I'm growing a suite beard. But it's more of a social experiment. You know when someone dressed up as a fat person to see how they would be treated in the streets? Well it's sort of like that. You see every morning I take the Path train to Jersey City for work and there are Port Authority cops doing bag checks, random bag checks as you get off the escalator. Now prior to the beard I'd never, ever, ever been called over to have my bag checked. Since my beard, which mind you is only 5 days young, I have had my bag searched 4 times!!! 4 times. My beard is not even terrorist looking! I am outraged!! I'm calling Bill O'Reilly!! Get me Sean Hannity!! Glenn Beck needs to hear this!!!!!
No but serious, beards are awesome. Not sure why my wife doesn't like them. Something about being hairy or something, looks gross or whatever. Silly.
shave it!
Hannity, Beck, and O'Reilly are the wrong guys to be calling if you think you're being profiled. Just sayin'.
Jay has grown a beard. His isn't as much as yours, he has it trimmed thin with a goatee. I always hated facial hair but I've gotten used to it. BTW.. whats a suite beard???
Instead of sweet, I like to spell it intentionally wrong, hence Suite.
thanks for taking the picture while you were at the turkish baths. next time try to get one of the 90-year-old russian mobsters that go there in the picture with you.
the real person to axe about the beard is the guy who sits on your face.
that can't be comfortable for him.
Ha! Beards must equal evil!
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