Monday, August 16, 2010

Luxury Mattresses

Hey El Pad readers, I got a treat for you. If you live in the Northeast area and are in need of a luxury mattress check out this link : Saatva.

This company is like but instead of shoes they sell luxury mattresses. No storefront, one warehouse, manufactured themselves and sold exclusively online. This is no scam. Google the company yourself. I'm telling you this because I have a small part-time position there and can profit if any mattresses get sold using the above link. Nothing more important than a nice sleep and a heavy dump. And since I can't help you with taking a heavy dump I can help you get a nice sleep. Keep it in mind when in the market for a new mattress.


Los said...

Would Philly be considered the northeast area?

Christina said...

and give up my Vera Wang mattress??

El Padrino said...

sure los