Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Don't help the lady, just laugh.


Wiki Entry of the Day

Today I am introducing a brand new theme to the El Padrino blog. The Wikipedia lesson of the day. It will come with a link and a breif summary of the subject. I'v said many times how awesome Wikipedia is. I bet you can home school a kid from it. In fact I may try this with my own kid.

Wikipedia entry of the day.

Summary: Motherfucker was 16 years old when he started running shit. Guy was a pimp. Pimping ferries and ships. He nailed it. People wanted to go places. He wanted to take them places. Started undercutting other transportation companies, eventually just domintating the waters and the rails. Built the original Grand Central Station in NYC. He was such a ruthless businessman he disowned his sons, except for one of them. That one happen to be just as ruthless as himself. Part of his legacy now includes Vanderbilt University in Nashville Tennessee. The Commodores they are known as. I betcha Cornelius has some sort of cloud empire in heaven. Fucking guy.

Nice sideburns bro.

Mornin' reads

First U.S. death, toddler in Texas.

Orlando area theme parks, like Disney, may be affected by a Swine Flu fallout. Even though they have no clue if that one tourist actually had a flu.
(Orlando Sentinel)

Egypt slaughtering all the pigs. Grand idea. Fucking cocksucking muslim faggots. Muslims don't eat prok anyway so they are actually killing christian pigs.

Don't call it swine flu, don't want to piss off any Jews.

Wall Street 2? Shia LeBouf? Gordon Gekko is back?

A few weeks ago I linked Seeqpod, a music search engine that allowed you to search for songs and save them to a playlist that would stream on your pc. Well it seems as if they caused some ruckus within the industry but will be bought which sould lead to a unilateral company that enables people to attain music easier. Maybe like a Limewire.

Power to be the DEMS, Specter flips a script. Faggot.

This is both appalling and interesting. Breaking down the anatomy of the human body back in the 19th century.
(NY Times)

When baseball players get old.
(NY Times)

George Bush, post presidency. Repairing a legacy that some people have labeled criminal. Absurd but true.
(Vanity Fair)

Monday, April 27, 2009

hot dog

I'm skipping the links today. Haven't had any time to peruse the internet, work related shit. How dare they! Did you guys know you can send text message to your blog and it'll publish as a post. I tried on Saturday. Pretty cool.

Swine Flu. Great. Thanks Mexico!

My wife got me a year subscription to Playboy. I'm not kidding. Love is funny like that.

I will now post some pics from beautiful Coney Island, USA.

MMA debut of that cripple

No arms, no legs. But he wants to be an MMA fighter. Got it.
Your not allowed to kick guys in the face? Gay.

Friday, April 24, 2009


I wish my wife liked movies more. I love movies. We should go to the movies more often. Last movie I saw in the theater was Dark Knight, before that, The Departed. Netflix was great when I had it but it became a chore. Like I felt if I didn't watch what came in the mail quick I was losing money. But I think I'm going to re-up. I have alot of movies to catch up on.

Also it seems impossible to murder someone nowadays and not get caught. With all the DNA and stuff. Just sayin. And no I'm not interested in murdering someone. Just watch and read alot of shit and these are the thoughts they provoke.

Carry on my wayward sons.

Mornin' reads

El Pad's 2009 NFL Mock Draft.

Incredibly sad. Sorry.

Apple celebrated the 1 billionth app download for the I-Phone. Remember when Apple was the black sheep on the tech scene?

Great article in Dubai. I am quite fascinated by this place.

Robert Rodriguez is doing something with the Predator franchise. The crazy mexican dude is in it.

Teenage Mutant Ninja live action movie. I have a boner.

Inside the Craiglist Killer.
(NY Daily News)

NY Times piece on NFL draft Guru Mel Kiper, Jr.
(NY Times)

How the defense may go about defending the pirate.
(NY Mag)

Another excellent review of that Tyson Documentary that comes out today.
(NY Mag)

Have a good weekend!

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Good woman driver?

Who says woman can't drive?

Mornin' reads

Crazy story of grifter. Read this.
(NY Observer)

Texas can't really secede from the Union but they can divide into 4 states.
(Dallas News)

Chinese scared that we print money so they are buying all the raw materials that they can, copper being one of them.
(UK Telegraph)

Bama headed to Latin America.

Then IL Governor Blago with solid advice for Suite Lou Pinella.
(Chicago Tribune)

Gunaxin hung out with Manute Bol. Hilarity on the videos guys.

Legalize Marijuana company now a publicy traded stock.
(24-7 Wall Street)

Quick look at the Tyson Documentary.

