Thursday, January 21, 2010

Oral Copulation By Force

Mixed bag, fasten your seatbelts.

You want to talk about immediate bliss then a kick in the nuts? What about that cruel bitch that wakes you up every morning. Ms Alarm Clock. How great is it when you wake up like 30 minutes before your alarm goes off and you get pumped because you can go back to sleep for 30 minutes. And you curl up in the perfect spot. It's your best sleep of the night, then 5 minutes later your alarm clock blows your eardrum out. Fucking cunt. You know once you close your peeper that clock moves faster, it's really not 30 minutes, it's 5 and the clock is fucking with you. Cruel bitch. Oh and the snooze button is nothing but once big cock tease. It's like a virgin that your dating who leaves you with hard ass blue balls everytime and won't even blow you. Another bitch.

I really don't give a shit about Haiti at this point and it's all Wyclef's fault. And Barack Obama.
I will unfollow him (Wyclef) from Twitter.

I hate when people look at my food when I microwave it. I feel like they are staring. And even though they are not that close to me I feel like they are breathing on it too. Fat bastards.

What's with people who sweat profusely for no sane reason? Like I was at this dinner last night talking to this guy, I was wearing a suit with the jacket still on and was very comfortable. The guy I was talking too had no jacket on and his face was visibly sweating. Like what is this guy a fucking sea creature or something. Is that saltwater? What the fuck is going on here. It's not hot in the room at all. In fact most people are rocking suit jackets and appear to NOT be sweating. That dude needs to see a doctor. Or wash his body with Mitchum.


Meiz said...

Here's the problem. I know Mitchum is supposed to be like the best deodorant on earth, but I can't bring myself to buying it because someone might be like "WTF? Is this guy a profuse sweater?". I'm a mindfuck.

El Padrino said...

i use mitchum, it's amazing

Steph said...

Haha... damn alarm clock. I am a believer that when it says its 30 minutes before I have to get up that it is really only 5, also.

What's even worse that people staring at my food when I microwave it is when they say how good it smells. What do you want from me people, a bite, because that's not going to happen.

Los said...

I agree about that alarm clock ... I especially like waking up 2 hours before the alarm goes off ... THAT is a great feeling!

I can't agree with you about Haiti - I feel terrible for those people.