Tuesday, April 14, 2009

I Search The Internet So You Don't Have To

The dirtiest McDonald's out there.

The Obama Rocks button did not help Mr. Spector.

RIP Marilyn Chambers. You had a great set of tits.

Obama loosening up some Cuba restrictions.

Insufferable to a tee, Boston is already counting on grabbing 4 championships in one year.
(Boston Globe)

Rookie mistake.
(Chicago Tribune)

Obama invited gays to partake in the Easter celebration on the south lawn. Disgusting.
(NY Daily News)

That last link just makes me sick.

Bothers me on so many levels. To invite a group of people who Christinaity denounces to our country's home on the holiest day of the year is fucking cocky, and arrogant. Plain wrong. You want to support Gay rights then go ahead. But don't do it on Easter Sunday.

I'm done for today.


Los said...

At this point, Boston fans are more annoying than New York fans ... but not by much.

El Padrino said...

and you phily fans are a real party let me tell ya