Thursday, September 20, 2007

This, That and This and up

I really hate the fat guy (easy 400lbs) with the soul patch on his chin. It's one thing to have the gonads to rock a soul patch but it's entirely another thing to have 8 chins and have the said soul patch look like a small bush on a plain of rolling hills.

My main beef with cheese is what's the point? American cheese more specifically. It does not have a significant taste. If it doesn't provide a twist on whatever your putting it on what's the point? It's only going to make you fat. The reason why America is fat is because of three things.

Over-indulgence. Soda. Condiments/Dressings/Dipping Sauces.

Cheese would fall under over-indulgence I guess. I mean your ordering french fries already, is it imperative that they come slathetred with cheese? AND believe me I over-indulge all the time. Half this rant is coming from personal experience but I'll be damned if one day I wake up and I can't see my wedding tackle cuz my fat stomach is in the way. Fuck that.

The retard who orders a salad and then pours a 1000 calorie dressing over it is not only a retard but might be insane. Or the mental midget who orders a big mac with a diet coke.
What is the thought process there? Please don't tell me Diet Soda taste better than non-diet soda cuz I'll punch ya in your teef if you do.

Go the extra mile.......

when trying to ruin someone's day.

A little effort. Laziness is a plague but it's fun. How many days do you think you've all wasted by sitting on the couch and doing absolutely dick all day? Isn't is awesome. Meanwhile some Indian kid is programming a computer and re-writing programs in hopes of one day taking a job away from an unsuspecting middle aged American named Joe. Terriffic. And this is Bush's fault too right.

Atta boy O.J. Way to flash those roots.


iamunstoppable said...

these are the writings of a brilliant man.

Anonymous said...

great post EP, it's over indulgence/instant gratification....

the internet, drive throughs, etc.

Americans have turned into giant tubs of goo.

If you really think about it, it's all Al Gore's fault.

El Padrino said...

Then why does the man get a standing ovation wherever he goes?

Did I miss something? WTF?

ToddPacker said...

i like diet coke more than regular coke..... i think i'm addicted to the chemicals

Los said...

I've never been a huge fan of cheese. In high school, I used to scrape the cheese off of the cheeseburgers we got for lunch. This is also probably why I'm not a big fan of Italian food - specifically Lasagna - way too much cheese.

ToddPacker said...

"This is also probably why I'm not a big fan of Italian food - specifically Lasagna"

los, that statement boggles the mind

El Padrino said...

wow los, we can get a beer toghether but after that straight home

well it makes sense being as ypu a meat and potatoe guy

Crassius Maximus said...

I gotta tell you dawg, I dig fromaggio, but you are right on about American cheese as it really is flavorless.

El Padrino said...

crass seconds


Anonymous said...

Keith HATES Pulp Fiction.


ToddPacker said...

i gonna tell line was funny as hell, meiz

Anonymous said...

...After I finish this cigarette...Im goin' joggin'..