Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Oral Copulation By Force

Why are they showing this woman on TV? The one that got attacked by the chimp awhile back? Is there any humility? Will these network executives parade their mother on TV if she was mutilated by a chimp? Fucking Oprah is a giant heifer and whore. GMA would show seals being clubbed if that's what drived ratings. Makes me sick. And I don't get sick often.

The American President should bow down to no one. That was disgraceful.

Climate change is the biggest farce in the history of farces and Al Gore has made more money talking about it than anyone. He's a whore. And fat. Actually he is just like Oprah but instead of a black woman he is a white woman.

I have to admit I am a sucker for everything Christmas.

Does spilling shit piss you off? Pisses me off, I hate it when I spill something, even a drip.

Five Guys burger joint opening up near my job. I've heard great things. I'm stoked.

P.S. Jersey City is a shithole.

Also I had Taco Bell for the first time in like 2-3 years and it was great. Next up, White Castle. Haven't had that in probably 4 or 5 years.


ToddPacker said...

"Climate change is the biggest farce in the history of farces"

religion is a much bigger farce

Christina said...

I say none of us pay our bills until December 22nd, 2012. This way if the world does end we just had fun with our money and if it doesn't we worry about it then. BTW... I had White Castle two days ago. It was sooooo good yet it reeked havoc on my intestines.

Meiz said...

"religion is a much bigger farce"


El Padrino said...

at least religion goes back a couple of thousand years and there is always jesus

ToddPacker said...

"at least religion goes back a couple of thousand years and there is always jesus"

there are religions older than a couple of thousand years that do not include jesus.... the whole notion of religion = farce

Los said...

5 Guys is awesome! You'll love it.

Meiz said...

"at least religion goes back a couple of thousand years and there is always jesus"

The root of all evil

Anonymous said...

Dear Author www.anthonypadrino.com !
Takes a bad turn.