Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Dear Nipple Man

I have to talk about something. And we all know I am not a homosexual, not that there is anything wrong with that. Well there is but that's another post so for now I must talk about men and nipples.

Open letter to men who work in an office:

Please stop buying shirts that allow your nipples to protrude through the shirt. And if you do buy these said shirts please put on a Ginny-T (A-Shirt for you midwesterners) underneath the shirt so no nipple protrusion occurs. One of life's mysteries is why do men even have nipples but who am I to question the magic of Jehovah God. They must serve some sort of purpose and maybe one day we will find out. Until then please keep them from staring me down through your 80/20 Lycra Cotton beige polo you picked up at Nordstrom's the other day. It's disturbing.

Thank You and Regards.

P.S- To the guy who fills up 8 cups of coffee from the Flavia machine while people wait behind you : Die.


Spaceman Spiff said...

I have forwarded this memo to bobby flay

C... said...

God must be a managerial accountant. He is saving on scrap and waste material and made only one template for each gender. We all start off flat chested but the only thing he has to change is mold for between the legs.

El Padrino said...

A frugal god. I can buy that.

Los said...

I have a problem with the hairy guys who were a button down shirt, but no undershirt, so the hair seaps through the shirt.

I am a hairy guy, and I have the common courtesy of wearing said undershirts.

Superstar said...

My students asked me today what the purpose of the male nipple was for...
I just thought your post was ver non gay male bonding...and yes, us ladies have the same questions!

El Padrino said...

well thanks los, we appreciate your kindness

and super you have some smart kids

Crassius Maximus said...

While you're at nipple shirt dude, what's the deal with these shirts stiched in such a way that they make dudes appear that they have big traps when clearly, they don't? It pisses me off because I actually work hard on my traps, and for what? So some douche can get a shirt that fools everyone?

El Padrino said...

let me get on that crasssss

just like shorties wearing platform shoes

Anonymous said...

Wait. Crass is Teejer? Teejer is Crass? I'm confused.

Crassius Maximus said...

That's inside..

Mama en Fuego said...

I know why men have nipples. So they can stupidly go get them pierced and then claim they did it cuz they were drunk.


Fairmaiden327 said...


Anonymous said...

I don't mind it. What I don't understand is the need for men to wear multiple shirts... like one t-shirt over another. That's lame. If a guy has a nice body, why not flaunt it? Also, just like women, some men have flat nips and some have pointy. Don't discriminate against the pointy. Finally, men have nips because they're erogenous. No one wants to say this, but it's true.