Palin having a rough go of getting back in the State Leglislature mix.
(NY Times)

The crew from Maersk Alabama are back home.

The Day Cho Happened

VT Remembers.

Quick eery story, I drove right past the exit for Blacksburg, VA on April 16, 2007 after hearing the local news radio break the story of the tragedy that unfolded earlier that morning. I was driving down to Franklin, North Carolina to visit my mother. We had stopped at a Cracker Barrel for lunch in a strip mall somewhere in Virgina (forgot the name think it was Salem) and when I got back into the car, we turned on the radio because the IPOD lost it's juice and I forgot my CD's. Only to hear that a Virgina Tech student, calmly opened fire upon students and faculty killing 32 of them. I quickly said to myself man I wonder if that's close to hear. Knowing from College Football that Va Tech is in a town called Blacksburg we went back to Interstate 81 having no idea we would pass the University. What a eery feeling. Listening to people call in to the radio, crying, telling stories, etc. Then passing the exit, a cold crisp air took over, through the trees you can see some buildings, not knowing if the University is actually that close to the Interstate but that didn't matter. For a minute we felt compelled to get off the exit and check out the area. Choosing not to we kept on going, sort of silent and sad.

Just totally weird that I was in the area when this national tragedy happened. My heart sincerely goes out to anyone that may have lost a family or friend 2 years ago.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Flip-Flop Talk If I May

I want to talk about flip-flops for a minute. Up until like 2 years ago I would say. I was reluctant, as a man, to wear flip-flops. My fear was that they make me look gay. Being as mostly women rock the rubbery thong sandal. I mean I even lived in Florida and didn't own a pair. Rocked Jordan's to the beach and just was gangsta with the whole not caving in to wearing a women's shoe.

However more and more trusted retailers began to make them and market them to men. Places like American Eagle and The Gap as you can see gave men a decent option from the rag tag rubber $3.99, a tad gay looking thong flip-flop. No doubt those maybe useful for wearing on the beach or beating a small dog but I don't think a man should rock the rubber thong flip-flop anywhere other than the beach itself or to throw out the garbage. Call me crazy. Mandals like the one's Romans, Jesus and Russians wear like these are unacceptable to me. If you wear these and are my friend I will punch you in the throat. Immediately. Also the active ones, pictured here are also out of bounds. So choose your sandal wisely men. You don't want to give the wrong impression.

I Search The Internet So You Don't Have To

If your fat, you pay twice.
(CBS Chicago affiliate)

Navy saves US ship from another Somali Pirate attack.

Youtube clip of this woman has hit the 5MM mark. Even Simon Cowell said nice things. My question is how do you have a set of pipes like that but go undiscovered. Even if your ugly there is the Opera route. Cmon Susan Boyle. Be creative.

Schemer finds his shit is catching up with him. Meet Pang.(Clusterstock)

Can't wait to see these results. Stress Tests for the banks.
(Fox News)

Tea Party nonsense on April 15th.
(Fox News)

The rich have a friend in Michael Bloomberg.
(NY Times)

Wonder Women not looking so good there.
(Picture is Unrelated)

Man vs Python.

10 dumbest things said by Rush Limbaugh.
Coincides with this full piece on
(Vanity Fair)

Wolverine has a Twitter.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Afternoon Delight

Whoever is trying to be cute and buy a Smart Car to be "green" please press play and write a will.

Unrelated.........un update to a link earlier last week.

I see your 3 billion and profit, Well Fargo and raise you 50 billion in capital that you will need.

Ok i'm really done for today. Still disgusted.

I Search The Internet So You Don't Have To

The dirtiest McDonald's out there.

The Obama Rocks button did not help Mr. Spector.

RIP Marilyn Chambers. You had a great set of tits.

Obama loosening up some Cuba restrictions.

Insufferable to a tee, Boston is already counting on grabbing 4 championships in one year.
(Boston Globe)

Rookie mistake.
(Chicago Tribune)

Obama invited gays to partake in the Easter celebration on the south lawn. Disgusting.
(NY Daily News)

That last link just makes me sick.

Bothers me on so many levels. To invite a group of people who Christinaity denounces to our country's home on the holiest day of the year is fucking cocky, and arrogant. Plain wrong. You want to support Gay rights then go ahead. But don't do it on Easter Sunday.

I'm done for today.


Fainting is cool. Also not, Glenn Beck rocking jeans with the upper torso dressed in a suit. TV life is good.

Friday, April 10, 2009

Holy break

Good Friday, Easter weekend. Enjoy my peoples.

