Sunday, September 11, 2011

10 years ago

Has it been 10 years? Wow. 21 years old. Life by the balls. Working at a brokerage firm. Had some decent skrilla in the pocket. Had a hot girlfriend. Having sex and shit all the time. Going out with friends. Enjoying Manhattan.

Then 9-11-2001 happened. Life just seemed to stop for a minute. Is this dust cloud coming at me right now? Am I walking on the FDR drive and over the Brooklyn Bridge? Are those thousands of dead birds? Is that ferry transporting body bags? That smells like burnt hair. This dust can't be good for me. Should we go back to work? Is the country going to get attacked tomorrow?

All these thoughts are passing through my head. And for years to come more thoughts. There is never closure for something like this. Ask the people who were around to see JFK get shot or Pearl Harbor. In time America's wounds will heal. Remembering the day 10 years later is a start.

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