Wednesday, November 16, 2011


"There's a doctor in Belgrade that just does this procedure the best of anywhere I've seen it. They take your clitoris and basically, kind of, use certain ligaments and stuff--make it a little bit bigger, release it, wire it so you can take a graft from your cheek...and they lengthen your urethra through it so you can urinate, and they put in testicular implants. You know, it'll be small, but you're going to be able to urinate through it...You'll be able to pee standing up....For me, the ultimate would be able to penetrate and have feeling." - Chazz Bono

If there were ever a senario in which God texted his son Jesus (which I believe happens) the letters "SMH" would be in play here.


1 comment:

Christina said...

to each their own but i still cant wrap my head around it. imagine one day you were holding little emma, so beautiful and years from now she wants to be a man. total mind fuck