Friday, May 26, 2006

The More You Know.....

Remember those commercials that have a celebrity or "quasi" celebrity say a bunch a nonsense and then some cheesy jingle rings and a voice says "the more you knooowwww" while simultaneously a shooting star with a rainbow streaks across the screen? That saying is in the running for the naming rites of my random thoughts posts. Mango Salsa, Glass Case of Emotion, Sausage & Peppers, When your Bank Says No Champion Says Yes, TPS Report (props to Hater for this one) and Jack & Coke are all finalists.

By the way I posted that Mock Draft. It's under previous posts named :
This Is My Draft.

I hope all enjoyed the BBQ recipe's. I know a little about a lot. Maybe next week I'll post some random facts like those Snapple caps do.

Mets head to Miami for a three game set against the Marlins. Who hopefully shot their load by sweeping the Cubs. Looks like Soler and Duque round out the rotation. I can't really complain. Let's see what Duque brings to the table. Still have Bannister, Maine and the possibility of Pelfrey being available.

Now that Bernadini withdrew from Belmont, there is no reason to even watch the race. I'm not a huge horse racing fan but I've gone to Belmont a few times and it is a fun day but with Barbaro going down and the disappointment of Bob N John, Lawyer Ron, Brother Derek this season has really sucked ass.

Mavs win tonight. It's the equivalent of depositing money in the bank. I don't know about that -7.5 points they are laying though. Grow some balls and take the money line if you need some rent money.

David Letterman's show is still the best. Just a funny guy, great stuff.

Peroni, Stella Artois and El Presidente are in my beer rotation as of right now. But in order to consume a massive amount of beer this weekend I might have to switch to Corona.

Silly wife quote of the week was after the Mavs defeated the Spurs. During the post game interview, on the court with Dirk. As Dirk answers the reporter's question wife says:
"Why does he look like that? His hair is all over and what an ugly beard.
What is he?" "He's German" I say. "German? He looks like a caveman." "Yuck"

By the way this will be a Friday staple in these types of posts.
Silly Wife quotes.
Only when referring to Sports unless she speaks to me during a good movie that I enjoy.

Have a nice holiday!


The Rev said...

You'd better be careful with that Stupid Wife Quotes reference. You don't want the wife thinking you're calling her stupid in your blog. That could be read that way.

I officially vote for TPS reports.

El Padrino said...

Your right. I'll change it to silly. Silly is better, I think?

The Rev said...

Now you're wife will think you're calling her silly.

I would call it "Stupid quotes from my wonderful and lovely wife, who is not really stupid at all".

Los said...

Can't agree with you more about the horse race - when Vinnie Barbarino went down, so did the sweat hogs.

Go Mavs - I like Mark Cuban, mainly because he gives a shit. I know he sometimes isn't very popular with others, but I like owners who make it a point to do everything they can for their team.

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