Friday, November 06, 2009

Fuck the Yankees

In honor of the Yankees winning their 27th Championship I have written a poem. And it's doesn't ryhme.

Fuck the Yankees and their fans
Fuck them hard and as fast as you can
Fuck your glory and your dumb fucking stadium
Fuck yourself you have a brain made of shit
Fuck your father for making you yankee fans
Fuck your mother for birthing such monsters
Fuck your sense of entitlement for titles that were 100 years ago
Fuck your pinstripes and your fitted blues
Fuck your mystique and fuck your aura
Fuck your payroll and fuck the Steinbrennars
Fuck Waldman, Kay, Francesa and Sterling
Fuck the fans that send me text messages
Fuck the Yankees and their fans

The End.


Los said...

And f*ck those Yankee fans in Philly who have no affiliation with New York ... you are not really fans, you're just a bunch of front-runners. I hope you enjoy your Lakers jersey.

ToddPacker said...

well said, ep

isiah thompson said...

Fuck the Yankees and their fans
Fuck them hard and as fast as you can
Fuck your glory and your dumb fucking stadium
Fuck yourself you have a brain made of shit
Fuck your father for making you yankee fans
Fuck your mother for birthing such monsters
Fuck your sense of entitlement for titles that were 100 years ago
Fuck your pinstripes and your fitted blues
Fuck your mystique and fuck your aura
Fuck your payroll and fuck the Steinbrennars
Fuck Waldman, Kay, Francesa and Sterling
Fuck the fans that send me text messages
Fuck the Yankees and their fans
Fuck the "you have to be this tall (with a hand pointing to 5'10")to sit here" signs around the ball park.

The End.
