Friday, February 25, 2011


What is about rain that makes people lose their fucking minds? From driving to just walking down a crowded block people just forget how to function. It's fucking amazing. This morning I saw a guy, no lie, walking down the block with an umbrella that had a giant hole in the middle. His face was wet. Yet he still held the umbrella over his head. Normal looking cat too. Had a suit on. The fuck?

People just get dumb when it rains. I love when people board a train and just stop, like right in front of the entrance. UM, HELLO. THERE ARE MORE PEOPLE THAT HAVE TO GET ON THE FUCKING TRAIN. MOVE YOUR ASS. And then when I give them a nice shoulder charge they get all huffy. Bitch move.

The best is the umbrellas. I don't carry an umbrella because umbrellas are for women. All these cowards that are scared of rain they walk with the umbrella like they aren't an obsctruction. Just walking into a crowd with the umbrella not a care in the world if it knocks a guys eye out or if the water from the umbrella pours down onto someones shoulder. Mindless fucks.

1 comment:

Los said...

So, do you wear a slicker?