Wednesday, December 16, 2009

I'm an adult

Don't give into peer pressure, you are an adult.

Like if you are out in a bar and one of your boys wants to go somewhere else but you want to go home fucking go home. Don't take no shit. Let him call you a pussy if he wants. A Pussy is good, it's soft, warm and gooey like a fresh chocolate chip cookie. You tell him watch this pussy go home then bitch. Get off me.

If you don't like something speak up. For instance I don't like American Cheese. I know I'm fucking crazy right, no. You are crazy that shit adds nothing to any meal. Shit is processed, gets spit out of a machine. I like real cheese. Like Cheddar, Mozzarella, Swiss, Parmagiano Reggiano, Locatelli, etc. Cheese that gets made. Not created. Fucking american cheese sucks and adds very little flavor to anything. Fuck american cheese. Don't stare at me cuz I don't like american cheese on my burger, if you have some other cheese options than hook me up if you don't than you are the crazy one. Shit is cheese product not cheese. Get off me. Don't let some fool clown you because you don't like American cheese.


Both of you order a burger, you without cheese
Cheese ends up on both burgers
You make a stank face and bitch about it
Your boy starts clowning you, just eat it how don't you like cheese anyway
You go back at him, I do like cheese just not cheese product bitch
You send it back or if you fear the mexican will spit on your shit you scrape off the cheese and make due.

Either way don't eat it in it's orginal state cuz your a man and you stand by your likes and dislikes. Get off me.

For my New Yorkers out there, only give up your subway seat for pregnant or handicap women. You are tired too and deserve a seat. Don't let people look at you and force you to get up when you don't want too. Fuck that. Pretend you are sleeping or constantly rub your knee if you feel like justifying why you are not getting up. Old ass Chinese people can't be that tired. Don't these people have chairs at home. Get off me.

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