Friday, April 29, 2011

Mango Salsa

Good thing they didn't coin seafood "oceanfood". Seafood sounds better.

Britain needs to stop with this royalty shit. It's 2011 retards. Get a life.

I like when the media or Hollywood people try and make a big deal when actors leave TV sitcoms or when TV sitcoms end. Like they are irreplaceable. Steve Carrell is leaving the office. Big deal. The show will be on syndication for the next 10 years or so minimum. And some other show at some point will be funny. Don't worry people. TV will entertain you again.

Back to the media/wedding for a minute. We got 200 people dead in the south from natural disasters and 99% of the media is sitting here covering two lymies getting married thousands of miles away. Something is fucked up here.

Bees are to sharks as sharks are to bees. And hear me out. You always hear marine biologists during shark week talk about how sharks are harmless and only attack when provoked or when they feel threatened. Then you hear the same thing about bees. And even though the chances of you dying from a shark bite or getting straight up devoured alive is greater than a bee sting it's a parallel that I have drawn that you cannot ignore.

Chew on that shit.

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