Thursday, September 17, 2009

Mamma Mia

Overheard a lady ordering a chicken parm hero without the sauce and cheese. Mexican behind the counter was stumped. Had to call over the Italian guy who makes the pizza and watches soccer. Discussion:

Lady : Hi I need a chicken parm hero with no suace and no cheese.

Italian guy : So youwanta a chickencutlet on hero?

Lady : Um, chicken parm.

Italian guy : Madam a chickenparmagiano is a chickencutlet witha saucea and acheesa. Without the saucea or acheesa you just havea chickencutlet on dehero.

Lady : Ok I'll have that.

The End.

alternate ending:

I shoot her in the head.

The End.


Los said...

What a knucklehead.

Christina said...

ugh... whatta dumbass. she deserves to choke on her chicken.