Tuesday, October 06, 2009

El Fashion

I'm amazed at what some people wear outside of thier house. I guess that's why immigrants can afford all the houses. They wear ridiculous looking clothes. Even some people I work with, they look absurd. I'm not a fashionista myself but I'll be damned if I get caught wearing a godamn purple shirt with orange stripes or a pair of lite cords with some black johnny cash shirt.

For me it's simple. Any variation of blue and white including solid blue and solid white. Gray, black, khaki pants work. The dude that sits across from me right now is wearing a black striped shirt, the colors of the stripes are purple, green, tan and white. He's wearing that with black slacks and brown shoes. Not only does none of that match but the black shirt looks like it's been washed about 765 times. Which means it was bought approximately 17 years ago. Jesus christ buddy I know you have 4 kids but damn. Costco sells shirts now. Look into that.

On the weekend I could give a fuck what anyone wears. It's the weekend. Do you. Me, I like solid colored t-shirts and polos. I wear shorts up until November so after November jeans it is. And not nut-hugging jeans. They need to be a bit baggy and long on the crotch. Just for comfort, not saying I'm Ron Jeremy but I need to be able to move freely in them otherwise I won't wear them. In the dead of winter I will turn to sweatpants as my leisurewear.


Los said...

Agreed, agreed, agreed! I'm lucky I work in a place where most people obey the "rules" of wearing clothing that matches.

Christina said...

I do hope you have indulged in peopleofwalmart.com!!!