awesome. Couldn't imagine life without her, just sometimes, you bite the fist ya know. It ain't easy being daddy or mommy for that matter. She's with her most of the time. Let's just hope the terrible two's come in like a lion and leave like a lamb.


Los said...

Some people say I've never gotten out of my terrible 2's ... I'm not a great eater (chicken nuggets, fries, and cookies sound fantatic, by the way!).

ToddPacker said...

it doesn't get any easier, ep