Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Seeing a man die isn't enough for you, you gotta be close enough to smell his nuts cook?

I'm so busy at work it's a crime. I got so much shit to say too. Sucks.
I lie and bed thinking of things and I want to get them on paper (blog).
But by the time comes around I don't have the time.

Whining is fun.

Either way here's a couple of thoughts.

Broken leg of lamb on Sunday. Grilled, 2 hours, 250 degrees.
Rosemary, Garlic, Lemon, Salt, Pepper, Olive Oil, pinch of Parsley.

Bear Stearns. I'll have a lengthy post on this shortly. Still trying to wrap my head around it.

Barack, Barack, Barack. Too many issues concercing religion and race. I'm afraid you just won't make it. McCain 2008! Cuz Hillary wouldn't win a pretty pig contest even if all three judges were Porky, Ms. Piggy, & Wilbur.

My baseball fantasy draft is tonight. I'm pumped.

I'm off til Monday. Hooray.

Olive Garden sucks ass. And you all know it.
Rev back me on this. The food is terrible and not even authentic Italian cusine.

Anal Fissures sound terrible.

George Carlin's new stand act on HBO is funny, as usual.

Happy Easter if I don't hear from you cats.


ToddPacker said...

"Olive Garden sucks ass"

yes it does

ToddPacker said...

title of the post was too long so i'll comment again:

"Olive Garden sucks ass"

yes it does

ToddPacker said...

movie quote sounds familiar... i'm going to cheat and look it up

Los said...

Funny you should mention Olive Garden. There was a commercial a few years back - a guy is talking about his grandma coming over from the "old country," and he decided to take her out for some authentic Italian cuisine ... at the Olive Garden. Seriously? What are you trying to do, get her on an early flight back?

El Padrino said...

i'm glad we are in agreement

Keef said...

What about if it's an Olive Garden that is in NYC? It's gotta be ranked right up there, right?

El Padrino said...

Negative Keef

The Rev said...

I'm backing you on the Olive Garden.

I've only eaten there once. And I find it is good if I go in with the mindset that I'm not going to be eating real Italian food. If I lower my expectations up front, I find it's an OK meal for what it is.

But it pales in comparison to any local single family owned Italian place. I would scoff at anyone who tells me that Olive Garden is real Italian food.

The Rev said...

That being said... they're opening up a new Olive Garden near me and I thgink the wife wants to go to it.

I can't teach her anything.

The Rev said...

Oh yeah... almost forgot...

Obama 08!

Anonymous said...

NYC Olive Garden >>>>>>>>>>>>> Any other Olive Garden, hands down.