Monday, May 24, 2010


Yeah so it's been awhile. Get off my back I've been busy at work. I'm like the guy at the circus who follows around the elephant with the giant broom and dustpan lately. Boo hoo cry me a river right, yeah I know. Anyway Memorial Day Weekend is upon us and every year I've probably written something like enjoy the weekend the summer is upon us and all that. So do that. Baseball and beer. That's what the summer is about. And panties.

Is it me or does Summer make you horny. I just wanna fuck in the summer. Maybe it's the ice pops or the sweaty bedrooms that gets me all worked up. Or the ice cream. Or just the fact that less clothes are needed. I'm sure I'm not alone. My earliest memories of the summer are getting my head shaved and hitting up the pizzeria on Coney Island Ave and playing Street Fighter II for hours. Or riding the GT Dyno I had to the schoolyard to play ball all day. then come home, shower, and go hang out with some lady friends on Kings Highway. Or on someones stoop (brooklyn slang stoop is the area in front of someones house, like the steps). Maybe one of those nights you take your girl for a walk and start kissing her with your tongue. Maybe feel a titty if your lucky. Or if the stars were really ripe you got to stick your finger in her vagina and wiggle it around. Those were the days. Then because you were the pimp of the group, once you went back to your boys you stick that finger in their nose. And said "THIS, my friends, is what the nectar smells like. You faggots will never know!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!".



Los said...

Poetic ... ah, the memories!

Meiz said...

We all know what the fuck a stoop is.

Keef said...

I thought stoop was what you had to do when you talk face to face with LP