Wednesday, April 04, 2007

adult life sucks

Haven't had many chances to post, my work is cockblocking bloggin.

Quick rundown of the last few days look something like this.

Baseball started, yeah. Lets go Mets.

Smith and Wollensky with the boys = stupendous

Weather blows.

Office Ogre gives me agita daily.

Wrestlemania was great.

Gollum has fungus on his lip and still eats garlic.

Babel was like reading chinese.

I need new suits.


tem said...
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Mama en Fuego said...

I think you should get some used suits that smell like old cheese from Goodwill, then again, the Ogre might try to eat you and Gollum dry hump your leg. Perhaps you should just go to Dillards...

El Padrino said...

i dont know what Dillard's is

BLUE said...

Dillards is like a cheap Macy's or an expensive JC Penney, you take your choice.

Mama en Fuego said...

I prefer to think of Dilliards as the other white meat.

Los said...

So, Wrestlemania was great??? I wasn't too excited about it this year, for some reason. I was happy to see Kennedy win the Money in the Bank match, though.

El Padrino said...

los for the undertaker match and the cena/michaels match it was

also i enjoyed the ECW match, i was a fan long before ecw was bought out by the devil (vince)

El Padrino said...

i'll go to macy's

Crassius Maximus said...

Wrestlemania was the most physical that it has ever been. Wrestling is fake, but the bumps are real.