Sunday, August 15, 2010

No Mosque

Do I think a Mosque should be built near and or around Ground Zero?

No. But let me just say this. One of the reasons why this country is so great is because it allows people to follow, believe and worship any god they want. And this debate has nothing to do what religion but everything to do with 9/11. If Jews flew planes into those buildings I'd have no problem with a Mosque being built. I would however, oppose a Synagouge. Get the drift? One more point, Muslims think they are slick but any little research into the culture would reveal that they build Mosque's on sites of triumph, conquests and victories. I can't help but think they will relish in the moment, almost daily, that they can worship the prophet a few blocks away from where their brothers murdered a few thousand people. It makes me sick. And don't look now but the president who claims he is not Muslim depsite studying Muslim and having a Muslim father thinks it's a good idea, because "Our committment to religious freedoms must be unshakable". Fair enough Barack Hussein Obama. I then suggest they also build a Mosque right outside the Pentagon. Happy Ramadan Obama!


Christina said...

I give it a month before someone blows that shit up.

El Padrino said...

right, another point to not building it, it's a matter of national security