Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Random Shit aka Mango Salsa

I'm so glad football is back in my life. My wife seriously hates football. I don't know what her deal is.

If you guys haven't seen Step Brothers yet please do so. I quote that movie daily. Other movies I quote daily (and when I say daily I mean everyday) include:

Bad Boys, No Country For Old Men, Dodgeball, Wedding Crashers, Trading Places, Scarface, Casino, My Cousin Vinny, Bronx Tale, Goodfellas, Anchorman, Along Came Polly, Kindegarten Cop, Terminator 2, White Man Can't Jump and A Few Good Men.

I've mentioned this before but whenever the elevator door shuts in someone's face my soul warms up like an easy bake oven.

Remember Lite Brites? I gotta get one of those. I want my daughter to play with all the toys I played with. So I need to start buying some Matchbox cars, Hot Wheels, a Lite Brite, Operation game, shitload of Leggo's, Play Doh, Garbage Pail Kids cards, Nerf guns, Kooshes, a Jibba Jabba and WWF Wrestling Ring complete with a steel cage and several figurines. Also gonna have to pick up a three wheeler. Preferably the Knight Rider one.

Any tips on how to have a son? I heard reverse cowgirl is the way to go. Please advise.
(Nothing against daughters, it's just I want to breed a NFL QB)


Los said...

Dude! I am blogging about Lite Brite in a couple of days! Seriously - already pre-blogged it.

Have you seen The Hangover yet? Very quotable.

BTW - Stepbrothers "We can do so many more activities!"

Meiz said...

Sometimes Los makes me uncomfortable. Not sure why.

Spaceman Spiff said...

doug flutie de luca

Keef said...

Living vicariously through your kids is probably the worse

Christina said...

i heard doggie style does the trick!

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