I'm on break until Monday. Happy Easter.

Thursday, April 09, 2009

Subway Thoughts

I had to keep my eye on some crazy dude this morning on the train. Kept pacing, kept his hands in his pockets like he had a gun or something. I had my moves down, if he pulled a gun I figured I'd do the drop and roll, pop up forearm shiver to the nose. Chop to the arm hopefully gun would fall, kick it away and hopefully my fellow straphangers would help me detain the guy until police arrive. I always have a plan. Plan B was to use the lady sitting next to me as a human shield. She kept coughing and it was fucking annoying.

Mornin' reads

Wells Fargo reports Q1 Earnings, 3 bill-yon. If you believe that I have a bridge in Brooklyn to sell you.

Texiera feeling the wrath of Baltimore.
(Baltimore Sun)

Bernie Madoff but more brazen.
(NY Mag)

Hack whips that ass when bitches and whores puke in his cab.
(NY Post)

Bernanke piece.
(Wash Post)

No such thing as Global Warming. What the fuck. Am I the only normal person alive? Stop wasting moeny on non-existent shit.

HBO-Sony planning Obamadocumentary movie. I'm stoked.
(US News)

Couch surfers, perfect for the frugal traveller. This seems crazily cool.
(NY Times)

The tale of two depressions.
(Wall Street Pit)

Tuesday, April 07, 2009

Buy in Bulk

Costco/BJ's/Sam's Club.

Let's discuss.

People are savages.

End of discussion.

But serious everyone frequents the supermarket warehouses right? Sure they save you money but man what a pain in the ass going there. Massive amounts of people most of them are retarded and not in the downs sort of way but like literally so dumb they can't walk and push a shopping cart at the same time. The employees could care less if you died right there on the floor. The checkout employees are so nice, except not really. In Brooklyn the place gets so crowded that you have to actually park in a satelite parking lot, which is a clean block away from the entrance. And I hate crowds. Who does. Yeah shopping at these places save you money but they don't save you any time or stress.

Mornin' reads

Quake Toll over 200, I was thinking on the way in about this. Italy has some of the oldest architecture in the world, which also means they have buildings that have been standing well over a hundred years something that is not exactly conducive to a fucking earthquake.

Crazy Canadian steals a Cessna plane and meanders around 3 states until he lands to buy a Gatorade in Missouri. Strange.

Ponzi scheme #2 says it's not a Ponzi scheme and he is in the fight of his life. I don't believe him but now I'm interested in how this plays out.

Computers and baseball.
(NY Times)

The brewing of "lambic", a Belgian specialty. This is a must read for true beer fans.

Obama with a surprise visit to Iraq.
(Fox News)

Sad ending in California. Missing girl found dead.
(Fox News)

What is a man?

That Hangover trailer I linked Saturday will have a sequel. That's how strong the trailer tested.

Soros predicting long lasting slowdown, this guy is pretty investment savvy so he might be right here.

Wiki entry of Rasputin. Skip to the murder part. Dude did not want to die.

Saturday, April 04, 2009

The Hangover

This could be the funniest movie I will ever see.

Quick note

Linked to the right is the AL Preview on LOV. Enjoy!

Thursday, April 02, 2009

Food message

I don't think we, as Americans, don't have enough variety in our diets. Chicken, beef, pork and that's it. Other countries eat some weird shit but I linked a goat article the other day and now I'm feening to try some goat. I watch Iron Chef all the time and look at some of the things they whip up, some of it I wouldn't touch but most I would ravage. Bugs actually do look appetizing on Bizarre Foods and on Anthony Bourdain's show the duck sandwhich he devoured in Vietnam looked incredible. Let's stop being plain jane and try some new shit.




I Search The Internet So You Don't Have To

I mean Biden is the best, he talks bout how the stimulus money is for places like this while he is at a Firehouse in a small town yet those funds were actually funds that came from the Bush Adminstration. This guy is a laugh a minute.

Bitch about your flight here.

Detroit not known for too much of anything these days but the Final Four is there and the Freep has some restaurants or bars that are not run down to check out.

Recession pictures from around the world, sad and I don't know why I am linking this. Getting sick and tired of reading credit problems or recession related articles.
(NY times)

Where is Jay Cutler gonna play next season?
(Denver Post)

Slideshow of this summer's movies.
(NY Mag)

Amy Poehler, I love her (in a funny cute puggle type way).

Lil Wayne coming out with a Rock album, following his 2008 Platinum Rap Album.
(Rolling Stone)

Snuggie is dominating.