Monday, February 22, 2010


Takes a little longer to recover from these weekend getaways. We did a mountain trip this past weekend without the kid and I pretty much shaved 2 years off my life with wreckless behavior. It was a good time. Snow tubing is fun but could be funner (or more fun). I propose a small ramp or a lenghtier drop, sort of like a waterslide ride. I want to shit my pants if possible. Anything less is boring. Grape Vodka isn't so bad. You know what's a great idea? Putting your hand in the oven to eat a cookie that isn't done yet. Awesome. For some reason I am burping up just about everything I consummed this past weekend. It's like my stomach is a NTSB investigator combing through the wreckage like a plane crash. If only I had a black box to capture the last moments:

mmmm Jameson, is she looking? MMMMMM that was good, one more, one more!!!!

::gargling noise:: crash, explosion ::people screaming::

If my liver was a dog he'd be doing that sideways head thing. The confused puppy routine. Then would probably shit on my rug. Did you know that when your drunk catching a dart in your back is not painful?


Steph said...

Grape vodka is my friend.

Los said...

You can still feel the pain of trying to put out a sparkler with your fingers even when FUBAR'd ... just sayin'

Keef said...

The dart in the back video was on Tosh.0 last week. Just sayin