Monday, August 17, 2009

The most interesting man in the world.

I have this unbelievable desire to become a wedding singer. No idea why or how this came about. Whenever I go to a wedding and see a live band I cringe because I know the party won't be as good. Live music is nice but a dj and lights and shit are half the party. People dance when a DJ is spinning shit ya know. Yet I want to sing in front of people and get paid for it. So bizzare. The thing is I don't even know if I can sing. I doubt I can. I think it's just my quest to be the most interesting man in the world. Like that Dos Equis guy. I bet he can sing. And play the bongo's. Other things the most interesting man in the world must know/do include:

Flying an airplane.
Handcrafting a ship in a bottle.
Building houses.
Make your own beef jerky.
Play the guitar, piano, saxophone, trumpet, drums and harp.
Handpaint nude woman.
Certified to give old school Thai tattoo's.
Shoots a bow and arrow with deft accuracy.
Races cares, notably 1960-1979 vinatge Porsche's.
Salsa dancer.
Dog whisperer.


Keef said...

You don't need an apostrophe to make a word plural

El Padrino said...

in my world i do

ToddPacker said...

mr. as. knows apostrophe's*

Christina said...

hey... I thought my band was pretty good!