You guys remember the cereal aisle when yous were kids. Mom and Dad would pick you up from school and yous would head down to the supermarket and once you turned into the cereal aisle pandemonium erupted? Those were the days. When you didn't have a care in the world other than Can I get me some Crunch Berries please. So to feel nostalgic I picked up some Franken Berry's and Boo Berry's (not pictured). It's funny how certain things can bring your childhood back. Cereals do that to me.
Boo Berry cereal is my all time favorite
no shit, i got a box and will have a bowl tw am in your honor
Man oh man, did I love Cookie Crisp! I miss those days. I eat raisin bran and oat cereal ... not nearly as fun!
i agree with los, cookie crisp were grate*
capn crunch
lucky charms
alpha bits
cinnamon toast crunch
golden grahams
fruity/cocoa pebbles
i can go on
"i agree with los, cookie crisp were grate*"
What is with this "were" talk. They're still great. I have them all the time
"What is with this "were" talk. They're still great. I have them all the time"
good point
Count Chocula and Boo Berries were my favorites when I was little.
I also share the Cookie Crisp sentiments
When I was little my favorite cereals were Marshmallow Rice Krispies and E.T. Cereal. RIP to both of them.
yeah marshmallow rice krispies were HDH too
"yeah marshmallow rice krispies were HDH too"
::hank gathers::
"::hank gathers::"
^^^::reggie lewis::^^^
rice krispies with marshmallows in them. der
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