Monday, April 30, 2007

Ojos Update

Doc said the blurrrrrrrry-ness should subside in about a week or so. Depends.

But, I do have 20/20 vision now thanks to that purple "laser" that penetrated my eyeball late wed night. I have to admit I thought the blurrry-ness would be gone by now but I'll have to be more patient.

Being on the computer and at work isn't helping. But I got skillz that pay the billz and I gotta be here, you know, I don't want anyone thinking I'm replaceable. Smell me?

I got eyedropz for days and this is just an update.......................

Have a shittastic monday.


Anonymous said...

"shittastic" - are we talking shitting in the shower or stepping in dog shit, shittastic?

Please advise

El Padrino said...

shitting in the shower, of course

Mama en Fuego said...

My mom had the blur for little while too but now she's all good and LOVIN' being contact free.

Rock on El P!

El Padrino said...

sweet, thx db

The Rev said...

Mini Me, stop humping the "laser".

Crassius Maximus said...

I heard bong hits help glaucoma, maybe they could help here...

Sincerely, NBA player