Memorial Day BBQ Recipe's straight from El Padrino's balcony.
All original, all good.
First up, Grilled Chicken.
I'm talking two kinds of Grilled Chicken recipe's. The first is good old-fashioned BBQ Grilled Chicken.
Ingredients (Serves about 12 cutlets):
Thin Sliced Chicken Cutlets, Salt, Fresh Ground Pepper, Garlic Powder, Onion Powder, BBQ sauce of your choice (I have a recipe to make your own but I actually prefer other bottled varieties).
Now this is quite simple, some people just grill chicken cutlets then slab BBQ on them as they come off the grill. That's all fine and dandy but for better tasting cutlets try this.
In a ziploc bag combine all the spices above (i'm not good with measuring so say about a handful and a half, except for the onion powder and garlic powder, just a modest handful of those two) and throw all the cleaned trimmed cutlets in the bag. Shake them around til all cutlets are dry coated. Then pour about half the bottle of your favorite BBQ sauce in the bag. Shake bag like a leaf on a chilly October day until all cutlets are covered.
Since they are already wet (from BBQ sauce) you must BBQ on a low to med flame and watch them. I'd say about 7-10 minutes on each side. When done they should be a light to med color orange. If you are a glutton and love BBQ sauce it's ok to wet them again when almost done. I usually don't unless requested. Enjoy.
Grilled Lemon Chicken
Ingredients : (Same Serving) Thin Chicken Cutlets, Salt, Fresh Ground Pepper, two pinches of Thyme, Garlic Powder, 4 whole lemons, juice of 2 whole lemons, parsley flakes.
Season cutlets individually with a the salt, pepper, thyme and garlic powder. Lightly coat each cutlet. Then place the chicken in a bowl and pour the lemon juice over it. Let sit in fridge for like 15 minutes (while grill heats up). Now again, on a low flame (because no one likes burnt food) place the chicken on the grill. Now, slice the 4 lemons and place two slices on each piece of chicken while on the grill. When you flip them place another two slices of lemon (the juice from the slices of lemon slowly drip down into the chicken) on each cutlet. Besides the fact that it looks phenomenal it tastes even better. Towards the end, sprinkle the parsley on each lemon and serve hot right off the grill.
Wet/Dry Baby Back Ribs
Now I say Wet/Dry because you can eat them either way. They'll be good dry or you can use your favorite BBQ sauce at the end of cooking and brush them wet.
Ingredients: 2 racks Baby Back Ribs, Salt, Fresh Ground Pepper, Cumin, Chili Powder, Paprika, Brown Sugar, Cayenne.
Now in a bowl mixed all the ingredients mentioned and rub into meat. Evenly coat, and place both racks in two ply's of aluminum foil. Wrap them tight and place on hot grill. Med flame for two hours. Flip them over every half hour. If you smell em burning lower flame. If you want to wet them with sauce, remove from foil 10 minutes before serving and brush them down.
Soy Honey Skirt Steak
Ingredients: Skirt steak (Beef Diaphragm), Pepper, Garlic Powder, Honey, Soy Sauce.
Lightly season steak on each side with garlic powder and pepper. Then in a ziploc (I love ziploc's) throw steak in and add about 5ounces of Soy Sauce. Squish around and then add about 4 ounces of honey. But make sure the honey touches the meat, let this rest and place on grill (whole, do not cut yet). Med flame is fine. Here's the key, while grilling squeeze more honey on the meat. I measure it like this, slowly squeeze back and forth once on each side. You want to taste the honey on this. Soy Sauce can be overwhelming so the honey off-sets it and it turns into a salty sweet flavor. Do the honey bit two or three times. Taste a piece for flavor. Serve hot and cut into smaller size steaks. Enjoy.
Beer Soaked Rib-eye
Ingredients: Rib Eye cut steak, Three 12oz beers, 2 oz. Lime juice, Celery Salt, Fresh Ground Pepper, Garlic Powder.
Lightly season steak with celery salt, pepper, garlic powder. Place steaks in bowl. Pour in two
beers and drink the other. Refrigerate, 20 minutes. Take out and while grill heats up pour/mix in lime juice. Grill on med flame to your liking. The more well done the less taste of the beer.
These recipes are good because 1. They are easy to do. I ain't no Bobby Flay and don't want to be. Just good BBQ food from a good guy.
2. You can make mass quantities for large outdoor cookouts.
All recipes must be performed while drinking beer.
Enjoy your holiday!
I found your blog by accident, but your recipes sound delicious. I printed them out -- thanks for the tips!
I'm digging the lemon chicken idea.
A wise man once told me that real BBQ has nothing to do with barbecue sauce. It's all in the rub you use. But at the same time, I dig me some BBQ sauce. Call me a glutton.
Phils salvage the getaway game... at least we didn't totally fuck the series up. It's now 3-3 in the season series. See you back in our house beginning June 13th.
Can't wait. I may even drive down to Citizens BP....
BBQ is all about the rubs. Use them wisely my friend.
Laf, do it. Philly is one of the phriendliest cities around. Its like a home away from home. I have yet to be at a Mets-Phils game where there weren't at least 5-8k other Met fans making their presence felt. And Butch Huskey's ball still hasn't landed.
BBQ recipes? Is there anything you don't do?
If you do, let me know. I'll give you some ballpark tips. Maybe I'll even meet you for a beer at McFadden's.
I don't do Polka.
Steve I will keep you posted.
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