Thursday, February 28, 2008

I'm not sure I wanna be hanging out with a guy who noticed a crease in my pants

I fucking hate Jersey City.

Unrelated I'm going down to Atlantic City again this weekend. Wish me luck.
Last time I got a things shoved up my heine hole.

I love blackjack and the Texas Hold Em table game. I despise Chinese card dealers though.

I have alot of thoughts in my head but failed to get them down. Look for a big week next week.(?)

I hate it when people ask me questions on EBAY.

Who's idea was it to allow a groundhog decide whether or not we would have an early spring or a longer winter?

TPS has me in a foul mood.

I'm in a Kimbo Slice type of mood.


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Please link your eBay enterprise. Do you ship international?

El Padrino said...

pesky questions

walken is correct

Crassius Maximus said...

Kimbo knocked Tank Abbott the F*%$ out!

Steph said...

I wanna know about the guy checking out your crease in your pants.