Wednesday, April 12, 2006


Bonds. Barry Bonds. You want to talk about arrogant. Amidst all the talk and speculation that he has used illegal performance enhancing drugs, ESPN airs a documentary every Tuesday night about his life. It's about his baseball life, his family life and his lonely moments when it's just him and the camera. It's also about we the public having a giant banner on our collective forehead that says "STUPID". It's a direct slap in the face. I just want to know how we the public are supposed to believe that this man did not, at any point, inject or ingest or rub any steroid into, or on his muscular body. The only thing missing is the smoking needle. The drug test, the positive one, is the only thing missing from a mountain of evidence that is pretty undeniable. I mean were talking detailed evidence. Victor Conte, BALCO, Jason Giambi, Gary Sheffield, testimonials, and more. The list goes on as long as a Mariah Carey high note.

Maybe it's because we love baseball. And like hearing news that our girlfriend or boyfriend has just admitted cheating on you, we just don't want to believe it. But we have to. It happened. The proof is in the pudding. And the pudding is the evidence. Too much for me. I am not only talking about Bonds either, McGwire was on the juice too. Sosa, yes. Brady Anderson, who freakishly got big and clubbed 50 HR's in 1996, no brainer. It just so happens that neither of these former players are on the verge of owning baseball's most sacred record. And you don't see any of them with a reality show, rubbing it in our face.

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